Sometimes I wish I were Mufasa. Or Hobbes. Or Ernest Hemingway.
1345 posts
In Which I Reign Triumphant
In Which I Reign Triumphant
Our last concert came off quite well, some old friends came back to see us, it's midnight but I'm done with my Exhibition and I'd better get a good grade on it cause it's fucking FANTASTIC
More Posts from Wheneveryonessuper
Re:Validation by Numbers
So, I was a bit delayed, because my scores were delayed, but here's how my various attempts worked out:
Didn't make APEX. Not super surprising, but definitely disappointing, considering my friends who are in it talk about it quite frequently
I shall be vice-president of Meistersingers next year. So that's a plus fer shure. (The minus side is that I won by about two votes, the slimmest margin basically ever, so I better do a pretty freaking good job.)
Subject tests went a lot better than I was expecting, at least. I was not expecting much. Those were not good tests for me. But still, solid. And once again I do the best in the lit one, because my childhood reading has apparently served me well. (It's not like I don't still read. I just did so more when I was little.)
All in all, not too bad.
It's coming. Oh dear god. IT'S ENDING. OH MY GOD.
Harry Potter. The ads. The end. It's coming. I can't take it. I can't watch them and then i close my eyes and kind of yell and I'm going to have to be in Boston which means I won't be able to be with my friends for the last premier and I physically stopped and almost cried when i realized it. God damn I have more meaningful relationships with fictional people than real ones
So tomorrow my friend Rosette and I are starting our "getting in shape" summer running. I'm terrified. I felt like telling you this because you run and such (for reasons I cannot fathom yet admire). Anyway, does running always feel like you have knives flying at your lungs? If not, that would be a great comfort to me. How are things going with you? Did you retake any SAT IIs Saturday?
Yay! Good for you. I'm not gonna lie, it'll take a bit, but running gets much easier as you go on. I mean, I just took my week off and it'll still be tough getting back into it, but it gets so much better. Knives are unfrequent, and only if you really feel like pushing it. There's nothing wrong with starting slow or short (like 15 minutes or less) and building your way up.
And I'm alright, still too busy, and no. What about you?
NOT EVERY ANSWER IS EQUALLY CORRECT IN LITERATURE. For example, if you think The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a pro slavery novel, you’re wrong. You’re as wrong as you are if you think the square root of 4 is strawberries.
John Green: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jFQR2FUEm4 (via welldonecat)
(Rebloggable version as requested)
This will be fun.
J. ADAMS: “Chill…you get your credit in the 21st Century. You get an HBO series, too.”
JEFFERSON: “So, about the slaves…”
MADISON: “So, about the Constitution…”
MONROE: “Please don’t burn all of...