voracious-tales - Untitled

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Voracious-tales - Untitled

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9 months ago

Spy x Family: For the Mission (M/M, Digestion, WG)

Spy X Family: For The Mission (M/M, Digestion, WG)

When you were “Loid” Forger, there was never a dull day. Not when you were at the top of your field as an agent for Westalian Intelligence. The young man was never one to deny a mission including the one that he was currently undertaking. Who’d have guessed posing as a father and husband would have been more complicated than perhaps disguising himself and breaching enemy territory? But what made Operation Strix even more complicated had to definitely be the neighbors. Loid could not afford making any of the neighbors suspicious. So, to avoid the accusations of “being a bad father,” he took his pretend wife and adopted daughter to the aquarium. Yes, that sort of familial trip would make him look normal.

The fake family head to Ostania to attend the capital’s aquarium the Berlint Aqualand. Before he could relax and play along, he became alert again when he saw the same neighbors from the apartment also attending the festivities. But he was lucky that his “wife” Yor was more interested in interacting with them. At least he could slip away without anyone’s prying eyes seeing him leave.

While Yor chatted with the neighbors, Loid decided to buy some coffee and orange juice. Heading towards the confectionary stand, the blonde-haired man went to withdraw some money when the elderly woman running the stand starts to directly speak to him.

“Ah, Agent Twilight, it is good that you are here.”

Loid looked behind him to ensure no one was within hearing distance before looking back at the woman annoyed. “I’m sorry, I can’t accept this assignment at this time.”

He had hoped that saying this would deter the woman, but she continued on as if she was unaware that he had said something. “Our intel has informed us there is reason to believe that a terrorist group is transferring a chemical weapon in this facility.”

Loid again ignored the woman turning his interest over to the beverages. “I just want coffee and orange juice.”

“If you do not accept this mission, there could be great casualties here.”

The secret agent wanted to continue to probe for the coffee and orange juice, but the older woman was still ignoring his order. Sighing, he relents and learns that the chemical weapon was dispensed inside a microfilm that was fed to one of the penguins.

“Good luck, Agent Twilight,” the woman said. Before Loid could at the very least get his coffee and orange juice, the woman vanished into thin air stand and all. Well, that was just great, Loid thought to himself. He was not only given another mission when he was already exhausted, but now he would never get his beverages.

But since he was given the intel that it was primarily a penguin that was carrying the film, Loid quickly took control of the situation and suggested that he and his neighbors all go to Penguin Peak. No one objected, which was great, but the bigger obstacle was figuring out which penguin it was. Fortunately for him, his daughter, Anya, happened to have telepathic abilities due to her being the result of a human experiment. She could read his thoughts and secretly scanned the penguins for any oddities.

“Daddy,” Anya said.

Loid, still deep in the zone, looked at his daughter. He could see that he was pointing to one of the penguins who happened to be drinking a large amount of water despite gagging. This was most likely the bird he was looking for, but he couldn’t help but sometimes be curious with how his daughter has seeming omniscience when it came to something like this. He shook his suspicions out of his head as he still had a mission to fulfill.

However, to do that, he had to blend in with the trainers.

“Alright, newbie,” the lead penguin trainer droned out, “take a few minutes to become situated with the animals before you come out.”

The young newbie nodded to his loud-mouthed superior and headed towards his locker. It was his first day on the job. He had loved penguins all his life and decided to take classes to better learn about the anatomy of these flightless birds. He had passed his interview well enough, but he was always the type of person who would carry note cards for memorizing purposes. After all, the aquarium had well over a hundred penguins and it wasn’t like he could remember their names in ten seconds.

He read off a few cards containing the names of the penguins for a few minutes. There was still that lingering doubt in his soul that things could end terribly for him, but his determination fueled him. After reading the front and back of the cards in what appeared to be an eternity, he returned the cards to a plastic bag of his and slipped them in his locker. Every trainer had a mirror attached to the back of the locker door. He inhaled deeply before forcing the air back out through his mouth.

