wanjikusblog - Wanjiku's two cents.
Wanjiku's two cents.

148 posts

Unyama, Ukatili, Na Uhasama.

Unyama, ukatili, na uhasama.

Unyama, Ukatili, Na Uhasama.

In what appears to have been a ritual killing, 15 year old Ibrahim Katana a student at Port Reitz Jr Secondary School was murdered and his body with its eyes gouged out dumped on a Mombasa beach.

Unlike animals which kill for survival, people kill for all sorts of malicious reasons. Suffice it to say that the mystery of who killed Ibrahim Katana will likely remain unresolved. The 15 year old high school junior was last seen leaving his Mikindani home to go frolick with friends on Good Friday April 7 2023.

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