John Doe X Reader - Tumblr Posts
My Hero~

I did this some months ago but haven't really pisted it anywhere but the comments in a private group, eheh... Sorry
I just wanted to show my love for my other pookie: John Doe, my sweet creepy prince, my hairy precious boy, my pretty thing, my everything. He saved me from another dark period in my life and I will always love him for that 💖💖💖
Can you do a John doe x scene reader?
Ofc!! ^_^
🌈In the my space era, he would ALWAYS be on it, even if he didn’t know how it worked!
🌈 He LOVES to watch you make kandi bracelets!
🌈He may or may not wear some of your bracelets when you’re away :3
🌈Doe loves your fashion sense and will just watch you style your hair or put on your eyeliner while looking in the mirror <3
🌈He will love to listen to the music you listen to and will just stare at you vibe to it ^_^
🌈Doe loves the individuality of humans so he will be open to almost anything you’re into!
🌈He probably LOVES invader zim too!!
🌈John Doe will try on your clothes and have a whole ass fashion show in your closet/room lmfao
🌈If you draw in the scene art style, he WILL hang up your art and probably frame it
🌈He will also try to mimic it because he thinks it’s really cute! XD
🌈In conclusion, he loves you and everything you do and he will support you no matter what!!
I had this random thought but...
Why do I feel like John Doe would like, Connect toes with "you" idfk why but I feel like he would and it's so goofy 💀 like, bro would slide up and be like "hey shawty bae let's connect toes" with his disgusting gross but sexy ass 👁️👁️
Pls someone dm me to rp with me I am begging
I am willing to do anything atp just to have someone rp
I like
Anything Rory culkin related
Certain slashers
Scott pilgrim
Genshin impact
Scopophobia (frost bite, John Doe, purple.. etc)
And like so much more. Please please I beg of it dm me