“You can do this. You have devoted your entire life to this.”

He says his self-reassuring words over and over until he felt pumped up enough. With renewed vigor, he slams the locker door...but is suddenly grabbed.

“What the!?”

A gloved hand covers his mouth to keep him from screaming for help. The assailant then had him in a choke hold. He struggled and squirmed underneath that stronghold, but the older man maintained his grip on the younger man. He must have had years of experience given how thick his bicep was. The air flowing to his lungs began to slack. The more he was being held in that position his face turned first blue then a dark violet. He was slipping away. Fast.

Eventually, the assailant took his arm away freeing the newbie’s neck. The air returned to his lungs, but in a slow haze. Before he could consider running, the older man held his shoulders in a tight grip. His vision, while blurry, was still adequate. From his limited sight, he could see that his attacker had short blonde hair and cold, blue eyes.

“I’m on a mission right now which means I have to take your place. Sorry in advance.”



The newbie’s head disappeared into the darkness of Loid’s mouth. His tongue twirled around and sampled every orifice of the younger man’s face. This was actually not the first time that Loid had to administer this kind of procedure: it was actually taught by him during the war and it served as a good way for him to dispose of enemies. In two minutes flat, the older man slurped his way up the newbie’s abdomen.

Naturally the newbie was unimpressed and struggled as hard as he could. He screamed out in fear but Loid’s heavy slurping, combined with all the tugging, drowned out the echoes of the newbie’s screams. The increasing strain of the heavy meal caused the hem of his shirt roll up exposing some of his rock-solid abdominal muscles.

Ulp , ulp , ulp , ulp.

The newbie’s screaming face pressed against the walls of Loid’s stomach creating a bulge to stretch his outer skin. Loid moaned at the sensation of having fresh meat throb around inside of him, but he couldn’t dare to pleasure himself and get caught with the new guy half-way into his gullet.

The young man thrashed around the fleshy membrane but his blows were absorbed. Gone from the bright light and familiarity, the world was now pitch black and humid accompanied by the internal heartbeat of his assailant. Every squelch rang in his ears.

Loid lifted his prey with his free hands and grabbed the man’s pelvis and chomped on it. For someone who was meh as a meal, the spy could appreciate the plumpness of his food’s hips. Wrestling his hips inside of his maw, his invasive tongue slid on the newbie’s exposed rear eliciting a yelp from him. Loid’s hard abs began to smoothen over because of the additions to his girth.

Slurp slurp.

The newbie’s midsection bulged out of the secret agent’s neck and slid past his chest. Loid curled his tongue around the newbie’s back legs. His prey tried kicking the man several times, but his blows were ineffective and instead spurred the man on. Grunting, Loid sealed the newbie’s toes inside of his mouth. Clenching the sides of his moving globe, Loid’s eyes squinted shut and heaved. The last of his meal squished down his esophagus and the entrance of his stomach opened to welcome him.

He was surrounded by the incessant sounds of the stomach’s drones and the squishy sounds of his body slipping and sliding off the walls. Loid sighed in relief that the worst was over and trudged his way to a bench and plopped down. The buttons on his shirt gave way and sprang across the room with the fullness of his meal reaching its limit.


Loid’s belly wobbled around with the indents of his meal vibrating around. The blonde-haired man winced and clenched his teeth. “I should have sedated you first.”

The walls pressed and ground against the man’s body secreting juices to break him down. Again, and again the walls clamped down on the man sandwiching him and lubricating his skin with acid. It sent chills down his spine with the sensation of a growing pain coursing through his veins. Having done this numerous times, Loid kept some air in his stomach to give the illusion that there was nothing in his stomach.

The newbie’s skin was far gentler than the grizzled older gentleman. If the situations were reversed, it would take about two days at best for the acid to corrode through his tough exterior. But the newbie was melting like butter. It helped that his energy was being zapped away making him exhausted.

