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Webgurlx - Meow
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His love helped me in a way so bittersweet...
I was in love with him. We had a weird, magnetic pull between us for nearly 4 years. He promised he wouldn't hurt me again, but only 6 months later he broke my love without warning. At first, it was that deep splitting pain in my chest, agony everlasting. 2 months of feeling this every. single. waking. moment. Even in my sleep, my dreams, I could not escape his presence. After all of this, finally, I'm starting to feel something different.
I'm glad it's finally over between us.
The way he did me, so dirty, made me love myself more. The more time that passes between us, the further the memories, my mind is finding some peace.
I'll never let anyone get off on screwing with my emotions ever again.