Dronetober2024 - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Some friends and I decided to create our own... DroneTober!

So I'm sharing this here in case anyone wants to enter xD!

You can use the #MurderDronesTober #Dronetober #Dronetober2024 so everyone can see your work!

Made just for fun!

Both english and spanish versions!

Some Friends And I Decided To Create Our Own... DroneTober!
Some Friends And I Decided To Create Our Own... DroneTober!

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5 months ago

Dronetober day #2! Cores!!

Dronetober Day #2! Cores!!

Some Khori fanart as well as a few random cores for practice

Dronetober Day #2! Cores!!
Dronetober Day #2! Cores!!

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5 months ago

Dronetober day 1 writing prompt.

Dronetober Day 1 Writing Prompt.

Day 1: bats. (Characters: Maid J and Cyn)

"Hello, big sister J, can we please go see the bats?"

"[Bleep!] off, Cyn. Go bother N or something."

"Sad face. I want to see the bats."

"Fine! We'll go see the bats," J relented, following Cyn out of the manor and into the night. After about half an hour of walking in the rain the two drones came to the mouth of the cave.

"Yay, the bats!" Cyn cheered, looking into the darkness.

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5 months ago

Dronetober day 2 writing prompt.

Dronetober Day 2 Writing Prompt.

Day 2: cores. (Characters: Drone Tessa and Core Nori)

“So, this is the place, huh,” Tessa said, looking about. The floor was littered with the dismembered corpses of drones, disassembly and worker alike. “Yep, this looks like Alice’s doing. I bet she’s got her stuff somewhere nearby.” Nori jumped down from Tessa’s shoulder and skittered ahead. Tessa followed her until, eventually, the two of them reached a side room and spotted another core, this one bearing an orange eye, crawling about on a table. The core was walking over the body of a drone resting on the table. When the core spotted the two of them it fled.

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5 months ago

Dronetober day 3 writing prompt.

Dronetober Day 3 Writing Prompt.

Day 3: spooky decorations. (Characters: Tessa, and J )

"Boss, what is that?"

"A skull, why?"

"...Why do you have a human skull?"

"Halloween's coming up, J. We have to prepare. Plus, what decoration is spookier than an actual skull?"

"Whatever you say, boss..."

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5 months ago

Dronetober writing prompt day 4.

Dronetober Writing Prompt Day 4.

Day 4: pumpkins. (Characters: Drone Tessa, and V )

“Hi, Tessa! I’ve not seen you since… well… the manor.” ”I’d rather you not bring that up, V. I was hoping we could get to know each other again while carving some pumpkins.” “How did you manage to get pumpkins to this planet?” “J’s still got company perks. Free, next-day shipping is one of ‘em.” V laughed at Tessa’s statement, “So that’s why you’re dating that [Bleep!]” “Ha, looks like you’ve still got that auto-censor I installed. J’s not so bad-” “Not so bad!?” V interjected, “She was awful! That [Bleep!] chopped off my [Bleep!]ing leg! She even worked for Cyn!” “V, chill. She had her reasons.” “Oh yeah, what reasons were those?” “That’s… personal. Maybe you should talk to her yourself.” “Oh I’ll talk to her alright, talk to her with this!” V said, shifting her right hand into a saber. “Please, let’s just put the past behind us and get to carving pumpkins. It’ll make us both feel better, V.”

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5 months ago

Dronetober writing prompt day 5:

Dronetober Writing Prompt Day 5:

Day 5: Mad Scientist. (Characters: Uzi, Core Alice and N )

“So, Tessa said she and your mom were going here, huh?” N looked around the dark, corpse-strewn room. “Yep, I don’t know why anybody would want to go here, though. It was bad enough last time,” Uzi replied. “Welp, if y’all wanna see those two again yer gonna have to go through me.” “Who’s there?” Uzi asked, activating her solver. Suddenly a corpse pile shifted as one of the dead drones stood up. It was wielding a pike made from an amalgamation of Disassembly Drone parts. There was a cavity in its chest out of which peered an orange-eyed core.

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5 months ago

Dronetober writing prompt day 6:

Dronetober Writing Prompt Day 6:

Day 6: Angels & Demons (Characters: Uzi, and V )

[HIGH TEMP] “Ugh, if only there was a less… murdery way to fix this,” Uzi complained.

“Well, if you’d have said that to me when we first met I’d call you crazy, but now, I kind of agree.”

“That doesn’t really help me right now, V.”

“Sorry, I just don’t have any actual ideas. Tessa said she wanted to meet up with me soon, maybe I could bring this situation up to her.”

“Thanks, V. You really have changed after all this time.”

(Writer's note: I know this doesn't really fit the prompt, but there's only so much I can fit on an index card and keep consistent with the canon I've been building)

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5 months ago

Dronetober writing prompt day 7:

Dronetober Writing Prompt Day 7:

Day 7: Candies (Characters: Drone Tessa, and V )

During a break from pumpkin carving V remembered a conversation that she’d had with Uzi a couple days before, “Tessa?”


“Uzi and I were talking and she said she’s sick of having to drink oil, do you have solutions?”

Tessa thought for a moment, “I’ve got nothing off the top of my head. Maybe I could make some sort of synthetic oil substitute, but it’s be a big hassle. I’ll work on it soon, Nori wants to go back to Cabin Fever Labs. She thinks we can find her a body there. After that I might be able to do something. Maybe it could be almost hard candy-like.”

(Writer's note: Somehow this was the day I kinda made the crux for all of the post-show ones. I had no clue what to do for this prompt for the longest time.)

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5 months ago

Dronetober writing prompt day 8:

Dronetober Writing Prompt Day 8:

Day 8: Holograms (Characters: Tessa, and J )

“Hey, J, have you seen Cyn anywhere? She’s not in the basement and I haven’t seen her anywhere around the manor.”

“Tessa. We are seeing the bats. Please wait.” “J, are you okay?” Tessa asked, reaching out to tap J’s screen. When she would’ve touched J’s monitor, though, her hand passed through J like she wasn’t even there! The hologram flickered and dissipated, leaving Tessa alone in the room. Now both Cyn and J were gone.

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5 months ago

Dronetober writing prompt day 9:

Dronetober Writing Prompt Day 9:

Day 9: Elliott Manor (Characters: Drone Tessa, and V )

“I’m sorry, Tessa, it’s getting late. I’ve had a great time but I have to get back to Lizzy.”

“Wait, V, before you go I wanted to ask, do you remember the manor at all?”

“I wish I didn’t, I remember it all.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“It’s alright, why do you ask?”

“Whenever I ask J she doesn’t give me an answer, so I wanted to ask you.”

“Of course that [bleep!] doesn’t answer, she knew Cyn’s deal all along and willingly followed her orders!” V shouted.

“I shouldn’t have brought her up,” Tessa said, looking at the floor, “I’m sorry, again, V.”

“How about you get J to apologize, instead?” V said before turning and waling out the door.

(Writer's note: I wish I could make this one longer, but I already crunched my handwriting to the smallest I could and this is all I could fit on an index card)

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5 months ago
Dronetober - Day 2 - Glare

Dronetober - Day 2 - Glare

She's approaching you at high speed

Really wanted to draw my Synemy Design for Cyn possessed, and the prompt fit way better than I initially thought!

Find the whole Dronetober prompt list below!

Graphic design is my passion

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