Hws Prussia - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

the silly little family dynamic that exists somehow

Nooo Little German Boy, Dont Fall Off The Horse When Your Crusty Dads Are Randomly Getting Along

nooo little german boy, don’t fall off the horse when your crusty dads are randomly getting along

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1 year ago

Italy: Prussia, why does Miss Hungary call you baby girl?

Prussia: Haha, let’s stop talking for a while!

Italy: Mr. Austria, why does Miss Hungary call you baby girl?

Austria: Well, it all started when-

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1 year ago

cursed twilight frying pangle au except the only human here (hungary) has common fucking sense, while the werewolf (prussia) and the vampire (austria) are actually so stupid it hurts. also the story is probably completely different idk i've never actually read twilight.

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1 year ago
When You Are An Introvert And The Gods Curse You With An Extroverted Child

When you are an introvert and the gods curse you with an extroverted child

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1 year ago

Nations and stress

Romano:  His laziness makes everything feel overwhelming. Even the simplest task feels like climbing Mount Everest. Be that as it may, he will try his best to do each task in order to get everything done faster or to do a favor for a loved one. Probably multitasks, which will eventually send him into a state of panic. Puffs and grumbles 24/7. Becomes more aggressive, treats people like shit, and regrets it immediately after. Passes out on the couch as soon as the day is over. Level of endurance: 6/10

Veneziano: He will say it's no big deal. Accepts tasks with a smile until his schedule is so full he doesn't know where to begin. Continues to smile through the pain. He says everything is fine (it’s not fine). Gets jittery. Don't touch him, he'll probably explode. No one notices he's on the verge of a mental breakdown. Keeps biting his nails. Probably locks himself into a bathroom for ten minutes before coming out to do whatever it is he has to do. At the end of the day, he can't sleep because of all the stress he's been building up. Level of endurance: 5/10

Germany: His motto is to plan ahead to avoid stressful situations. He organizes everything down to the last detail, but sometimes he too gets overwhelmed. It doesn’t matter. He keeps going. Stress makes him lose his appetite and he is likely to forget to eat until he has done whatever it is he has to do. The eyestrain is his clue that he has overdone it. Wishes for vacations by the end of it. Level of endurance: 9/10

Spain: He takes everything with a smile. He doesn't realize he's stressed until it's too late. He enjoys working with people and even manages to joke about his situation. However, he becomes increasingly tired and aggressive. His sassiness slips through when it becomes too much. He keeps tugging at his hair and taking big breaths that don't help much. Music gets him going. Probably bursts into nervous laughter if he doesn't get a break. Level of endurance: 8/10

Greece: He's been in the world so long that he doesn't care. He's very calm and probably does one thing at a time. He is not in a hurry. He will sleep or play with his cats if he feels stressed. If someone starts to really stress him out, he doesn't show his anger at first. At first. If they succeed, he'll start drinking coffee like there's no tomorrow. You always see him with a cup of coffee in his hand when things get overwhelming. The thing is, he drinks coffee even when he's not overwhelmed, so no one can tell his state of mind. Nevertheless, he hates being stressed and says so openly, even when he has nothing to do. “Don't stress me" is one of his favorite phrases. Level of endurance: ?/10 (No one knows to be honest).

Prussia: Even if he doesn't plan ahead, he's mentally prepared for anything. This guy is a stress machine. He can handle anything you throw at him. Stress doesn't faze him, maybe it makes him a little more tired, but that's about it. He can survive anything. He's like a cockroach and that's why he hasn't died yet. Nobody knows how he does it. Honestly, neither does he. Level of endurance: 20/10

France: Stress brings out the drama queen. He will do everything he has to do, but he will complain about it (especially if England is around). He's oddly efficient and gets things done pretty well. Looks down on people who can't keep up. Can get really bossy when stress gets to him. Knows how to tone it down. Calls a strike when things are too much for him. Level of endurance: 8/10

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10 months ago

This is actually what went down in my mind and has been for a while.

I kinda wonder if gangstalia Gilbert's scar is from someone flinging a card at him like a shuriken 'cause he annoyed the shit out of them.