Loid pried himself off the bench and returned to the man’s locker. Looking through it, he steals the newbie’s uniform. After all, it was not like he’d need it where he’s going. It was a hassle to slip into the outfit thanks to his food baby, but he managed it. Before leaving the room, a building pressure rose from the bottom of his stomach and bolted from his throat. The newbie’s shirt planted itself on the surface of Loid’s engorged belly covered with spit.

He nestled his belly. The newbie was losing definition. Quickly. Loid knew the man was weak, but even the most persistent of prey would at least put up a fight that would last hours before they were turned to melt into mush. Shrugging, Loid quickly discarded the shirt and headed towards the exit.

“This guy is no rookie,” one of the penguin trainers noted.

Loid was quick at work dishing out dozens of fish to the hungry penguins. There were around 200 of the flightless birds present and yet, he was identifying each individual penguin with startling accuracy. All this especially when he had the newbie stewing in his guts. The others watched Loid in amazement blissfully unaware that he was an imposter. They could have sworn they heard strange noises ringing from somewhere, but they could not put their finger on it.

Soon, Loid singled out the penguin and already had the elaborate cover story cooked up. Claiming that there was something wrong with the bird, Loid confiscates the animal and returns backstage. In these situations, it would have been easy to cut the creature open and remove the microfilm like that, but Loid was not one to recklessly sacrifice a penguin for something like that. But he had to get the penguin to work with him.

“Excuse me.”

Loid turned around and saw a bespectacled man. He smiled warmly at him noticing that he had the animal in his hands. “What are you doing with the penguin?”

“It is sick, so I am treating it.” He had already methodically planned it out in his mind, the explanations were flowing out of him like butter.

“Well, I need to see it,” the man replied.

“Sure,” Loid answered, “but I would like to know who you are.”

The man nodded and withdrew his ID card. Loid read the writing on it before bouncing it around in his hand. Without much warning, Loid bent down and gently scooped his fingers around in the water. Applying the moisture to the card, the truth became clear.

“It’s fake.”

The man, seeing that he was caught, tried to run away, but the spy grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back. The man screamed and kicked for anyone to intervene, but Loid propped his hand over his mouth and pulled him into the locker room slamming the door behind him.

Wet sounds and screaming rang from the outside of the room alongside the succession of squishy gulps.

Yor and Anya had already finished watching the show at Penguin Peak and were looking at more of the exhibits. The young girl became mesmerized by the brightly colorful fish and sea animals from the sunfish to jellyfish that glowed in the dark from bioluminescence. As the hours passed, Loid was still not around. Anya, holding her fake mother’s hand, looked around to see if she could find the signature silhouette of her father.

“Where is Daddy?”

Yor tapped her chin. “I don’t know. He said something about there being a leak or something.”

As Anya allowed her mind to ponder the different scenarios, she was knocked out of her train of thought when she heard grunting. Looking away, there was Loid. Sweat beat down from his forehead this being probably one of the first times he was caught out of breath. He clutched at his sides for some odd reason. In fact, if any took a closer look, Loid looked husky. It struck the young girl as weird: they did not eat a whole meal during their visit, but the normally trim man was now out of shape. His pant legs tugged to his sides now splitting at the seams. His shirt was in total disarray and disheveled.

His potbelly poured between his fattened thighs spilling out over his zipper. More of the fat weighed on the seat of his pants in a muffin. With his bigger assets, he could rival his wife in terms of maximum thickness. That was not a pleasant thought for the poor spy. Fat poured through the seams of his shirt exposing his pale skin for all to see.

Yor was taken aback. “Mister Loid, what...?”

“Eh....I had a.” Loid darted his eyes around the halls of the aquarium looking for an explanation. “Uh, it was an allergic reaction.”

Yor let the explanation digest until she was able to comprehend the implications. “Oh, dear, should we get some medicine for it?”

