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Magic Time
“Magic Time”

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More Posts from Venolfy
„Dancing with you is like black heaven”

I'll be honest. I like this ship and I will create many arts with them (I can't be lazy, please). I don't care if someone thinks they are sisters, the same person or that Allison can't be shipped with Alice or anyone because she's married to Tom or even that she killed her :)
I've read a lot of comments on pinterest and reddit, but most people on reddit don't agree with what I probably think, so I'd rather not argue with them when I see them because I know it would be pointless and just a waste of my time ^^
"Our face". Through these words, everyone can interpret their relationship differently. Other actresses, personalities, voices. Created from Joey's mind in completely different way, with differences.
Even if their cartoon character is an angel and they're adapted to her together, I don't consider them sisters or clones, just different people, enemies who could get along somehow instead of fighting.
Some people might see something wrong with shipping them, but I also have a lot of ships that don't suit a lot of people that I really love and they need more attention.
I really don't care because no one can change my mind on this. I like this ship, and I also like to ship Susie with Allison in the real world, just like their ink versions.
I wanted to write my opinion as short as possible, but as you can see, I can't write short, I always end up writing too much! >.<

The biggest fan from whole Pandora
“New Year Kiss"

Another year.
They made it. It was a difficult road for Jack.
A road full of decisions, fears, truth, pain and tears.
He still felt the feeling of helplessness, pain, rage and happiness at the very end.
After so many years, however, he tried to forget about what happened, enjoy what he gained and remember that the decisions he made were right.
If he allowed revenge to happen, he would go crazy. Then he wouldn't be himself anymore.
He would disappoint his family, whom he loved.
His evil deeds were hidden in Rapture as a secret from the surface.
And not only his.
He spared those whom he couldn't kill when it was probably right for him to do it.
Even if Tenenbaum felt that revenge was the right thing to do in these cases and wouldn't turn her back on him if he did it.
He couldn't forgive Frank all these wrongs right away.
His wounds needed time to heal.
They were not easy to heal or hide.
They still existed. In his mind and also in his nightmares.
They couldn't leave that easily.
However, another year came and new challenges he wanted to face up.
He decided to be strong for his family.
He let them to help himself. And he let himself to help them.
Even those who were new to his life.
It was a difficult task. He had to find the strength to overcome his past.
Jack made Frank realize by forgiving him that he had made a lot of mistakes himself.
He became a monster because of fate, which gave him pain, lack of support, loneliness and no love.
They couldn't go back and fix it.
But Jack saw Frank trying to fix himself and trying his best to make him and his family forgive him for all the pain he had created.
He also showed his support, feelings and attempt to forget this pain, which, however, was difficult to reject.
He never told this to Frank, but later forgave him everything.
It gave him relief forever.
He was ready to forget most of the pain.
And the kiss Frank had created earlier was like one of the happy memories of his life.
There was only one problem that had existed for him almost his entire life.
Frank's change and that kiss caused him to see an Atlas in front of him that never really existed. The one he trusted before.
Previously, he could easily see Frank in the appearance of Atlas, who wasn't actually Atlas.
But now he couldn't forget about Atlas.
Neither in appearance, nor in behavior. Only the voice was always different.
He forgot about Frank, but he saw Atlas.
This change always caused him pain.
Atlas never existed, but he saw him always before himself.
Atlas caused him hope, but also pain.
He could still see it.
Like at one point, he felt like he couldn't manage to push the knife away as he when stabbed his back.
But after that he saw his real face.
He would gladly shoot at Fontaine face.
The nightmares always made him aware of the terrible pain and the fact that he should have eyes around of his head.
They also made him realize that he still should not trust Frank, about whom he also hid the truth from the surface.
Frank. Fontaine. Atlas.
He always saw these three personalities in him.
Both of them were fake, they didn't exist. But both of them were real, connected and still trying to repair themselves.
