She/they || Under 18 || PansexualThis kpop week: TOMORROW X TOGETHERDespite what it looks like, I write for more than just bllk!
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~PJSK Boys When Youve Had A Hard Day
☆~PJSK boys when you’ve had a hard day
(Wa)batle nonsense (author's note):
ok ngl this was so fun to write but i feel like toya is a bit ooc
warnings: none/all fluff

☆~Akito Shinonome
He hates to see you upset, so he’s gonna do everything in his power to make you feel better.
It’s not like he’ll try to make you laugh, because he’s not that type of person
But Akito will ask you what’s wrong and offer you support, no matter what the issue is.
Especially if it’s cuddles and a movie
You would order takeout and find a game to play as well
He goes out of his way to make sure you're extra comfortable and happy near him
“Babe? Are you okay? Come here, you can tell me about it.”

☆~Rui Kamishiro
Like Akito, he also would hate to see you upset, but he's much more direct about it.
He would gently take you into his arms and pepper small kisses all over your face
He would use his robots and inventions to make you laugh or take your mind off of it
When you're calmed down, he'll ask you what was wrong and figure out how to fix it
If you don’t want to talk about it, he’ll simply just let you relax
“What's wrong, dear? Don't worry, let me show you something amazing.”

☆~Tsukasa Tenma
Basically Rui but louder.
He would recite a whole play in front of you, being incredibly expressive and loud to make you laugh.
He would go through every possible drawer in his brain to find anything funny he can tell you, from telling you about movies he's watched to telling you about things that happened at school today
He would even tell you about what he hopes to do in the future with you after he's become a star of the world
“Don't be sad, my co-star!! Let me fix your sadness and turn it into happiness!!”

☆~Toya Aoyagi
He's quiet
All he does is he’ll hug you and let you relax in his arms
He’ll do whatever you need including making food
That is lethal and could kill you
But don't worry because he’ll probably end up getting food from the cafe anyway
He’ll just let you relax in his arms until you feel better
If you want to talk about it, he’ll wait and let you do it on your own terms, and if you don't, that's fine too
“Don’t worry, (name), just relax here for a while.”
my first post! i cringed a little but them i made my cousin read it and played it off like it wasn't mine so i think he liked it lmao
anyways, thanks for reading! it means a lot to me :)
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More Posts from Wabatle
guess who just bought a tokyo ghoul box set

(im very happy)
can i req mafuyu, airi, an, akito, shiho, and rui with a super affectionate s/o?
sorry if that's too many characters, feel free to just ignore this
tysm, I love your work! ♡♡♡
so just for u anon i will put hearts instead of stars
♡~Mafuyu, Airi, An, Akito, etc, with a super affectionate s/o
(wa)batle nonsense (author's note):
this took me forever but I worked really hard on it, so ty for the request! and don't worry, currently i don't have a character limit, and i even added more!
warnings: none/all fluff
taglist: @stellas-starry-stove13, Rui and Akito are waiting!

♡~Mafuyu Asahina
The idea of being showered in affection is a foreign topic for her since her mother is a terrible person
She feels a subtle warmth when you’re being affectionate with her, like something that could never be replicated by someone else
Although she doesn’t understand what she’s feeling, she does know that when you put your arm around her or put your head on her shoulder she feels a sense of security and relief
I can see her as not minding innocent PDA, like holding hands in public or small cheek kisses, but save the more affectionate stuff for home
I think she sees your affection almost as a safe space, so she will always drop her good girl act around you so she can feel like the affection she’s getting is real
When she sees you attached to her, if you look close enough, you might be able to see a real smile

♡~Airi Momoi
Airi probably thinks it's really cute, and returns it whenever she can!
If you play with or style her hair, she might protest a little, but she won't complain after its done
She might get flustered if you're being really affectionate, but most of the time she'll be okay
I can see her as someone who is also very affectionate, so you two would probably cuddle a lot after school or streams
She probably also wants to be spoiled with cuddles and kisses after a show, so make sure you do that
Gonna be honest— movie nights are a must, she loves to be close to you and loves that you love to be close to her
You probably also play-fight all the time, often resulting in one of you hurting yourselves, but not a bad injury
Overall, she would be a really cute and affectionate girlfriend if you were also affectionate with her

♡~An Shiraishi
Another who would think it's cute and return the favor!
I cannot even describe how much An loves this
You probably pinch each other's cheeks a lot (I know it's cringe, but I just feel like that would happen)
If you're shorter than her, she will wrap her arms around your waist while you cook
If you're taller, she'll put herself in between your arms in front of you while you cook
Same thing for you but vice versa
I can see you being kept up late because you guys can't stop giggling and complimenting each other, and constantly cuddling each other so much one of you almost falls off the bed
You probably sit on each other's laps all the time. I'm sorry but it's true
Idk why, but I can see you two cuddling and writing down lyrics or thoughts for songs and shows
An loves to tease and make you all red, so you should do the same for her

