Fangirl of the following fandoms: David Bowie 👨🏼🎤, DC, Marvel, Harry Potter, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes 🐍/ The Hunger Games, Crescent City 🌆, etc.
28 posts
Lizards And Pumpkins (Part 2)
Lizards and Pumpkins (Part 2)
AU Young Leto Atreides x fem reader
Part 1 Below:

Summary: After the events of the ball and the old, Leto is appointed the newly appointed Duke of Caladan and has finally found the maiden who has won his heart. Will he accept you as you are?
A/N: Though this story was intended to be similar to Disney’s Live Action Cinderella (2015), it will start to go a bit off of that storyline.

As you are being brought to face the newly appointed Duke Leto by Captain Duncan Idaho , you have a lot of thoughts running through your mind. Some of these thoughts consist of: What will the kingdom think of me if I stand by him? Does he feel for me the way that I do for him? Will this relationship last if it goes further?
Going down the steps, you take in your appearance. A light blue dress with a brown petticoat and a white headpiece covering your hair.

Leto looks at you with a smile on his face, happy to finally be in your presence after weeks of searching for you. “Who are you?”
In response, you answer, “I am (y/n). Your grace, I am no duchess. I have no carriage, no parents, no dowry. I do not even know if that beautiful slipper will fit But, if it does--will you take me as I am? A good honest country girl who loves you?”
“Of course, I would. But only if you'll take me as I am, an apprentice still learning his trade. Please…” , he looks at you pleading. You nod.
Leto invites you to sit on a nearby chair as the Captain looks on with a smile as he places the slipper on your foot. To the surprise of neither of you, it fits perfectly.

You then take his hand and walk out with him out to the palace.
*This was a very short story. Wondering if I should write a chapter about their wedding and honeymoon.
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More Posts from Vintagegirl01
Witches Brew
Hunt Athalar x female witch reader

Summary: Hunt has been at wits end trying to get Shahar to notice him. When his efforts don’t work, he seeks out a witch in hopes of finding a way to win her over. Never did he think that you would be the key to what he was missing in life.
A/N: This story is based off the lyrics from Witches Brew by David Casper. Always looked forward to hearing this song during and at the end of Halloweentown. Hope I did the song justice with this fic.
Hunt crept out of bed. For he had a goal in mind.
To win over the love of his life, Shahar.
Since joining her ranks, he’s been trying anything and everything he could think off to try getting to talk to her outside of the battlefield. Though, she pays little attention to him unless she needs something from him.
Therefore, he decided to seek the help of a witch to help him.
So here he was in the dark waiting for the witch. Hunt could only hope that she would take what he had in exchange for some help.
As his mind delves more into thought, Hunt feels a presence behind him. He turns around and looks down to see a figure in a cloak of black.
Though the sight beneath the cloak caught his breath. For it revealed a face that made a chill run down Hunt’s spine
Your beauty hypnotized him. Though, what stood out about you the most, was the gentle smile you wore. Not one that he often associated with powerful witches.
You then smile and take his hand, leading him into your lair.
The lair was not what he expected. Instead of it being creepy, it has more cozy vibes that gave off warmth. The warmth that was within you he assumed.
You then walk up to the cauldron and begins stirring up in the concoction.
You then look up at Hunt and says these words.
“All I need is eye of newt, wing of bat, a long black whisker from a big black cat, spider legs and wolf hound fur, poison ivy and a hemlock root.”
Hunt looks at the beautiful witch surprised. “Really? For a love potion?”
You shake your head at him. “I’m kidding. I’m not giving you a love spell. Though, here is some tea. ”
Hunt looks at you in confusion before taking the cup of tea. “Why? I’m willing to pay you whatever you charge.”
He takes a sip of the tea and is amazed by the taste. It was mint tea with a hint of sugar and lemon.
You smile at him. “I only wanna help you, dear. You want somebody and you wish she wanted you. Though this way isn’t the way. Love potions are temporary. They dont inflict real feelings like everyone believes.”
The male frowns. Seeing him this way makes you sad. Therefore, you get an idea.
“I've got the perfect cure. Just take my advice and she’ll fall in love with you for sure.”
For the next few weeks, you and Hunt spend time together as you help him work on his romance skills to charm and win Shahar.
Within that time, you and Hunt have gotten to know each other to the point that you two have developed a close bond. In fact, you started to feel yourself falling for him.
Though, you refuse to say anything as he has feelings for another. Plus, you don’t want the relationship you have with him to become awkward. So you keep these feelings to yourself. Besides, you’re happy just being his friend and are willing to help him achieve happiness in anyway possible.
Even if that happiness doesn’t include you.
Hunt is waiting for her in the park, a few minutes after dark.
He’s hoping that she got his message.
It isn’t before long until his thoughts are answered as he sees you smile and wave at him before walking up to him.

