she/her/ long live rock n' roll/ Deep Purple/The Beatles/Queen/Black Sabbath/Led Zeppelin. Start to listen Rory Gallagher/ELP (Emerson, Lake & Palmer)/Yes/Cream/Blind Faith/Pink Floyd, Traffic
91 posts
Viktoria-sob - Long Live Rock & Roll - Tumblr Blog
What?.....No way
Okay, maybe i'm blind or wrong, but i see here, that Roger is protecting Dave....
Tagging: anyone who wants)
Tag game: Thanks, @waugh-bao ! <3
Rules: 🎧🎵 when you get this, you have to put in 5 songs you actually listen to at the moment. Then tag 5-10 followers to do the same 🎵🎧
1. A&W // Lana Del Rey
2 Shaking the Blues Away // Doris Day
3 Puttin’ On The Ritz // Fred Astaire
4 You Make Me Sick! // Ashnikko
5 Mrs. Robinson // Simon & Garfunkel
Tagging: @doctapuella @the-new-new-romantics @thechonkyfrog @pirateboy @folklegend @keefsteef
Thanks @beardedrainbow for tagging :). (P.S. nice avatar!)
1. House For Everyone - Traffic
2. The Ministry Of Bag - Jack Bruce
3. Had To Cry Today - Blind Faith
4. Black Coffee - Humble Pie
5. Gimme Some Lovin' - The Spencer Davis Group
6. Long Live Rock N' Roll - Rainbow
7. Roxanne - The Police
8. Bike - Pink Floyd
9. Strange Kind Of Woman - Deep Purple
10. I'm Only Sleeping - The Beatles
Tagging: all who wants to join)
tagged by @grunge-flavored-flowers and @highponeystoney thank uu💗
post 10 songs that put you in a good mood
vision thing / the sisters of mercy (MUST be screamed in the car going 90mph)
russian roulette / the lords of the new church
she drives me crazy / fine young cannibals
phobia / fields of the nephilim
death goes to the disco / pulp
cities in dust / siouxsie & the banshees
black magic / jarvis cocker
generator / elastica
state of love and trust / pearl jam
adolescent sex / japan
i tag @martystlouis @visible-disappointment @the-new-new-romantics @the0garden0of0eyes @sibelin @babysuede @drdilfenshmirtz :)
P.S. please, pretend that you don't see my mistakes😂
Okay, i want to thank @lovely-menza for tagging me in this, although i'm not really much into all these games, but today (1 am already) the exception, cause I want to distract myself from this annoying study at least for a while. Okay, let's start.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Well, I was named after my paternal grandmother (well, that's what my parents told me). And although i didn't know her much, because she died in 2016, when i was like 9 y.o., and i saw her last time when i was a child, i know she was a very kind and wise woman.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night 💀. Ye...cool
3. Do you have kids?
I'm 15 lol. But in future, no, i don't want still
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Well, i think so. In my opinion, my friends will say opposite thing, but i guess, yes, i'm a sarcastic person
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Well, idk really. But ig it's the way they talk, look like (i mean their appearance), attitude towards other people, friends who surround them
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I prefer scary movies more than happy endings
8. Any special talent?
Annoy people, although they tell me, i'm not annoying 💀. I'm just overthinker, sorry
9. Where were you born?
Ukraine 🇺🇦. Very beautiful country!
10. Hobbies
Well, i had a hobby, ye. Play the guitar. But now i don't play much because of school and studies. I have drawn in the past, although it was rare and I don't see it as a hobby. Maybe, my hobby is listening to music, discover some new live performances (one person helps me with that, and i so appreciate that. Althought he won't see that, because he hasn't Tumblr, but yeah). But listening to music, well, i'm addicted to music. It's like my drugs. I'm in my headphones 24/7, and i'm trying to listening rock music everywhere and under any circumstances. To sum up, ig i'd have an actual hobby if u had more spare time.
11. Have you any pets?
Yes, i do! I have a cat named Baghira (like the panther from the Jungle Book). Alsoni had a dog, but he died long time ago, when i was a child. I cried a lot when i learned that he had died. He was a friend to me, when i was a little. But i git used to it, and now we have just the photos and memories with him. Rest In Peace, my friend
12. Sports you play/have played
Hm, i just like volleyball, badminton, tennis, football (can't play) too much! but I can't develop the skills to play because I don't have many friends, and if I do, they wouldn't play these games with me
13. Height
176 cm (idk, i want to be taller. I'm weird, i know)
14. Favourite school subject
Ha, nice question actually. if we had normal teachers, I would have liked more subjects, but they spoiled my whole attitude towards it. Well, i can say Algebra, Physics (it's tough sometimes, but it's okay. Life isn't easy), i started like Chemistry, we just have a new teacher, and we started LEARN Chemistry, actually learn (although again, this subject is tough a bit, but my friend judt helps me with that a bit, so i understand it) and PE (idk why no one almost likes PE, it's a nice subject)
15. Dream job
Word "job" is killing me already 😂. Because when your parents torture you with questions "what your future job will be?", "look, other your friends and cousins win the school olympiads, what about you?" and i feel like i'm nothing for them. Well, okay then. So...i just want to find a normal, interesting job for me, with 9-5 working hours, and that i can spend also enough time with my future pet and family
Well, thank you for that opportunity talk out 😂. I'm tagging @apparentlyfivebelievers @thespiritofvexation @milkyway-ashes @gomme-savon @dschhh @esusul @creamenthusiast @cinetherat @beardedrainbow @jonesyjonesyjonesy @childoftheriver @alexlifeless @ritchie-is-my-darling @youre-no-good @pageys-tea @rock-aesthetic-y and anyone who wants to join too! Well, you can ignore it, okay :). Many of these people i tagged don't know me, i'm just following them :). Have a nice day/night!
Jeff Beck, Tatjana Patitz, Lisa Marie Presley....this is gonna be the worst year 🥲