♡~Akito Shinonome
He…likes it
Akito really likes being able to go home and cuddle with you after a long day, and watching a movie with you
He enjoys being showered in affection from you, because it means he gets to spend meaningful time with you
Ena hears about you nonstop. To the point where she has to forcibly change the subject to get him to stop talking about you
Akito would return your affection through gifts, I think
He would ask Ena what he should get you, or he’ll find something he just knows you would like, and he'll buy it on the spot
When you're cuddling or play-fighting, you might get him to tell you that you’re cute
Kisses. So. Many. Kisses.
For some reason, I see Akito as someone who is easily influenced by his s/o in some ways, so I think when you're being extra affectionate with him, he’ll be extra affectionate with you too
So I can see you sitting in his lap, or with in between his legs, or vise versa
If you're sitting like this, he will kiss the back of your head over and over again
He also would lay with his head in your lap and have you play with his hair (or vice versa, he would play with your hair too)
He will hug you from behind at home

♡~Shiho Hinomori
Shiho likes to be alone.
Let me specify, she likes to be alone with you.
PDA is a no-go with her, not even holding hands
Shiho really isn’t a person to like any type of affection, yet somehow she was able to fall in love with you, the most affectionate person she knows (even more than Saki!)
Shiho will hug you back and kiss you back, but only if you do it first so she knows what she’s doing
As much as she would hate to say it, she would ask Shizuku for advice on how to…relationship?
She would return your affection by letting you sit as close as possible and practicing her bass for you
She doesn’t really like clinginess, but she will accept pretty much anything from you
Shiho does appreciate your company, though

♡~Rui Kamishiro
Rui will 100% return it tenfold.
He will carry you around the house, outside, wherever you want to go
You can sit on his lap while he works on new blueprints for robots he’s working on
He’s very sweet to you and lets you be affectionate in anyway you want to to him
Slow dancing. I can see you two slow dancing at home randomly
You also sit in between his legs sometimes
He will let you cling onto him while he tells you about his ideas for shows or concepts for inventions
He probably can’t not cuddle you when you’re being affectionate, and that’s when the seating positions come in
It’s hard for you two to fall asleep because you keep whispering compliments in his ear and he keeps doing the same for you
If you go to the same school you have lunch on the rooftop everyday where you will cuddle together
If you don’t go to the same school then you’ll have to be like Emu and infiltrate
Not to mention kisses
He will kiss you anywhere on your face, the back/top of your head, even ears or neck
He likes to hold you close to him and stroke your head
Idk why but I feel like when you kiss it’s like something out of disney movie

♡~Ichika Hoshino
Ichika will get flustered very quickly depending on what you’re doing
If you’re flirting, expect her face to get red
If you’re just hugging her a lot, she’ll still get red but she’ll hug you back
Like Shiho, one of the ways she’ll return your affection is by playing her guitar while you’re curled up next to her
Yet another who would stay up late by complimenting you
She practices singing around you, and when she gets nervous practicing she’ll squeeze your hand
She’ll ask you for your ideas for lyrics while you’re clinging onto her
She’s fine with pretty much any way you sit, as long as it’s not on each other
She’ll happily hold hands with you anywhere you go, and maybe even link arms!

♡~Shizuku Hinomori
She loves it!
You cling onto each other when you’re walking around, and cuddle together 99% of the time you’re at home together
You sit with your arms around each other and either one of you has their head on the other’s shoulder
When you hug her arm while she’s putting her miso soup in her thermos, she probably drops everything and hugs you back
When you go out shopping together you’re linking arms or one of you is clinging to the other’s arm
She’ll also let you sit with your head in her lap while she plays with your hair
She would love it if you sat behind her and styled her hair however you want! And then she’ll tell you how much she loves it and how good of a job you did, even if it doesn’t look good.
want to know the word count?
1,360 words
i rrally hope im your first request!! IF NOT WHATEVER ill still do it
can i request vbs (separate) with a cat like reader?? like they also really care about stray cats, being a magnet and things
☆~Vivid BAD SQUAD with a catlike reader
(Wa)batle nonsense:
Ok but like I feel like I did not catch the prompt at all I'm sorry if it isn't to your liking 😭

☆~Kohane Azusawa
Kohane understands where you’re coming from, being like a hamster herself
She gets shy when you’re being affectionate (like headbutting or something)
But she thinks it’s so sweet to see you rescuing stray cats
She might pet the cats, but only after you’ve made it clear they won’t scratch her or bite her
Overall she loves how affectionate you are (with both her and cats) even if it makes her get really shy
“Oh..! Is that another cat? Will it bite me?”