Loid shook his hand. “No worries. I’ll just...need to rest for a while.”

Yor nodded as he sighed in relief. He was grateful that Yor appeared to readily accept his explanation rather than further probe him.

“Good. I don’t need to tell her that I ate two guys. I just hope I can get all this excess fat taken care of before I am given a new mission.” Loid pats his distended potbelly. “Why did that boy’s ass have to taste so good?”

Anya’s eyes widened from reading her father’s mind. Two innocent men were completely devoured by her dad and are now padding on his body forever. She should have been horrified, but instead, Anya’s eyes sparkled. “So cool!”

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9 months ago

Julian (Trailer Park Boys( Hungerfic

Julian checked the backyard one more time, trying to be more thorough this time just to make sure nothing new had come in. Still the dirt was bare, if not for a tiny stem or leaf. Nothing worth selling, that was for sure. No matter how good Ricky was at growing dope, he couldn’t magically make sprouts spring up after only a few days. As nice as that would be, that wasn’t going to happen. He let his fingers tighten around his glass, his drink helping him out more than ever. It was cheap, and it helped fill the gap from time to time.

His stomach clenched up, giving a hungry, angry gurgle. A perfect combination of little money and poor spending left them where he was, with empty pockets and an empty belly. He had tried to manage the money as best as he could without getting them both in trouble, but by this point they were going to have to start doing something drastic. It had been days since Julian had gotten anything into his belly, and even then it wasn’t anything remarkable. Trying to make sure Ricky was eating ‘well’ was his biggest concern, and by now he was starting to question how ‘worth it’ that even was from time to time. As easily as he wished it was to ban those thoughts, his stomach was quite convincing.

Before Julian could realize he had gotten lost in thought staring at the bare patches of dirt, Ricky came out and snapped him out of it. “Seein’ anything out here?”

Instinctively Julian looked behind him to see if Ricky had come alone, and once he saw that it was just the two of them, he relaxed a bit. “Nothing yet.”

Ricky flicked his cigarette, looking away from the burlier man so he could check out the plants as well. “We’re gonna have to start doing something soon. I’m sick of not having any food around and I’m sick of feeling hungry all the time. A man’s gotta eat, you know.” Already Julian felt his eyebrow twitch, begging for him to comment on how Ricky had been eating better than him. But he didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to. He took a sip from his drink instead, trying to avoid that notion as much as he could.

“Things are just slow right now, Ricky, you know that. I’m trying just as hard as you to get us out of this mess.”

Ricky huffed. “We would have been fine if you hadn’t screwed up your robbery, y’know. I would have been eating like a king by now.”

Julian opened his mouth to say something but was almost immediately interrupted by a loud growl from his empty stomach. He felt his face heat up and he was too late to cover his stomach up to maybe stifle the noise. His fate was sealed.

Ricky pounced on the opportunity right away with a slight laugh. “You feeling hungry, Julian?” He teased, a grin stretching out on his face. “I didn’t know this was that big of a deal to you.”

“It’s not.” He touched his hand to his stomach, looking away from him.

“Frig off, Julian, let’s go get you something to eat.”


Very short, I think it’s kind of sweet. I am considering doing some extensions, this show is priceless.

9 months ago

Gift for my bestie!

Gift For My Bestie!

This one's for my bestie @bluegoo2x2 ! It's their Fighting type Gym Leader OC Roman.

9 months ago

A Demon's Meal (M/M, Digestion, WG)

A Demon's Meal (M/M, Digestion, WG)

“You were able to escort Yaeka without much issue?” Kei Sugihara asked. He was in the kitchen making tea for the Sakuragi clan as usual. They were an infamous Yakuza-based group that made the surrounding area their turf. The righthand man of this organization was simply known as the “Demon of Sakuragi.” Real name Toru Kirishima, he was the most feared individual in the criminal underground.

