Facebook - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Ya'll say that Tumblr updates are trash, but damn I hate Facebook as a platform

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2 years ago

meta lately: hello :) we've made these handy little updates that'll make your life oh so hellishly more difficult for the next few months *force-feeds me confetti with a spoon*

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𝐹𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜𝓌 𝐹𝓇𝒾𝒹𝒶𝓎



1. @/KateMidleton: One of my favorite Fan Instagrams of the British Royal Family! This account is mostly based on The Duchess of Cambridge, but the account does discuss topics such as: Royal Weddings, Royal Events (Ascot, Birthdays, Christmas, Tours, Yearly Recaps), The Middleton Family, The Duchess of Cambridge’s Fashion, The Cambridge Family, Throwbacks, Patronages, & more! Definitely recommend this page!

2. @/WorldRoyals: This account is so incredible! They post not only about the British Royal Family, but royal families in different countries! Now, they are private & you do have to request to follow them, but the account has not been active since 2018... But if you already follow them go give the account love! They talk about The Royal Family of Belgium, The Royal Family of Denmark, The Royal Family of England, The Royal Family of Monaco, The Royal Family of The Netherlands, The Royal Family of Spain, & The Royal Family of Sweden.

3. @/Hrhtheroyals: Once again another Fan Instagram of The Duchess of Cambridge (Yes I love her & she is my favorite duchess) & The Duchess of Sussex. They do mostly multiple collages posts instead of single pictures, which I think is so great as we can see the different outfits, event pictures, & so much more. This account talks about the children, engagements/patronages, fashion (Mostly), news, & Royal Events of both duchesses.

List of British Royal Family Instagrams:

1. The Duke of York: @/hrhthedukeofyork

2. Princess Eugenie: @/princesseugenie

3. Sarah Ferguson: @/sarahferguson15

4. The Duke & Duchess of Cornwall: @/clarencehouse

5. The Duke & Duchess of Sussex: @/sussexroyal

6. The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge: @/kensingtonroyal

7. The British Royal Family: @/theroyalfamily

8. Zenouska Mowatt: @/zenouska1

9. Amelia Windsor: @/amelwindsor

10. Flora Oglivy: @/florarteviste

11. Alexander Oglivy: @/brogilvy

12. James Oglivy: @/ogilvylandscape

13. Cassius Taylor: @/cee__t

14. Columbus Taylor: _columbustaylor_

15. Arthur Chatto: @/artchatto

16. Samuel Chatto: @/samchatto

17. Mike Tindall: @/mike_tindall12 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


1. @houseofwindsorfan: I LOVE THIS SWEET ONE SO FREAKING MUCH! She is so sweet & I have been talking to her for a little over 2 months now! We have the best conversations about life, the royals, history, & so much more! Honestly my first Tumblr Best Friend & my number 1 supporter of my account & work! Her account is also so freaking adorable & such an aesthetic! Thank you Christie for being so freaking amazing & I love you sweet girl!

2. @tartanandtulle: 1 word. Obsessed! @tartanandtulle & I have the best conversations on my posts! I highly recommend giving them a follow! Also they are so supportive of other accounts & reblog such amazing content plus their own content! Forever one of my favorites!

3. @bella2491: Such a sweet girl! I love EmmyK so much! Her account is the realist & gives her opinion straight up & I love it! Also posts all the news of the British Royal Family, so definitely want to follow if you want family news! Also her icon photo is on the top of my England To Do bucket list! I love you girl!

4. @antique-royals: Such an incredible website! This account blew my absolute mind when I first stumbled upon it & wow! The account is focused on post royal women, past royal men, past royal history, old fashion, & so much more! Definitely would recommend giving them a follow for amazing content! Also can we talk about their website design???? It reminds me of an antique shop, I once visited!

5. @royallyobsessedx: AHHHH ONE OF THE BIGGEST FAVORITE WORLD ROYALS ACCOUNT! I love the British Royal Family don't get me wrong but seeing the other beautiful & interesting royal families around the world, it’s just amazing to learn such other beautiful cultures. I hope to keep learning from this account & also their website is beautifully designed!

6. @catherinerosemary: It’s such a rarity to see so much love spread for The Duke & Duchess of Cornwall, but this beautiful account is! They post such beautiful pictures of the Prince & Duchess that I’ve never seen before & they also post royal opinions that people have. It’s such a great account & such a rarity. I love it!

7. @duchakaladydiana: I cry every time I’m on this beautiful website. The wonderful owner Joy has dedicated her Tumblr to the beautiful & inspiring Princess Diana & her 2 sons Prince William & Prince Harry. Joy posts the most beautiful pictures of the late Princess & scenes from interviews where the princes talk about their mother. A truly beautiful dedication. 

8. @katecambridge24: Y'all must think I’m obsessed with the Duchess of Cambridge (I posted about 2 Duchess Instagrams & I run a royals blog) but she is such a big inspiration to be the women she is one day. This account post opinions about the family & it’s so honest & I love it! They also post some amazingly beautiful & adorable pictures of the Cambridge family!

9. @royalpain16​: Such an elegant account dedicated to an elegant family! Royal Pain is such a beautiful fan account & they work so hard! They post such adorable content of the Cambridge Family & the Royal Family! My aesthetics inspiration!



*Note: I do not use Facebook. This will just be how to keep up with British Royals on Facebook.*

1. The British Royal Family

2. The Duke of York

3. Kensington Palace



The British Royal Family



1. My Personal Twitter (I AM PRIVATE! Please message me for a request here on Tumblr so I know who you are!)

2. The British Royal Family

3. Replicate Royal: I love this account! It gives advice & links to fashion for how to dress like the women of the British Royal Family!

