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Sketch Of One Of My Characters.

Sketch of one of my characters.
Your guess is as good as mine where that thing's been. I have no idea why he thinks it's a good idea to put it against his mouth.
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For all that I usually think of this character as being this age, I don't think I've ever drawn any finished-ish pictures of him being older than his mid-20s.
And then I remembered why when I tried to. My samefacey generic shit doesn't lend itself well to drawing anything outside the box. =(

Not sure who cyberpunk guy is or what he's going to be wearing as he surveys his city, but I do know that it's courtesy of listening to too much Vangelis in the very wee hours of this morning. Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?

Replayed FFIV, now playing the sequel. So much fun for a 20 year old game. *___*
Kain's probably one of my absolute favorite final fantasy characters. He's just so charmingly stupid.

Jun's EBZ character.
Mostly just an excuse to play with textures and fabric.