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9 months ago

veneziano, romano, gilbert, germany

wait, isnt NSFW the letters on the compass

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10 months ago

OMG I love that you write for Hetalia! Can you write something about Prussia? What sort of big brother would he be to a lil sister? Bossy? Loving? Mean? Tysm!!


guys send me hetalia requests i'll write it 🫶

☆~Prussia as a big brother

(wa)batle nonsense (author's note):

Prussia is my favorite character and HE IS AWESOME!! (you can tell because of the gif in my pinned post, wink wink)

also he may be ooc but...uhhh

Warnings: none

OMG I Love That You Write For Hetalia! Can You Write Something About Prussia? What Sort Of Big Brother

We already know how he is with Germany, so…

He's quite the embarrassment if you let him be

He's also overprotective, and anyone you would want to date has to go through him

He also wants to make sure you're safe all the time

He knows how to comfort you if you're scared or upset, because he's funny and he knows it

As good as all that sounds, he's also Prussia, and he's very egotistical

So he'll be like “I am awesome Prussia and here is my slightly less awesome sister, (name)!”

Don't worry though, Germany is right there with you in trying to deal with your older brother's shenanigans.

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5 months ago
... I Really Can't Be Trusted With My Drawing Skills - Especially When It Comes To Hetalia Xd

... I really can't be trusted with my drawing skills - especially when it comes to hetalia xd

+ Prompt lists:

... I Really Can't Be Trusted With My Drawing Skills - Especially When It Comes To Hetalia Xd
... I Really Can't Be Trusted With My Drawing Skills - Especially When It Comes To Hetalia Xd
... I Really Can't Be Trusted With My Drawing Skills - Especially When It Comes To Hetalia Xd

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1 year ago

what do you mean it was recently revealed that Prussia and Austria (of Hetalia) are cousins????

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ask-badlydrawn-canadia-provinces - Badly-drawn Canadia Provinces




Ja! potatoes are super gut! they go great with a heartizen beer!!!

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PEI: ....Yes, totally. (When your 302 years old but look 16)




Ja! potatoes are super gut! they go great with a heartizen beer!!!

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Ja! potatoes are super gut! they go great with a heartizen beer!!!

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2 years ago
"I Laugh Because There Is Nothing You Can Do About It!"

"I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!"

Prompt picnic

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2 years ago

Another day filled with paperwork had gone by and the young woman was relived to finally be able to go outside and get some fresh air into her lungs. On her way out she had expected to find Ludwig hidden behind the stacks of documents that covered his desk these days.

So not catching sight of the blond man was a normal occurrence, but for her to be walking around the desk and finding the chair empty was not. Amelia usually needed to pull the other young nation away from the work that was given to him.

After a quick round of questioning the staff, she came to the conclusion Ludwig had left without informing anyone like he was supposed to. Which meant she needed to find him first, before any of the others found out and then things might get out of hand.

Unable to find the other nation, America headed home to her apartment and while driving she couldn’t imagine where he might have run of to.

While she was driving around  a corner the cars’ front lights illuminated a person. Male, blond, muscled and she guessed he was going to be tall when he stood up. She had found her missing German.

Amelia quickly parked the car and nearly jumped out of the vehicle.

“Germany!” she shouted “What are you thinking?!”

He turned around at the sound of her voice, but didn’t get up from the spot he was sitting.


“I needed some time alone with my thoughts.”

The young superpower sight softly. “Can’t you think about that at home?”

At that he looked like she was insane.

“I can’t go home.”

She felt for the other nation in some way, but he needed to be punished for all the things his people had done.

She simply shook her head and after some time she raised her gaze.

“You gave my home, my heart to the Soviet Union. We would have fought beside you to stop him, but you gave Gilbert to Ivan instead. Now it’s just the USA and the Sovjet Union, the last two superpowers.”

After a moment Ludwig simple added one sentence to his statement. “I miss my big brother.”

In some way she could relate to that.

Amelia sat down besides the defeated nation without saying anything.

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