Like his namesake, he was a mad dog who gnawed at its leash with bated breath anticipating the event of being unleashed and ripping hapless saps to shreds. With no mercy and zero remorse for all the limbs he broke and crime syndicates he demolished; Toru always craved violence it being the sole reason he joined the gang. He was a monster in human’s skin. His thirst for carnage could never be satiated.

That was until he was saddled with the most difficult of tasks by the boss: becoming the guardian of his precious daughter. With that, the Demon of Sakuragi was strapped in inescapable, unbreakable chains and sealed away behind a mental wall. Defanged and his claws furled, there was the seeming end of the dreaded righthand man of the Sakuragi clan.

Toru sat on the couch his arms perched on the back. His foot was propped on the glass table in front of the couch. Every now and then, he brushed his messy short, blue hair and fidgeted with his glasses. He nodded to the blonde man. “Yes, I have. Hope the little lady has a great time at school.”

Kei smiled. He had almost forgotten how long he had known the ex-demon. When he first met the future righthand man of the Yakuza group, Kei was a small-time thief who made the unfortunate decision to rob an old woman’s antique store which happened to be on their turf. Ever since then, he became a contributing member of the Sakuragi clan even if it meant he would mostly brew tea.

While Toru was relaxing on the couch, he felt a slight discomfort. It was a recognizable pang that anyone who was ever alive understood very well. He rubbed his flat stomach feeling the organ undergoing the process of eating itself. That’s right: he had taken the little lady to school and left without getting a bite to eat. Maybe it had to do with some suspicions of rival gangs moving in or something else entirely, but he had neglected the most basic of self-care by depriving his body of needed nourishment.

“Hey, Kei, we got something to eat in this joint?”

“Ms. Kurosaki said something about heading out to gather ingredients for her restaurant.” He placed the tea on the boiler before continuing to speak in his matter-of-fact tone. “ Yaeka did have some left over Ohagi from the time she had her friends over.”

Toru pondered on it. His glasses obscured his contemplative eyes. Sure, he could help himself to some of those sweet rice balls, but what were they really? Just simple starches and carbohydrates. Even eating about three would not be enough to hold him over. Yaeka’s aunt would not be back for a good while; he’d be reduced to just skin and bones by then.

The hunger pangs rattled his walls with growing impatience. There was also the possibility of ordering takeout as well, but even then, it was presented with the same issues that depending on Kurosaki demonstrated. Toru got up from his seat and shook his head. He had no other choice.

Kei was humming to himself watching the tea boil for a few minutes. Little would he know but after this, his services would no longer be needed. This was actually not the first time Toru debated eating him. After all, he was surprised that no other member of the Sakuragi clan – or any rival gangs for that matter – never jumped the gun and sent this long-haired pretty boy down their gullet.

He was a perfect meal: not too muscle-bound, but he was still lean with his fair skin and gentle nature. Kei was by no means a pushover; whenever Toru was babysitting the Boss’s daughter, he would fill the role of providing the “conversation skills” that made him a high-ranking Yakuza member of his own right. But he was also someone that was weaker-willed and often the victim of the brunt of Toru’s subdued ire.

While he took some of the cups for the tea, he felt a tightening sensation around his wrist. In his carelessness, Toru had grabbed his hand. He gulped and slowly, his eyes locked with the Demon. “What are you?”

This was the Demon of Sakuragi that he knew and dreaded. His wrist wriggled and writhed underneath the grip of the seasoned gentleman. He could feel the bones in his hand cracking from the pressure. But his eyes. Good god, his eyes. The Demon’s eyes glazed over from the severe hunger fuming in his stomach. Kei was unable to steady his rapid heartbeat. The hair on his arms and legs stood on end. His fear was bubbling to the surface. He wanted to scream, but he did not want to risk angering the blue-haired man.

“The Ohagi sounds great, but I’m afraid I have to decline.” He licked his chops with a string of drool pooling from the underside of his tongue. “In fact, I have something else in mind.”