☆~An Shiraishi
She thinks you’re so cute and sweet no matter what you do, even if it’s breaking something to get her attention (though she might get a little frustrated)
And the fact that you rescue cats just makes it better!
She would definitely help you rescue cats
AND give them a temporary home at the cafe!
“Ah! Another cat! Come on, I bet it’s friends are somewhere around too!”

☆~Akito Shinonome
Annoyed, but also thinks it’s adorable
Akito’s just happy it’s not dogs
If you start breaking things he’ll get upset, but if you’re rubbing against him he’ll get flustered
Not a full blown one, but a bit of a tsundere (but not really)
If you really beg him he’ll help you take care of the cats
But what he’ll to the most to help is find them a new home
“More cats? Seriously? We don’t have room for more cats!”

☆~Toya Aoyagi
Ok hear me out
Toya does not wait for cats to come to you
You are both outside looking around Vivid street for cats
When you find them you probably either take them home or to the cafe (because it’s right there)
And then try to find homes for them
He will 100% let you keep at least one and probably name it something like Mittens
And he also finds your behavior adorable because he likes cats so much
“Hello, (name). Are you free to look for more cats today?”
Seriously, tysm for your request, i think it made my entire year lmao
OMG I love that you write for Hetalia! Can you write something about Prussia? What sort of big brother would he be to a lil sister? Bossy? Loving? Mean? Tysm!!
guys send me hetalia requests i'll write it 🫶
☆~Prussia as a big brother
(wa)batle nonsense (author's note):
Prussia is my favorite character and HE IS AWESOME!! (you can tell because of the gif in my pinned post, wink wink)
also he may be ooc but...uhhh
Warnings: none

We already know how he is with Germany, so…
He's quite the embarrassment if you let him be
He's also overprotective, and anyone you would want to date has to go through him
He also wants to make sure you're safe all the time
He knows how to comfort you if you're scared or upset, because he's funny and he knows it
As good as all that sounds, he's also Prussia, and he's very egotistical
So he'll be like “I am awesome Prussia and here is my slightly less awesome sister, (name)!”
Don't worry though, Germany is right there with you in trying to deal with your older brother's shenanigans.
HAIII may i req pjsk boys x fem!reader (seperatly) w/ the scenario that they ask her "Was i you're first kiss..?" expecting a yes most likely but then she says "actually no...' how would they react ?? (bonus points if jealous akito) ofc you dont have too but thx !!
ty for the request!! i'm always looking for excuses to write about akito, so tysm for giving me this opportunity LMAO
i probably did more of a gn! reader instead of fem so i hope that's ok!
☆~Pjsk boys figuring out they’re not your first kiss
(wa)batle nonsense (author's note):
is it obvious who my favorite is
warnings: none/all fluff

☆~Akito Shinonome
A perfect time for the flabbergasted gif
First question is “who”
So. Mad.
Not at you, though
He wants to go back in time to hunt down whoever was the first person to kiss you and stop it from happening so he can be the first
Unfortunately, he can’t
So he has to settle for being second.
If you were to tell him it was Rui or Tsukasa or someone like that, he would just get more and more jealous
And cut ties with whoever it was if he knew them
“Wait… I’m not your first kiss? That’s not fair! Who beat me to you?”

☆~Rui Kamishiro
He doesn’t mind.
Not at all.
Or so he tells you
He’s already putting together blueprints for an invention to take revenge against the person who stole the honor of first kiss from him
He’s in disbelief that he’s experiencing jealousy, but he is
He’ll get over it eventually.
“I’m not your first kiss? I don’t mind. Anyone would want a chance to kiss someone as beautiful as you, love.”

☆~Tsukasa Tenma
Actually weeping, sobbing on the floor rolling around like a baby
He’s just acting though
Acting like you cheated on him because he loves seeing you laugh
Yelling so loud Saki shows up being super confused
Saki just looks at you two like “?????”
Tsukasa would try to explain and she laughs at him too
More crushed, he once again rolls on the floor
what the heck tsukasa

☆~Toya Aoyagi
Like Rui but shows his emotions more
He tells you he’s fine but he’s pretty obviously disappointed
Poor guy is crushed but he tries not to show it
You have to comfort him and tell him your relationship is special
Poor Toya probably feels so insecure now but as long as you’re there to make him feel better then he’ll be okay.
“I’m not your first kiss? Oh… No, I’m okay.”