veryveryswag - I'm a slut for curly fries
I'm a slut for curly fries

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28 posts

Veryveryswag - I'm A Slut For Curly Fries - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
Murhurr Mphphuuprurr Hurr Mph
Murhurr Mphphuuprurr Hurr Mph

murhurr mphphuuprurr hurr mph

Murhurr Mphphuuprurr Hurr Mph
1 year ago

My family makes me want to kill myself

1 year ago

Any Hellsing fics that explore Alucard’s trauma ?

1 year ago

Obsessed with the way he sounds like he’s about to cry here

2 years ago

I want that old lady with her stupid fucking sword to dissolve in a pit of acid

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2 years ago

Michael Myers when Reader tries sucking his dick to survive

Michael Myers When Reader Tries Sucking His Dick To Survive
2 years ago
Another Christmas, Another Billy To Add To My Collection

Another Christmas, another Billy to add to my collection


2 years ago

its kind of amazing to me how many people come away from watching hellsing seeing alucard as this unshakeable badass vampire which like he is to some extent but also throughout most of hellsing hes suffering from major amounts of ptsd and panic attacks which almost none of the characters are privy too because alucard cloaks himself in said unshakeable badass vampire image and even especially when only integra catches on because she remembers that her father described alucard as truly nothing more than a sobbing child whose lost everything

im saying this mainly bc the first thing that always comes to mind whenever i think of alucard is that. we see his feelings hurt Multiple times throughout the series but especially whenever people give up on their lives when faced with him. when luke valentine called him a monster alucard drops all his intimidation tactics and excitement about a fight and just somberly kills him. when that brazilian soldier kills himself out of fear we see alucard enter a full on manic ptsd state where he lashes out at seras and is talking like hes still in wallachia on the battlefield. when hes fighting alhambra and rip van winkle and all of milleniums forces he always loses any and all enthusiasm he has for fighting the moment they give into their fear and call him a monster.

like for what is supposedly in-universe this intimidating monster that can never be understood, alucard is so emotionally vulnerable with basically every major character he fights, he mourns anderson, he understands why walter betrayed them, he responds to the majors resolve to find glory in battle and death, he so genuinely wears his heart on his sleeve in most cases that it’s almost hilarious that characters can’t really catch onto his character.

walter couldn’t understand why alucard turned seras into a vampire and it really starts and ends with “she wanted to live and I didnt want to walk the night alone”, and integra knows that she won’t be around forever so she doesn’t mind it.

2 years ago

Say what you want about Rob Zombies Halloween, love it or hate it, ya gotta admit that Mr Zombie probably knew EXACTLY what he was doing by casting Michael to be a 6’9 beefcake.

2 years ago

Reblog if you're an idiot, a real dumbass

2 years ago
veryveryswag - I'm a slut for curly fries
2 years ago

He's so goofy I love him

He's So Goofy I Love Him

Army of Darkness Ash has a special place in my heart

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2 years ago
veryveryswag - I'm a slut for curly fries
2 years ago

You know what so disappointing about like the Rob zombie remake of Halloween it's the fact he only took like the basic premise of the first Halloween instead of taking like the chaos comic of Halloween cuz the comics even though not canon are really good and he could have done like a campy type thing it would have been really good and bad shit insane

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2 years ago

The world if people stop denying that Alucard is genderfluid:

The World If People Stop Denying That Alucard Is Genderfluid:
2 years ago
My Girlfriend Has Been Getting Me Into Horror Lately!
My Girlfriend Has Been Getting Me Into Horror Lately!

My girlfriend has been getting me into horror lately!


2 years ago

I'm fucking hate Gatorade I hate looking at dumb idiot bottle face it's so disgusting people who drink are so disgusting I fucking hate Gatorade

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2 years ago
Hottest Man Alive Part 2!!! Because The Last One Did So Well

Hottest man alive part 2!!! because the last one did so well

Hottest Man Alive Part 2!!! Because The Last One Did So Well
Hottest Man Alive Part 2!!! Because The Last One Did So Well

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2 years ago

Women are great

2 years ago
2 years ago

People who like slasher movies are hot

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2 years ago

Boobs are great, not only does it feel good to squeeze, boobs saved all of us. Amen to boobies

2 years ago
Me With Everybody's Mom And A Whole Time Life Span Of The Univers

Me with everybody's mom and a whole time life span of the univers