Monique - USA - ORIGIN ID: vicarious-sims4. Welcome to my TS4 simblr, where I post about my builds, sims, & gameplay.
377 posts
While Playtesting My Latest Build, A Converted Warehouse Home, I Went A Little Crazy With Taking Photos

While playtesting my latest build, a converted warehouse home, I went a little crazy with taking photos so I decided to share a few. I can’t stop being awestruck by the improved lighting - it makes everything look so much better.
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More Posts from Vicarious-sims

John Wright
Meet John Wright, the sim I created for @jenba‘s modern prairie house.
Download info & CC list under the cut...
Her request was for a male sim that fit the following description: He is a single guy and successful in his profession. He is kind of a neat freak, but he loves art and music and peaceful spaces. He’s probably a little too serious, maybe even closed-off, but capable of great passion in the right circumstances.
My inspiration for John was @jenba‘s crush Richard Armitage (I enthusiastically agree!).
Backstory: John is a creative powerhouse and talented architect who has recently received quite a bit of attention for his work. He has finally reached the level of success and wealth that he can afford his dream house.
Life Stage: Young Adult
Traits: Creative, Art Lover, Neat, Business Savvy (bonus trait from aspiration).
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy
Download in the Gallery under my Origin ID vicarious-sims4
Be sure to check “Include Custom Content” under “Advanced” options in the Gallery.
P.S. I just saw that your sim request was already fulfilled but since I’d already made him I thought I’d share. Maybe you can use him for something else - perhaps make him your self-sim’s significant other ;)
CC List:
3D Lashes Version 2 by @kijiko-sims | Body Hair Version 4 (fine) by @lumialoversims | You Think You’re Hot Stuff Facial Hair by @lumialoversims | Subtle Nasolabial Crease by @niksimcolourpond | Real Lips (facepaint) by @simsontherope | Men’s Waistcoat & Dress Pants (brown & chestnut belt) by @marvinsims
TOU: Feel free to use my sims as base sims or change them however you want, but please don’t claim them as your own. I’d love it if you tagged me (#vicarious-sims) if you use my sims because it would be fun to see them in your game.

Rossi’s Chum-cheria & Gelateria is my second build for the Rebuild Newcrest Challenge. I’m excited to share it!
Rossi’s Chum-cheria & Gelateria is a neighborhood restaurant that serves Italian classics, with special focus on pizza and gelato. The Rossi family opened the restaurant many years ago after moving from Monte Vista and it has since become a neighborhood favorite and was voted best pizza and gelato in Newcrest.
Lot Size: 30x20
Lot Type: Restaurant
Location: Newcrest (looks best on a corner lot).
Cost: $170,471
Requires all expansion, game, and stuff packs.
There are two restaurants on this lot – the pizzeria in the front (3 floors) and the gelateria in the back (2 floors and a roof terrace). Four bathrooms. Both lots are fully furnished on the ground floors. The pizzeria has a cozy bar and more seating on the second floor. The remaining floors have been left unfurnished to do as you please.
Staff clothing and custom menu settings have been selected.
Play-tested as both customer and owner.
Download in the Gallery under my Origin ID vicarious-sims4
I’d love it if you tagged me (#vicarious-sims) if you use my builds because I’d enjoy seeing them in your games. Feel free to do what you want with the lot, but please don’t re-upload or claim as your own.
Here is my contestant for @ts4dragrace‘s The Sims 4 Drag Race Challenge, which has to be the funnest sims challenge ever created.

Introducing Lola L’Amoureux… this queen is classy, but make no mistake, Lola intends to slay the competition with killer looks, dance moves, and style.
by @vicarious-sims