Kei yelped. It was admittedly cute watching him struggle against his higher-up. In any other instance, Toru would be irritated with him and do something to give him some minor harm. But instead, he smiled. Instead of a comfortable one, he grinned like a hyena to reveal his sharp canines. Kei buckled his knees together. There were two people that he ever feared: the Boss and Toru.

The Demon of Sakuragi was in his prime again. His partner’s fear was so thick, he could slice it with a knife. Sweat poured from his pores which only provided seasoning for his delectable meat. “I-I know a good place that makes some good okonomiyaki! If you let me go, I could...”

Toru licked his cheek without provocation. Squeamish, Kei moaned in surprise. The salt dissolved on the tip of Toru’s invasive muscular organ. The rich flavor supplied the Demon with renewed energy much like drinking coffee to recharge your body. Wide and awake, Toru tried to relish the taste of sweat for as long as he could. Drool streamed down around the corners of his mouth.

As a shark is drawn to blood in the water, Toru craved the blonde boy’s tantalizing flesh. “Thank you for the meal.”


There was no getting around it: Toru had forfeited his humanity all for the sake of his hunger. The demon within had escaped its binding leaving the human side to rot away in the mental prison. In his madness, Toru slammed the cups on the ground and pitched Kei at the wall. Kei was not even granted a second to catch his breath. He looked up to bear witness to a terrifying sight. His grip becoming increasingly tighter, Toru lowered his head until his hot breath wafted over Kei’s face.

Kirishima’s lips pressed against Kei’s stopping short of having his tongue assault the inside of his mouth. Kei’s heart fluttered at the uncertainty of what he should be feeling. It should be fear, but seeing Toru stare at him with such intensity flushed his cheeks red.

Instead of bright, colorful surroundings of the outside world, Kei was instead thrust into the cramped, inconceivable darkness of Toru’s mouth. The Demon’s taste buds danced around with intoxication at the overabundance of the salty taste of Kei’s flesh pressing on his tongue. It reminded him of tangy pork buns the thought only making him more famished.

Voracious swallows drew Kei’s head down the entrance of Toru’s gullet. Kei tried to breathe but he was being crushed by the tight throat. His face crammed into the rippling walls stretching out the tight skin of Toru’s throat. Echoes of his scream melted through Toru’s neck in ambiguous mumblings until he burst through the sphincter of Toru’s stomach.

Toru massaged his prey’s back and adjusted his jaws around Kei’s shoulders. The Demon of Sakuragi’s hips bucked and ground against the front of Kei’s pants. He never anticipated that Kei would be so fucking good it made him horny. His crotched thrusts against Kei’s uncaring that the blonde man’s back was arching like a terrified cat’s. He was not just the man who would do the devouring; Toru wanted to tease his meal first for as long as he could. Toru pressed deeper into Kei’s front and beat harder.

Kei moaned in a mixture of humiliation, but the butterflies in his stomach filled his mind with thousands of thoughts. Toru dug into the back of Kei’s shirt and tore the fabric apart. Kei winced at feeling the tug happening in his pants. He hated himself for being so enticed by what Toru was doing, but he had to admit it: he was becoming aroused by Toru’s aggression. He should be disgusted, but his throbbing member entered its erect state and groaned for release from Toru’s incessant assaults.

Toru was now halfway down his waist. He lapped his tongue on Kei’s pecs denoting the small hints of muscle to his frame. He was a skinny man, but his abdominal muscles could be felt underneath his skin. He lathered the blonde Yakuza man’s bellybutton drawing out Kei’s suffering.

Toru’s buttons ripped from their seams and fell to the ground to allow more room for the large meal. With Kei being around the same size as Kirishima, he would obviously make for a large bulge. Toru balanced his increasing globe on the kitchen stove the slight movement catching Kei off guard. His belly shuffled around with pronounced dents and bulges.