Because of that kiss, Atlas came back.
Atlas who wanted to save his life.
Atlas, whom he had come to love earlier.
It was Frank who became him.
And by changing, he caused Atlas to come back.
However, his mind had to have only the truth.
It was just Frank.
Atlas has always been dead.
Tenenbaum didn't understand it like he did.
She didn't leave them alone without knowing the truth.
And when the time came and she had to come to terms with it all, she left Jack and his family to their fate once she was sure they were happy and safe together.
She let Jack live as he always wanted. Just like he dreamed about it.
Just like the girls dreamed about it.
Just like Frank dreamed about it.
She also allowed herself to live the way she dreamed of it.
Without pain, it's hard to forgive all that remains with the ruins of Rapture.
She returned to new home. On the surface.
Still wanting to believe that Sinclair was out there somewhere, safe and sound.
Just like everyone who was important in her life.
Couldn't the world can be less monstrous?
If it were up to her. It would make their fate less painful...
This would be a big cost.
Rapture was just the beginning.
This may have been partly the case.
There is only one ending, but it would be nice to see no bloodshed.
Not everyone feels the desire for revenge. Some people want to give themselves time and forgive those who hurted them.
It could have been the same in this case.
I once wrote a private fiction (I write only for myself because of my bad english grammar) in which Frank lives on the surface but pays for his actions.
Then it is written in such a way that after many years he changes due to time and Jack who visits him in the prison.
(But more canonically accurate I see there when Frank living alone and grow old like Lamb after BioShock 2, but there's is a little difference between these two lives)
When I was writing this idea, I wrote a description of the years of Jack's life, mostly, and the moment when Frank returns to his life as a completely different person, but permanently under the name Atlas on the surface.
Regretting every harm and every mistake made.
Jack then risks everything, but his decision to let Atlas be in his life was the right one.
There is then trust, repairing the past and beginning love between them.
And so it continues until the end of their days.
There may be a bit of sadness at the end due to the years and the death of the characters, but I don't regret writing it.
Atlas died first and Jack didn't want to say goodbye.
Of course. It could also be that Frank takes revenge while he's free, but that don't sit well with me.
I prefer to think about a happy ending and I think that a different ending in which we wouldn't have killed Frank means that he is different after x years, that he has changed.
I prefer the idea that he is this monstrous character in the canon and future events and time change him rather than the fact that Atlas and Fontaine are two separate characters.
It's not a bad idea, because I have him as two separate characters in two ideas and a few renders for the future, but I prefer what I described above.
It seems to me that Tenenbaum would like to change the fate of everyone and if she could, she would sacrifice her life for the fate of those she loves. If only they were happy.
Someone doesn't have to agree with me, but everyone has a different opinion. And that's exactly what I have in my mind.
Now BioShock 2.
I won't forgive the creators for what they did to Sinclair (When I think about Tenenbaum who will never know about his death, my heart bleeds) and that Lamb could be left alive.
While it doesn't hurt that much, it would be a lot better if Sinclair could live his life on the surface like Tenenbaum, Jack, little girls, Eleanor, Delta, C.M Porter and others.
It's just fiction and you can change everything, but even if I can do it with text, fics and arts, you won't change the canon.
It often seems to me that I get too into what I write, but I can't do much about the fact that I'm sensitive to everything >_>
„Smile, my sugar!”

I was interested in this game. I don't remember it that well, but from what I remember, Harley never met Poison Ivy in this game. So I decided in that case (if it were possible) it would be Selina or someone else. So I decided that Harley would be the one to free herself from her relationship with the Joker (John) thanks to Selina/Catwoman. Even if she's not nice and good to John, she will repair that, but not feels inthe same way like before in relationship with John. Selina is the one of her heart now.
„Another place. All alone.”

One bad move and your life will be in danger. Ashley got too much of it. It's too late to be scared. She has to escape from this situation...
And Sorry I made her hair too dark. She has lighter color.