“Hunt, how did your meet up with Shahar go?”
Hunt smiles at you. “I didn’t meet with her.”
You smile instantly turns into a frown. “Hunt, I’m so sorry. I…”
The tall, gray winged angel puts a finger to your lips. “You are what I have I been missing, (y/n).”He then moves a piece of hair behind your ear. “Here I was pining for a woman that didn’t care for me when the woman of my dreams was in front of me all along.”
The two of you closed their eyes and shared the first of many kisses that you’d both share with each other.
How Would the Moon Boys React: To you not say “I love you back” when they leave based on the internet trend below: https://youtu.be/8mgnRIf3eG8?si=lhOPm1_xxKoC1vVN

Steven is at the door with his satchel and coffee in hand.“I’m leaving for work, love. Have a good day! Love you.
“Bye, cutie! Have a great day!”, you respond.
Thinking you didn’t hear him, Steven repeats himself again. You responded the same way.
Steven then closes the front door of your shared flat.“You didn’t say it?”
You look at him confused.“Say what?”
“That you love me”, he replied.
“But you know I love you.”
He gives you those puppy dog eyes.“Say it back. I can’t start my day right without your sweet words. ”
You run up to him and kiss his lips.“I love you.”
Steven smiles. “I love you too.”
He then kisses your forehead before heading out.

Marc is heading out to do a job for Khonshu out of the country. “I’ll be back in a few days. Take care of yourself. I love you! ”
“Stay safe!”
Marc closes the door instantly. “Babe, did I do something?”
You look at him confused. “No, why?”
“I said I loved you and you didn’t say it back.”
You stay silent.
He closes the door. “I’m not going. Not until you say it back. Something could happen out there…”
“Babe, nothing will happen. You know the suit protects you.”
“I need to leave knowing you love me.”
“Oh Marc, come here…”
Marc walks over to you. You give him the most passionate kiss you can. After a few seconds, you step away.
“I love you.”
A wave of relief washes over him. “Thank you! Was that so hard? Nevertheless, I love you too.” He leans in to kiss you again.
Though the kiss starts to get heated, you pull away. “Marc, don’t you need to leave?”
He gives you that smirk. “I can spare a few minutes.”

Jake is heading to the store to pick up a few things for dinner tonight. “I’m about to head out. See you in thirty minutes. I love you.”
Jake’s voice rings through again. “Love you.”
“Bye, baby.”
Jake begins walking to where you are lying in your shared bed.
You begin giggling.
“Alright then. If you’re not saying it, I’m taking you with me.”
You look at him confused. “What do you…ah!!”
Jake picks you up in his arms as he carries you out the door over his shoulder. “Babe, I’m in my pajamas and have no shoes on.”
Loving you is a losing game
Marc Spector x fem! reader (Steven and Jake are mentioned briefly)
Summary: Marc meeting you was one of the best things to have happen to him. However, the demons of his past make him feel otherwise. You help him see that the love you share is one that should be fought for.
A/N: This is what I thought while listening to the song Arcade by Duncan Laurence. Of course with a happier twist.
A/N 2: Purely for entertainment purposes, so please don’t come after me. As I said, I'm still getting used to writing pieces like this.

Marc Spector’s life has never been easy. From the trauma of his young brother’s death to everything he’s during his time as Khonshu’s avatar, he’s felt like a ticking time bomb. Though he’s tried to use his time as Moon Knight to right his wrongs, it never feels like it’s enough.
When he meets you, he begins to see that there is more to life than vengeance. Marc begins to let himself enjoy your presence when he and you hit it off at the gym.
You weren’t a gym rat by any means but you had started a membership in the hopes of getting in shape and learning self-defense by using their punching bag. Seeing you hit the bag by yourself catches his attention and he begins to give you some pointers on how to improve your stance. Over time, this leads to you becoming sparring partners and eventually exchanging phone numbers. Although,this leads to you all regularly hanging out outside your sparring hours.
The day he asked you out was a shock for him because not only did he actually let himself be brave enough to ask the question but you eagerly accepted his invitation. It’s even more surprising to find out that one date led to another. Then another until you both have officially unofficially started dating.
Despite everything going well, he knew that there were things he needed to tell you. About his DID. His past. Being the avatar to an Egyptian deity in exchange to right the wrongs from his ugly past.
This then leads him to begin feeling self conscious about himself. His inner dialogue begins to consist of questions such as: What if he didn’t deserve this chance at happiness? What if she thinks I’m crazy or thinks I’m making this up?
Marc then begins to hear his mother’s voice. Telling him that he is unworthy of receiving love and will only continue to destroy all the lives that he surrounds himself with. Steven and Jake try to snap him out of this but Marc is paralyzed. At this moment, Marc only thinks one thing.
“I have to break up with her before I hurt her”, Marc thought.
“Marc, this isn’t funny. Stop joking, you say.
“I’m not joking. I think we should break up,” said Marc.
“But why, Marc? Did I do something wrong?”
“Of course, you didn’t. You’ve been the best thing to have ever happened to me.”
“Then why are you doing this?” You take your hand in his, looking at him sadly. “Please, tell me why you’re acting as if I’m a disease.”
“Imthedisease.” He says as if he’s trying to rip off a bandage.
“What, baby?”
“I said, I'm the disease. I seep into innocent lives and destroy them.” He looks at you tearfully.
“Marc, that’s silly. What are you talking about?”
Marc then begins to explain everything. From the death of his younger brother to the lives he took during his time as a mercenary. He also makes sure to mention that he is the vigilante, Moon Knight, and has two other individuals living within his head. He concludes all of this by saying, “Loving me is a losing game.”
Once he’s done explaining all of this, Marc is waiting to see your reaction to all this. Will you call him crazy? Run away from him? Scream?
Instead, you take his hands in your own.

