vaporlocke81 - v a p o r l o c k e여든한
v a p o r l o c k e여든한

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719 posts

Dinner And A DJ Coupon

Dinner and a DJ Coupon

DJ Alex Haley in tha house!

More Posts from Vaporlocke81

13 years ago

Gift Ideas

Beth: (watching a Kays jewelers commercial) I've never had a charm bracelet.

Me: you want one?

Beth: No. It looks faggy.

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13 years ago
A Beautiful Sight That I Got To See Every Weekend For A Month

a beautiful sight that i got to see every weekend for a month

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13 years ago

Money Making Ideas

#9- A chain of wedding chapel / restaurants in Wisconsin called 'Matrimony & Cheese'.

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13 years ago


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13 years ago

What Up!?

So. I haven't run my game in about a month... no surprise there.

Been working part-time at a liquor store for the holidays. I can't feel my feet.

Most likely starting a new full-time job soon, I hope to god it doesn't suck.

Christmas is looking grim this year... but after 30 it tends to do that.

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