(Any pronouns) I mostly like to talk about thing related to my writing, but I'll also talk about anything ranging from xkcd to deranged ramblings about the weather.
167 posts
Dronetober Day 2 Writing Prompt.
Dronetober day 2 writing prompt.

Day 2: cores. (Characters: Drone Tessa and Core Nori)
“So, this is the place, huh,” Tessa said, looking about. The floor was littered with the dismembered corpses of drones, disassembly and worker alike. “Yep, this looks like Alice’s doing. I bet she’s got her stuff somewhere nearby.” Nori jumped down from Tessa’s shoulder and skittered ahead. Tessa followed her until, eventually, the two of them reached a side room and spotted another core, this one bearing an orange eye, crawling about on a table. The core was walking over the body of a drone resting on the table. When the core spotted the two of them it fled.
headntjoy liked this · 5 months ago
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Dronetober writing prompt day 4.

Day 4: pumpkins. (Characters: Drone Tessa, and V )
“Hi, Tessa! I’ve not seen you since… well… the manor.” ”I’d rather you not bring that up, V. I was hoping we could get to know each other again while carving some pumpkins.” “How did you manage to get pumpkins to this planet?” “J’s still got company perks. Free, next-day shipping is one of ‘em.” V laughed at Tessa’s statement, “So that’s why you’re dating that [Bleep!]” “Ha, looks like you’ve still got that auto-censor I installed. J’s not so bad-” “Not so bad!?” V interjected, “She was awful! That [Bleep!] chopped off my [Bleep!]ing leg! She even worked for Cyn!” “V, chill. She had her reasons.” “Oh yeah, what reasons were those?” “That’s… personal. Maybe you should talk to her yourself.” “Oh I’ll talk to her alright, talk to her with this!” V said, shifting her right hand into a saber. “Please, let’s just put the past behind us and get to carving pumpkins. It’ll make us both feel better, V.”