Chilchuck Tims - Tumblr Posts
I finish Delicious in Dungeon
I am in love with this Manga, I am in love with all the characters mostly Laios. I just like how happy he gets when he talks about Monsters. When it was near the last chapter (ain't gonna spoil it) I was really sad for Laios like legit was crying a little. I hope everyone reads it and enjoy it as well and the best thing is that they never sexulize anyone and just feels like a warm family.

stream sleep walking orchestra by bump of chicken right NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Happy New Years!
I hope everyone had a good year and I wanna thank everyone who I made friends with and also some anime I got into, I am also hype to watch the anime Delicious in Dungeon that is coming out soon so I am hype af to see all of them animated (especially Laios).

dungeon meshi! just a few hours away! can you believe it? wow!

downtime (long rest)

tiny dad and his tiny daughters🤏🤏

gotta eat em all!
Okay so hear me out...
Both the Touden siblings are autistic. That's not too controversial a take. Senshi is also autistic, also not too hot a take. Kabru is autistic and very good at masking in social situations, and Izutsumi may have mild BPD (difficulties with interpersonal relationships, distorted sence of self, intense emotional responses, eating disorders, risky behaviours) or she could just be a cat and a teenager. My interest here is Marcille... I think Marcille might have ADHD, and it's not just her fussy eating and persistent absent mindedness, it's that combined with her balance.
Tests on wii balance boards, of all things, showed that people with ADHD have consistently worse balance than a control group, and that children with ADHD have significantly more mild accidents due to poor coordination. You even see this in some adults with the "ADHD walk" where they instinctively sway or lean around objects in an exaggerated way as they have internalised a fear of hitting them as they walk... and tallman Chilchuck complains during the Changling arch that Marcille is still clumsy as a half-foot, to a degree that suprises Chilchuck. Add that to some difficulty making decisions despite being very academicly gifted and her occasional executive function failures, and I think ADHD isn't an unreasonable leap.
Interestingly Chilchuck's anxiety was cured when he became a tall man, suggesting that this is an inherent trait of half-foots and not a condition unique to him, so he might be neurotypical for a half-foot, and half foots might just be naturally more risk adverce and neurotic than the other races. He's litteraly the token neurotypical friend in the group, which might explain his long-suffering attitude towards the others.
Or I'm so desperate for good ADHD representation that I'm projecting.
Broke: Chilchuck Tims is child coded.
Woke: Chilchuck Tims isn't child coded, he's a middle-aged, divorced man with grown up children.
Bespoke: Chilchuck Tims cannot be accurately described as either "child coded" or "not child coded" because he is a deliberate commentary on the idea of "child coding" itself.
Chilchuck, and half-foots in Dungeon Meshi in general, are given significantly more neotenous proportions and appearances (e.g. larger heads and eyes, rounder faces) than the other races. This is not universal for depictions of hobbits / halflings in Tolkien / D&D inspired fantasy fiction. Compare Chilchuck relative to the "tallmen" (humans) in Dunmeshi to how small races are drawn in something like Legend of Vox Machina (many of those characters are gnomes but whatever) or in basically any official D&D art. It was an intentional artistic decision to make him look like that. This is reinforced when he's temporarily transformed into a tallman (human) and in addition to becoming much taller he gains features that make him look more visibly middle-aged (stubble, eye bags / wrinkles, a more oval face) that he doesn't have as a half-foot. See also Marcille's transformed form and supplemental drawings of what all of the main party would look like as other races. However they do NOT look indistinguishable from actual children as portrayed by Dunmeshi's artstyle and have distinguishing features e.g. larger ears.
Chilchuck is frequently mistaken for a child in-universe, or treated / perceived as one even by members of other races who know he's a half-foot, and he hates this. His infantilization and that of half-foots in general isn't just a running gag, it's a significant plot point and source of discrimination. Like when the party gets impersonated by shapeshifters copying everyone based on the others' memories of them, and most of the Chilchuck clones look and behave more childish than the real one, and they almost get away with it, even though his party should know better than to think of him as a kid.
The narrative consistently takes the position that the people infantilizing Chilchuck are wrong, and are being ignorant/racist.
Conclusion: Chilchuck is definitely not "child-coded" in the way that a 700 year old shapeshifter that looks and behaves indistinguishably from a little kid for contrived reasons. However, he is intentionally designed to make it seem plausible for people who know he's an adult to still not fully believe it and this can make the viewers fall for it too. Which I guess is "child-coding" in a sense. But the message the work is trying to send is very clearly "Don't decide that grown-ass adults are equivalent to children and treat them like children because they have physical characteristics that remind you of a child you dipshit."
While hobbits aren't real and Chilchuck's traits that get him mistaken for a child are exaggerated compared to the vast, vast majority of real people, infantilization of grown-ass adults due to ableism, racism, or just people being dumbasses who forget short people exist is a real issue, and if you start shit with people for shipping Divorced Dad Chilchuck Tims with other characters or whatever you are displaying the exact attitude that's being criticized.
you know... this is framed as such a silly moment that i didn't really consider it before but...