4. Mike Tindall

5. The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge

6. The Duke & Duchess of Cornwall

7. Sarah Ferguson

8. Princess Beatrice

9. Zenouska Mowatt

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12 years ago







當然,素昧平生的我,還是由衷希望這位網友能走出低潮,絕境? 那只是一念之間而已。

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10 years ago

I swear to every heaven ever imagined, if I hear one more dead-eyed hipster tell me that art is dead, I will personally summon Shakespeare from the grave so he can tell them every reason why he wishes he were born in a time where he could have a damn Gmail account. The day after I taught my mother how to send pictures over Iphone she texted me a blurry image of our cocker spaniel ten times in a row. Don’t you dare try to tell me that that is not beautiful. But whatever, go ahead and choose to stay in your backwards-hoping-all-inclusive club while the rest of us fall in love over Skype. Send angry letters to state representatives, as we record the years first sunrise so we can remember what beginning feels like when we are inches away from the trigger. Lock yourself away in your Antoinette castle while eat cake and tweet to the whole universe that we did. Hashtag you’re a pretentious ass hole. Van Gogh would have taken 20 selflies a day. Sylvia Plath would have texted her lovers nothing but heart eyed emojis when she ran out of words. Andy Warhol would have had the worlds weirdest Vine account, and we all would have checked it every morning while we Snap Chat our coffee orders to the people we wish were pressed against our lips instead of lattes. This life is spilling over with 85 year olds rewatching JFK’s assassination and 7 year olds teaching themselves guitar over Youtube videos. Never again do I have to be afraid of forgetting what my fathers voice sounds like. No longer must we sneak into our families phonebook to look up an eating disorder hotline for our best friend. No more must I wonder what people in Australia sound like or how grasshoppers procreate. I will gleefully continue to take pictures of tulips in public parks on my cellphone and you will continue to scoff and that is okay. But I hope, I pray, that one day you will realize how blessed you are to be alive in a moment where you can google search how to say I love you in 164 different languages.

b.e.fitzgerald (Art is a Facebook status about your winter break.)


(via byrdiegrey)

The most beautiful quote ever

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10 years ago
Hey Folks!

hey folks!

my onlineshop will be opened on 4th of May at gloenn.com !!!

till then you got the chance to win a shirt at facebook and instagram!!!

good luck and stay tuned!!!

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9 years ago


now out for pre-order

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9 years ago

the best thing about Eurovision is just watching everybody discussing it, and every crazy thing that happens- who cares about the singing!

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13 years ago
raphaelou - LoveSex&Batman

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7 years ago

I love you

Me : I love you. I don't think I have told you that enough today.

Boyfriend : I love you too, Boo. I already know you love me so you don't need to tell me.

Me : appreciating what bit of happiness i have because all things good are fleeting.

Boyfriend : Don't say that. I am the constant in your life.

I Love You

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9 years ago
Facebook's Way Of Telling Me I Need More Friends.

Facebook's way of telling me I need more friends.

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10 years ago

Mrs Hudson is now on Facebook!

I have been persuaded to set up a Facebook page for the Adventures of Mrs Hudson, so, er … there it is. The plan is just to post the finished Adventures, with this Tumblr remaining my main ‘art’ blog and Mrs H's official residence. But if you’re over on Facebook it’d be great to see you all there too!

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8 years ago
Remade A 3-years-old Drawing, From When I Wanted To Draw Anime. (Weve All Been There)Its An OC.I Also

Remade a 3-years-old drawing, from when I wanted to draw Anime. (We’ve all been there) It’s an OC. I also made a facebook page for me! You can find it here: https://www.facebook.com/pbrvs/ There you can find the full version of the drawing! It’s quite better than the old one, I must say. I know, I know, self-promotion is dumb, but hey if I want to be a known artist I can’t just do nothing and hope it happens on it’s own. So please help if you’d like.

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1 year ago
Pasteups In NYC Denouncing Facebook For Collaboration With Nebraska Police To Sentence A Teenage Girl

Pasteups in NYC denouncing Facebook for collaboration with Nebraska police to sentence a teenage girl to 90 days in jail for using using the abortion pill to terminate her pregnancy.

Nebraska Teen Gets Jail Time After Self-Managed Abortion
The Cut
While ending one’s own pregnancy with pills isn’t illegal in the state, prosecutors went after the teen for disposing of the fetal remains.

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1 year ago

Uhhhh how is I, a most handsome and majestic AF bun, keep getting restricted? ***ThUmP***

Book of faces, yous make me do angry thumps. ***dOuBlE tHuMp***

Stop denying the humans and creatures in the world wide web all of my glory. People in sad countries need to see me floofiness to know that it's gonna be okay. ***tHuMp***

In the words of the iconic Millie Vanillie (The Original Lipsync Champs) "Blame it on the rain, and look to Bun Jovi's face to ease the pain".

When it's dark outside, and you forgot to pay the PG&E so it's dark inside too, think of me. I'll be the light for you. It like the heavens move the clouds aside so angels can follow me with their lord-like spot light when I hop in the yard. Wherever I go, love, light and poops, will surely follow.

So, book of faces (though I have never seen one of them) please understand the disservice you do when you try and silence me. It isn't good for our existence. Be kind to the world, Book of faces. ***THUMP***

Now I gonna play more on the Tumblr!!


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9 months ago
@rinko-fujinami Tagged This As Lupin And I Cant Stop Thinking About It HH
@rinko-fujinami Tagged This As Lupin And I Cant Stop Thinking About It HH

@rinko-fujinami tagged this as lupin and i can’t stop thinking about it HH

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1 year ago
Someone Pls Send Me A Blue Sky Invite Pls

Someone pls send me a blue sky invite pls

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