John Doe Valentine’s Day art
John Doe headcanons

⬆️ That fella up there
(Canon: Bisexual, Fluid-Nonbinary, 20-40, 'Regular Guy' is his species, always messy hair, hair can move on its own, pupils expand when excited, tongue is a cute heart shape, too many teeth, his teeth aren't dirty, just naturally yellow, scars aren't because he's 'sad', doesn't know how to wear his jacket right, 112 pounds, 4 fingers on each hand, three toes on each foot, 5'8, tongue is very long, naturally black nails, shirt changes every time you look at him, has eyelids and chooses when he blinks, body has a clay-like texture, he doesn't have any organs but can for them if he or you chooses, and he has a hard time closing his, mouth fully.) All of that is canon, and I'm referencing the canon ref sheet from the actual creator of the game. You can find it on the John Doe Wiki. <3
He can't seem to get the hang of technology. No matter how many times you explain what to press and click and download, he didn't seem to be interested. Not until he found out that he could contact you through it, that is.
He immediately tried to understand it after finding out he could talk to you while you were away, instead of following you to work. That's not going to stop anytime soon, though. He just can't handle you being away!
Purrs, kind of. Like if he's happy or something, or just feels positive in general. Curls up when he sleeps, always in the fetal position when he sleeps, as weird and uncomfortable as it may seem.
He likes animals but won't get any because he feelsit'll take some attention off of him, and we can't have that, can we? No. Prefers animals like rats and snakes because they fascinate him. Doesn't understand their 'workings' as he says.
Doesn't need to blink. He doesn't have the need to wet his eyes, considering that they're for show. Sleeping, as well. Doesn't feel the need to sleep, but he learned how, in his own way. It's not sleeping, exactly. It's more of a state of tranquility and peace. The first time you fell asleep, he thought you died, never having seen a being sleep. He understands now, though, so it's all right.
His hair is very weird. Sometimes it's soft, fluffy, and sometimes stiff and matted. He sheds a lot. It doesn't matter what he's done or is doing, his hair gets everywhere. He's not allowed near the food when you're cooking, because you don't want hair for dinner. He says it adds flavor, seeing it as a way to be closer to one another.
Likes piercings. He enjoys the thought of having needles go through his skin to add element to his body, but not vice versa. Refuses to think about you getting hurt, even if you assure him it's fine. Will not allow anyone, including yourself, to hurt you.
Likes fire. It makes his clay-like skin hardened, rather than how doughy it usually feels. Unlike fire, he hates water. Makes him all gooey and slimy, and he doesn't like that. Wants to feel solid-it's better for hugs.
Speaking of hugs, he is practically attached at the hip. Always has some part of him on you and vice versa. Whether it be holding hands, a finger through your belt loop, or just a hand in your back pocket, he's content. If physical touch isn't your thing, then he'll tell you how much he adores you. You don't like words of affirmation? No problem! He'll do anything you need him to! Feel bad for him doing so much? Spend some time together! Whether it be watching a movie, cuddling, cooking (even though he sheds and doesn't know how to cook in the slightest), or even just being around each other, doing your own things. Need your space? Don't have to tell him twice! He'll get you some gifts. You said you wanted something three years ago? Done. Any physical item or thing he can provide to you will be provided. Long story short, he'll do whatever you want.
Wears a lot of different types of clothes. Skirts, pants, crop tops, shorts, whatever. One thing he doesn't love is jeans. He'll wear them, but he prefers sweats or skirts. Can't deal with the feeling of scratchy clothes. Will literally chew them up and throw them away. Speaking of clothes, he steals yours. Especially if they're dirty or need to be washed. Wears them until you take them for the wash. Gets sad when you take them.
His voice cracks occasionally, and he gets so upset about it. Will take a deep 'breath', or the closest thing he does to breathing, and says the sentence again. He doesn't like when it happens and stops talking until you force him if it happens a lot that day.
The first time that you told him you loved him, he wanted to cry, even though he can't and doesn't fully understand why people do it in the first place. "Why are you crying?" he asked, squinting. "Because you're suffocating me!" you wheezed. "Oh."
He uses his one-eyed form at home, knowing you understand it's easier and more comfortable. He really doesn't understand how to read all that well, so you taught him. He got the hang of it quickly and likes to leave you notes and texts. He constantly has tabs on you. Whether it be him coming into your job to walk around and talk to you, or him being in his hair ball form and in your shoulder or bag or something. Always around you. Always watching. Always comes back. (I'm so sorry.)
Calls you things like my love, dear, my dearest, sweetheart, gorgeous, beautiful, and things like that. Loves, loves, loves when you call him pretty boy/girl. Practically melts in your arms. They also love when you call them sweet things and mumble sweet nothings in her ear while you're together, especially when you're cuddling. Adores it when you run your fingers through her hair, and a soft purring emanates from him.
It may or may not wrap around your hand when you try to pull away....
That's all for now, guys! I'll be making more of these if I think of them. Requests and asks are open, so feel free to do that! (I'm so bored.) Stay safe, hydrated, and happy! Love you all! <3
Hello! I liked your headcanons on John Doe, can you please write headcanons how would the reader's family react to Doe or how did their acquaintance happen? I just had a dream like that recently, hehe (Sorry if my english is not good ;))
CW: doe being weird; mentions of stalking; weird!doe; GN!reader
Doe had definitely watched you way before ever making a move. Once he'd finally built up all his courage, he made his way into the gas station.
He talked to you and if you didn't give him your number, then he'd persist, telling you how attractive you are, until you eventually caved.
If you accepted, then he'd ask to come home with you, and you will say yes. You will.
He comes home with you! Something might happen; something might not, but either way, it becomes a regular thing.
He's at your house more than hes at his own. Eventually, you start dating, and your parents want to meet your new boyfriend!
You make him tie his hair in at least a ponytail so he makes a better impression. He doesn't like it.
Your mom thinks he's awkward, and your dad thinks so too. But they don't hate him! They say that maybe you could do better, and ask why you chose him. They even ask how you met, to which you answer, "At work," not wanting to alarm them.
They don't hate Doe, but they think you could do better.
I feel like he'd be sooo weird and oddly quiet sitting across from your parents, picking at his fingers and bouncing his foot because he's so worried they'll hate him :(
You assure him that they do like him! They'll just have to warm up a bit <3