Ace Attorney Trials And Tribulations - Tumblr Posts

Look at this man. A Baby.

I recently had a dream where I got into a fight with Godot from Ace Attorney in a basketball court and he picked up a pink vending machine and hit me with it so if anyone who knows about dreams wants to explain what this means
"I think Phoenix is trans" "I think Apollo is trans"
You fools. Literally every single character in Ace Attorney is trans, that's why they all have the weirdest fucking names

One day I saw recolor for Miles Edgeworth clothes on his wiki photo on Pinterest and long time ago I was like: Why not to make this?
So here I am, but I couldn't decided which color for their wedding clothes will be, so I create more than one ^_^

I love all of these and I love that they are official.
Gumshoe, Cody, and Lotta not knowing what a Wii is in the first one.
Edgeworth getting Will's autograph in the second. And Max Galactica doing a trick for Maya and Pearl (lemme headcanon it as the anime version he's a much more likable character there)
Desirée protecting Ron from Gumshoe (leave my boy alone, Gumshoe!) in the third. With Mia talking with Godot and Iris teaching Bikini how to play on the wii!
I love these so much!

So I’ve finished Trials and Tribulations case 1 and I wish Dahlia Hawthorne a very pleasant DIE

At home sick so pigley is playing ace attorney trials and tribulations with me.

Cringetober prompt 18:
Fandom AU
For this prompt I did not only one, but two drawings for @okartichoke ace attorney au, which is called ace avian! Why two drawings? Well originally I was going to just do the DiagoxMia one, as I haven't drawn these two enough and I knew they were some of Okartichoke's fave characters.
However, it turned out that at this point he hadn't yet made a design for Diago yet! I thought he did but nope, my brain just made up a post concept (´-﹏-`;). So I started working on the other drawing whiletalking to him about the art I was making for his au. Which lead to him making a design for Diago/Godot and sending the designs to me so I could draw Diago :D! but I still wanted to draw the backup drawing cuz I really liked the post and I enjoy drawing Mia and Maya, so I kept working on it :3.
If you want to know more about the au here is the master post from Okartichoke here, though in short, it's just ace attorney but they got bird wings :P. and I wanted to force myself to draw wings so I knew I had to draw this au for the prompt!
Overall I'm very happy with these drawings, especially the Mia and Maya one as I feel like I drew Diago a bit too skinny oops, hopefully next time I'll draw him better >:-). plus the second pic is my first time drawing Mia in a non-canon outfit so that was fun :-D. Also I didn't quite understand what tinted wings mean for the Fey's, I could of just asked Okartichoke about it, buuuuuuut I instead looked at his art of the Fey's, and took some artistic liberties with colouring the sisters wings, hopefully you don't mind (plus I still gave Maya heterochromia, even though she technically doesn't in the au cuz Okartichoke draws her with dark brown eyes, cuz I like to draw her with heterochromia :P).
Also, both Mia and Diago are touching each other's wings cuz I remember an ace avian post mentioning that was considered an intermate act in this au so I figured it should include that detail because they're so in love XD. Also idk how I feel about Mia's top being pink, maybe it should've been black or yellow but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I should probably stop rambling now XD