From Ginger Baker facebook page
Happy New Year, y'all! ♡
Jam Stew - Deep Purple
reblog and put in the tags your favorite instrumental version of a song
thanks for tagging again @beardedrainbow :D
well, it's hard to choose, i'll try:
1. Had To Cry Today - Blind Faith
2. I'm Only Sleeping - The Beatles
3. Black Coffee - Humble Pie
4. Great Gig In The Sky - Pink Floyd
5. Fairies Wear Boots - Black Sabbath
tagging @thespiritofvexation @milkyway-ashes @jonesyjonesyjonesy and others, who want to join)
I was tagged by @holzel and @camilabarbara to share 5 songs I like (thank you, lovies 💕):
1. Saturday in the Park - Chicago
2. Feel The Benefit - 10cc
3. Silly Love - 10cc
4. From Now On - Supertramp
5. I Saw The Light - Todd Rundgren
tagging: @fancycolours @burn-on-the-flame @baycitystygian @classicrockcasualty
Oops, I'm sorry for doing the pinterest moodboard tag game before you did it 🤭 but thanks for tagging me <3
Oh, it's alright, don't worry :), and of course, just love your blog, so i decided to do that ♡

At least i tried :D (P.S thank you for tagging @beardedrainbow <3)
I'm tagging
@thespiritofvexation @milkyway-ashes (oh sorry, just saw that you did it already, sorry) @ritchiewhitemore74 @jonesyjonesyjonesy @childoftheriver and other who wants to join :D
new tag/reblog game!!
open pinterest, make a moodboard out of the first nine pictures that show up, and tag your mutuals!
here’s mine:

tags: @gg-is-a-loser @curseofaphrodite @knifeskiss @puppy-coded @staygoldwriting @pxgeturner @ghastlyred @arakhnee @authorofemotion @sw34terw34ther @marlenemckinnons @starstruckwillows @masivechaos @ell0ra-br3kk3r @kazoosandfannypacks @duchess-of-mischief @curiouscornfieldcryptid @silverpaintedstars @bookdragon1811 @applebittenn @juneberrie

Mood, mood and mood
Finally it's happening, waiting for Deep Purple 🥳

Cream in Denmark (Nov 1967)