Robert Jordan - Tumblr Posts

“Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today.” —Robert Jordan
I was busy with assignments all last week, so I worked through the weekend. As of today, I’m still behind in one class and have some more assignments on the horizon.
Despite the strong odour of eschatological anxiety this creates, I’m focused on doing what I can. I did classwork for eight hours, plus two hours of studying for the LSAT with only one question wrong on a timed section of analytical reasoning. I did laundry. I exercised. I took care of myself. Lets hope I didn’t get too close to the sun.
My mind is fucking with me again help
"Golz was gay and he had wanted him (Jordan) to be gay too before he left, but he hadn't been"
For Whom the Bell Tolls (1941) by Ernest Hemingway
@ wheel of time fandom y'all are great holy shit.
i post something and the WHOLE GANG shows up. i came back to like 30 notifs !!! y'all wanna be friends? WoT group chat and / or discord when y'all????
in honor of like 10 people reblogging and enjoying this oldass post lately, i have great news:
the day before yesterday to be precise. i sat on my porch reading the last 100pgs of aMoL and wept when it was done (and then immediately wrote my review on bookworm). what a journey it was!!! like any WoT fan i have some problems with the series but overall it was such an exciting ride. it took me abt 4 years to read all 14 books bc i read them during college so of course i never had time 🗿 i would love to reread them all in much quicker succession some day! but for now i am taking a break from long series and will eventually return. 💖

"Before condemning me, let us first determine if my sins have achieved anything beyond my own damnation."
The Wheel of Time, The Gathering Storm, pg 575
Welcome to the great Wheel of Time POV poll! Because of the enormous number of characters, this has been whittled down to the 16 most frequent POV characters (out of everyone with 12 POVs Morgase is the only one included as she had the greatest word count; sorry Padan Fain). I'll update this post with links to each poll as they're posted. Polls will last for a day. Remember to vote for your favourite POV which is not necessarily your favourite character! The brackets are as follows:
ROUND ONE (05/03/23, 6PM GMT):
A. Rand al'Thor versus Galadedrid Damodred (X)
B. Elayne Trakand versus Nyneave al'Meara (X)
C. Siuan Sanche versus Perrin Aybara (X)
D. Morgase Trakand versus Egwene al'Vere (X)
E. Moiraine Damodred versus Gawyn Trakand (X)
F. Lan Mandragoran versus Min Farshaw (X)
G. Aviendha versus Faile Bashere (X)
H. Cadsuane Melaidhrin versus Matrim Cauthon (X)
ROUND TWO (07/0/23, 6PM GMT):
I. Rand al'Thor versus Nyneave al'Meara (X)
J. Siuan Sanche versus Egwene al'Vere (X)
K. Moiraine Damodred versus Min Farshaw (X)
L. Aviendha versus Matrim Cauthon (X)
ROUND THREE (09/03/23, 6PM GMT):
M. Nyneave al'Meara verus Siuan Sanche (X)
N. Moiraine Damodred versus Matrim Cauthon (X)
LOSERS' FINAL (11/03/23, 6PM GMT):
Siuan Sanche versus Moiraine Damodred (X)
FINAL (13/03/23, 6PM GMT):
Nyneave al'Meara versus Matrim Cauthon (X)
Have fun!!
Round 1 winners are: Rand al'Thor, Nynaeve al'Meara, Egwene al'Vere, Siuan Sanche, Moiraine Damodred, Min Farshaw, Aviendha, and Mat Cauthon. Round 2 polls will launch 6pm GMT tomorrow!