vilify - fresh hot problematic faves
fresh hot problematic faves

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928 posts

Sketch Of One Of My Characters.

Sketch Of One Of My Characters.

Sketch of one of my characters.

Your guess is as good as mine where that thing's been. I have no idea why he thinks it's a good idea to put it against his mouth.


More Posts from Vilify

13 years ago
For All That I Usually Think Of This Character As Being This Age, I Don't Think I've Ever Drawn Any Finished-ish

For all that I usually think of this character as being this age, I don't think I've ever drawn any finished-ish pictures of him being older than his mid-20s. 

And then I remembered why when I tried to. My samefacey generic shit doesn't lend itself well to drawing anything outside the box. =(

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13 years ago
Not Sure Who Cyberpunk Guy Is Or What He's Going To Be Wearing As He Surveys His City, But I Do Know

Not sure who cyberpunk guy is or what he's going to be wearing as he surveys his city, but I do know that it's courtesy of listening to too much Vangelis in the very wee hours of this morning. Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?

13 years ago
Replayed FFIV, Now Playing The Sequel. So Much Fun For A 20 Year Old Game. *___*

Replayed FFIV, now playing the sequel. So much fun for a 20 year old game. *___*

Kain's probably one of my absolute favorite final fantasy characters. He's just so charmingly stupid.

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13 years ago
Jun's EBZ Character.

Jun's EBZ character.

Mostly just an excuse to play with textures and fabric.

13 years ago
I Should Stop Drawing Ffiv Fanart And Go Fight Demonwall But I Have This Rule Against Fighting Demonwall

I should stop drawing ffiv fanart and go fight demonwall but I have this rule against fighting demonwall three times within a week. Whose idea was it to put it in the sequel TWICE? No one liked that guy to begin with.

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