School Death - Tumblr Posts
I'm excessively proud to say that I have survived the past two weeks. Like a boss.
This includes qualifying for league, APs, SAT IIs, final WAS Project, Meisters auditions, SAT prep, Junior Exhibition picked out, running at league and getting 8th in the 800 (which by the way is kind of awesome considering I barely qualified and scored our team a point) and then coming back on friday to also pr in the 1600 after being thrown in as an alternate at the last minute, didn't miss a week of either tap or skype sundays and pulled off the Interact car wash just fine. Even if I was late. Oh and made major decision regarding my summer and future and stuff (?). Happysigh.
Not even bothering to correct tense issues up there.
But seriously juniors every one of you should be jumping up and down or at least smirking at yourself in the mirror because of how awesome you know you are. Well done. What a champ.
Things that make me feel better about abhoring every moment of English death:
saving all of my files under passive-aggressive terms mocking the assignment
doing well without doing as much work
In Which I Reign Triumphant
Our last concert came off quite well, some old friends came back to see us, it's midnight but I'm done with my Exhibition and I'd better get a good grade on it cause it's fucking FANTASTIC

I love my physics teacher.
See, this is what Johnson does to curve our grades. Please note that we didn't actually have a final, and "Hydrodynamic Projectile Motion Investigation" was us launching water balloons at each other.
On Semester Awfulness
tl;dr: I still hate lit. Also there are other aspects of school that are less than desirable at the moment. Also, fuck.
it seriously bothers me when people assume work correlates to grades.
my grades, i've discovered, are in fact in direct opposite order of how much work i do in them. as in, it's the classes for which i do no homework and rarely pay attention in class that i have the best grades in. and it's not because they're not hard classes. except choir. choir is easy.
speaking of, i wish i could switch percentage points across classes. as in, i don't need 104% in choir. i need a fucking A in fucking lit. this is far from the most optimal distribution of grade happiness.
also i need an A in bio. except that one is much more actually my responsibility. instead of the goddamn mystery ball of arbitrary that is lit grading when we have literally 9 assignments, scored out of FOUR POINTS, that makes up 90% of our grade for this semester, /and the semester ends tomorrow and she hasn't graded five of them./ That's 5. Out of 9. So as far as I know everything in that class is a crapshoot. And I am just sick of hatingqwetertluuasjkga.kjsdfg dghjsdkfjgnsdn kbx,cnvbc vberohguvcxb and everything and now i'm incoherently upset so i'm going to stop this.