“Loving you isn’t a losing game, Marc,” you tell him. I love you and long as we have each other, we can face whatever life throws at us.”
At this, Marc pulls you into a big hug. He lets himself break down because he knows that you’re here to stay and love him. For his strengths and weaknesses, through good and bad times. He knows you will be there for him.
As you two are still embracing, he starts to believe that he is worth loving after all.
In response to @thefangirlfever , here are my 5 top songs I enjoy listening to.
1. Drive-In Saturday by David Bowie
2. Arcade (featuring FLETCHER) by Duncan Laurence
3. Happy Nation by Ace of Base
4. I’m Not in Love by 10cc
5. Face To Face by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Here are the 10 favorites I list that I haven’t heard from yet: @missdictatorme @bit-dodgy-innit @geeky-politics-46 @chrism02 @fxllfaiiry @miguelhugger2099 @cupcakeinat0r @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @ultravioletrayz @melodygatesauthor
I have a feeling we aren’t in the 21st century anymore! (Chapter 3)
AU Young Leto Atreides x fem reader
Part 1 :

Part 2:

Summary: You find yourself in a time and place you aren’t familiar with. Now trying to find your way home, you come across a man unlike any other.
A/N: The reader’s dialogue is in pink and Leto’s is in blue. Also, thoughts will be italicized and any other speaking parts will be in a different color.

“What do you mean you lost her”?
“We’re saying that when we came back to tend to her after talking to you, she was no longer there.”
“Why wasn’t anyone watching her”?
“Because you told us to come outside to talk to you”.
“Yet I’d expect that one or two of you would have stayed inside with her”, he says, a bit annoyed.
The medics look at him, wondering what he’ll say.
“Never mind, I’ll find her myself. She shouldn’t be that far.”
The medics are in shock and one of them asks.
“Your grace…why not have your guards look for her?”
“Because I don’t want to scare her and like I said, she shouldn’t have gotten that far. Especially with her recovering from her fainting spell.”
He then leaves the room with some confused and smirking medics.
“How much do you want to bet he has a crush on her?”
You are still trying to find a way out of this palace. Luckily, you were able to change out of your hospital gown as you found an ripped, army green dress lying around.
I can’t believe how much loose clothes are everywhere.
After placing the hood over your head, you start to slowly walk around the empty hall. From what you can gather, this area must not be used often due to the amount of cobwebs, dust, and lack of light in the room.
Continuing to walk around, you then come across a large, brown wooden door. You push the door gently and walk in.
You enter the mysterious door, closing the door behind you. This room looks to be an office of some kind as you notice the piles of documents and scrolls on the desk.
Walking behind the desk, you take a look at the bookshelf behind it. Curiosity getting the best of you, you grab a random book from the shelf and begin reading through it.
Perhaps I will gain some insight about how I can get home.
As you begin to read through the book, you are in shock about what you find out. That humanity becomes so bad that they not only had to leave earth but that rulers rely on politics and prophecies to keep people in check.
And I thought we had it bad back in the present.
Though you knew things weren’t perfect, you’d never thought humanity would get like this. In fact, you always hoped you would play some kind of role in it getting better.
You place the book back on the shelf. Despite what you have found out, you vow that when you get home you will do something to improve the world to hopefully avoid this future.
Unbeknownst to you, Leto continues searching for you. Although it isn’t until he decides to head to the office to go get something that he is pleased to have run into you quite literally as the way bump into him causes you to fall on top of him. Expecting to meet angry eyes, you are surprised to see that his deep, brown eyes are filled with amusement at the current position you are in. Almost as if he was happy to be in this predicament. Nevertheless, you do your best to get off of him so that he can be able to get up from off the floor.
As Leto gets up from the floor, he notices that you are still sitting on the floor. Though he notices that the gown from the healers you wore earlier is now replaced with a green dress. Rather than focus on how the material clings to your figure perfectly, Leto puts his right hand out in front of you in the hopes that you’ll take it.
“I think it would be best if we took the time to be honest with each other, wouldn’t you think?”
You smile, placing your hand into his own.

A/N #2: I know the gif doesn’t match with reader being on the floor but I truly liked the gentleness of this and what I’d expect Leto would be like. Also, I’m sorry this chapter took a bit longer to put out. Had this sitting in my drafts for a while but had no idea if I should even bother posting it as I had no idea how well received the previous two chapters would be, so thank you all for your patience!