...laios was the only one who respected chilchuck in this scene.
and of course we know why senshi and marcille didn't. senshi still thinks that's child age, as dwarves' age of maturity is 40, a good 20 years older than chilchuck is. and senshi doesn't have the kind of worldly socialization marcille does that lets her understand in any way that chilchuck is an adult (and even then, she sees him as more of a child than she should, because elven age of maturity is 80 and, well. her relationship with time and aging is weird, let's put it that way). she treats him more like a grown man than senshi does, but it's not saying much. (this isn't a diss against either of them, their backstories more than explain why they're like this, and chilchuck doesn't seem to generally hold it against them except when senshi very openly treats him like a kid.)
laios, though. laios is a tall-man. his age of maturity (16) is only 2 years higher than a half-foot's (14). when chilchuck said "this year i turn 29," laios realized chilchuck was his senior and tried to adapt to treating him that way. (in the context of this series being written by a japanese person, this concept holds a lot of extra weight.)
of course, that wasn't actually what chilchuck wanted, and laios resumed treating chilchuck like a peer instead. (remember, chilchuck clearly defines his boundaries, and laios will happily abide by a clearly drawn boundary. a distressed and angry "quit" is taken 100% at face value.) and what's notable about that is that "laios treating chilchuck like a peer" was already valuing him as an adult. even if he didn't know the exact number, laios knew chilchuck was at least around his own age.
i imagine traveling with dandan helped him understand half-foots enough that his blunders when he and chilchuck started working together weren't generally disrespectful in nature. laios would have been able to wrap his mind around "half-foots aren't kids unless they actually say they are" because laios likes clearly defined rules. chilchuck is an adult? okay, he gets treated like one.
and i think it's just as much them both being short-lived races; if he can wrap his head around "height ≠ age" then he also understands whatever age chilchuck is has to be roughly comparable to his own.
and i just think that's neat! i think it's cool how much laios respects chilchuck and there's a sort of irony to the fact that moments like this are, in chilchuck's eyes, more of a nuisance than a sign of respect. but i mean... laios already treats him right. he doesn't need to do anything different.
i think itscrazy how much chilchuck mothers. ofc izutsumi but marcille as well. marcille is like a young adult fresh out of college and chilchuck is in like. the equivalent of his 50's i think. chilchuck has 3 kids and it Shows. he even mothers laios from time to time.
also im not sure if it counts, but that one scene during the chimera falin fight where he makes mickbell hide with him. i really Really want to know what went on in there. if mickbell just stayed curled up or if he clung to chilchuck. i think hes younger than chilchuck, but im not sure by how much.
anyways half foot marcille definitely had him thinking of his daughters the entire time. imagine ur annoying work friend suddenly looked exactly like ur youngest daughter. fucked up.
Sometimes my inner Kabru goes out and i go "the dynamics of the Touden party is fastinating"
And in this case I mean the dynamics between Chilchuck and Laios.
Why does union boss chilchuck who is well respected in his comunity work with the Touden siblings and why does he go back for Falin?
Reasons why it's odd.
Chilchuck finds laios to be very anoying.
Chilchuck is closer to retirement and this is very dangerous. Rescuing falin and working with the Touden's party is dangerous.
Chilchuck is really good at what he does and respected in his comunity. We can infer this because you can't start a union without the respect of both your peers. But the toudens have a mixed reputation and lead a good but not great party full of weirdos (Namari is shunned by alot of dwarfs, Shiro is a foreigner, marcille an elf mage working in a dungeon.)
Chilchuck does jobs for the money. But there is no clear source of payment in rescuing falin.
All of these are reasons why chilchuck should have been contracting with a group like the Tansu party who have prestige and high pay with little danger.
But instead chilchuck tims works with the Touden's and I think I figured out part of the reason..... and it's right here:

Even though laios's chilchuck was the first be be eliminated due to the wrong neckwear, look at laios's chilchuck's expression. That chilchuck looks more adult and more pissed off. Because laios sees chilchuck as a pissed off adult half foot rather than a grumpy human child. And we know that chilchuck hates to be treated like a child.
Contrast this with that tansu party. The Tansu party is a family business where members are either family/children or cannon folder. It would be well compensated hell for Chilchuck.
So Chilchuck stays with the Touden, not for money or safety, but for respect, even though the respect comes from a madman.

i’m not the first to make this crossover, but it’s too good to resist <3
bonus farcille:

it’s like the one human in a cast of muppets dynamic
[now available as a print and sticker! shop in bio]

the bleh family