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Wheeloftimepolls - Wheel Of Time Poll Blog
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Round 1 winners are: Rand al'Thor, Nynaeve al'Meara, Egwene al'Vere, Siuan Sanche, Moiraine Damodred, Min Farshaw, Aviendha, and Mat Cauthon. Round 2 polls will launch 6pm GMT tomorrow!

“Her uncle had died, and she had ascended the dais in his stead, a crown placed upon her head. Once, the nobility had tried to revolt. Once, Lord Galldrian of House Riatin had mustered enough support to march on the capital. Once, she had put whole towns to the sword. Once, she had lined the streets of the capital with the heads of traitors — one for every corner, for every street lamp. Once, she had stalked through Cairhien with saidar on her lips and blood soaked up the hems of her dress. Once, she had confiscated estates all across the countryside, throttling the flow of coin into those Houses who had forgotten the meaning of loyalty, who had forgotten their place, letting them die the slow death of obscurity and ruin.
Now, they are afraid to speak her name. Now, the Sun Throne is secure beyond all measure. Now, her rule is absolute.”
-Sun Queen Moiraine Damodred from ‘kept impulse dormant"
Welcome to the great Wheel of Time POV poll! Because of the enormous number of characters, this has been whittled down to the 16 most frequent POV characters (out of everyone with 12 POVs Morgase is the only one included as she had the greatest word count; sorry Padan Fain). I'll update this post with links to each poll as they're posted. Polls will last for a day. Remember to vote for your favourite POV which is not necessarily your favourite character! The brackets are as follows:
ROUND ONE (05/03/23, 6PM GMT):
A. Rand al'Thor versus Galadedrid Damodred (X)
B. Elayne Trakand versus Nyneave al'Meara (X)
C. Siuan Sanche versus Perrin Aybara (X)
D. Morgase Trakand versus Egwene al'Vere (X)
E. Moiraine Damodred versus Gawyn Trakand (X)
F. Lan Mandragoran versus Min Farshaw (X)
G. Aviendha versus Faile Bashere (X)
H. Cadsuane Melaidhrin versus Matrim Cauthon (X)
ROUND TWO (07/0/23, 6PM GMT):
I. Rand al'Thor versus Nyneave al'Meara (X)
J. Siuan Sanche versus Egwene al'Vere (X)
K. Moiraine Damodred versus Min Farshaw (X)
L. Aviendha versus Matrim Cauthon (X)
ROUND THREE (09/03/23, 6PM GMT):
M. Nyneave al'Meara verus Siuan Sanche (X)
N. Moiraine Damodred versus Matrim Cauthon (X)
LOSERS' FINAL (11/03/23, 6PM GMT):
Siuan Sanche versus Moiraine Damodred (X)
FINAL (13/03/23, 6PM GMT):
Nyneave al'Meara versus Matrim Cauthon (X)
Have fun!!