When Toru crammed the young man’s pelvis into his salivating maw, Kei’s legs kicked on instinct and actually managed to hit Toru for a split-second. Toru used his left-hand and pushed the seat of Kei’s pants not wanting to put his meal on pause.


Kei was completely locked away inside of Toru’s stomach. Forced into a curled position, Kei’s heart beat faster. The rippling walls began pumping and secreting gastric juices. It all should be horrific, but Kei’s dick only became harder because of the sudden tightening pressing into him. He could feel the juices absorbing into his skin and pooling at his feet, but he couldn't help but feel like some carnal sin was awakening within him.

His hips bucked and stretched a dent at the top of Toru’s belly. Toru smirked in amusement. “You seriously gonna jack it while you are being digested by my stomach?”

“Shut up.”

Laughing, Toru plopped his butt on the couch and rolled to his side. Sensing something in his teeth, he picked at it with the nail of his pinky finger and pried a long strand of blonde hair from his teeth. “You are a little slut, aren’t you?”

His stomach sizzled and boiled to life overtaking the young man. He was having the time of his life. He hated himself for being such a pig, but he was over cloud nine. Or it could be that the corrosive acid is scrambling his brain. Whatever the case, he finally reached his breaking point and came. His breath staggered, and all he could do at that point was close his eyes and let the acid take him in its digestive embrace.

Toru pushed the palm of his left hand into the paunch to check if Kei was still there. Instead, he could feel specks of bones and dissolving meat churning. He pulled his arm away. Whenever you have a big meal like that, the best thing to do is sleep it off. He stretched his arms until they popped and yawned.

“At least you were good for something.”

Toru licked his chops delighted that traces of Kei’s taste still lingered on his lips.


“Bye, Yaeka !”

Sarah and Kaeda bid Yaeka farewell and went their separate ways once school ended for the day. She had drawn a picture for her father and was hopeful that he’d enjoy it. After all, she put a lot of work into drawing and coloring it. Her eyes scanned the schoolground for her babysitter.

With luck, she did find him, but something about him felt...off. His shirt barely held the avalanche of his midriff at bay. His arms and legs were plump with fat making his movement lag. The bottom of his paunch muffin-topped above his pants. The seams of his outfit stuck to his body like glue accentuating the curves thanks to Kei padding him up. Each walk made his fattened form jiggle.

“Hey, little lady.”

Yaeka looked at her guardian for a few seconds. Millions, or even billions of thoughts and questions unsettled the young girl. “Are you okay?”

Toru gave a fake laugh and awkwardly rubbed the back of his head with his plump arm. The fat weighed down from his arms like sandbags. “ Of course, I am. Shall we go?”

He held out his hand to the young girl. She could not help but notice his fingers have gone from being thin to the size and plumpness of sausages. Regardless, she took her babysitter’s hand and looked away. Toru sighed in relief. Good, she wasn’t probing for further answers. If he could take control of the situation until they returned to the Sakuragi residence, he would be home fre -!

“Hey, guys!”

Oh, god . He knew that flamboyant voice quite well. It was his flamboyant friend from school, Rei Hojo. He could easily pick out that blonde-haired young man with the ponytail and painted fingernails from a haystack. He needed to get away with Yaeka before he notices.

Rei’s eyes widened in amazement. “Oh, wow, what happened to you, Kirishima?”

Before he could tell a convincing lie, the gay man descended on him and copped a feel of his butt. Toru’s pants were stuck against the blue-haired man’s skin making them incapable of being removed. Toru’s cheeks had quadrupled in size with his bulbous assets slightly spilling out of the back.

Toru blushed. “Please, don’t do that in public.”

Rei giggled. “But you’re so soft and plushy like a teddy bear! ~ ”

Toru groaned. He was not going to live down this ridicule, was he?

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8 months ago

Marcille: Laios, have you seen Senshi? Normally he'd be making dinner at this hour.

Laios: (Still has the dwarf's stout legs in his mouth) Hm- mmmffff... ulp... (pants) Hadn't seen him.

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