why-raven - the blackest night.
the blackest night.

— raven | he/they | ko-fi —main blog. multi-fandom. see pinned for info.[ writing | writblr || muses | gpose ]

496 posts

2. Highlight A FFXIV Blog That People Might Not Know About, But That You Would Like To Recommend To Others;

2. Highlight a FFXIV blog that people might not know about, but that you would like to recommend to others; and

41. Highlight a FFXIV blogger who you wish posted more often.

(for the FFXIV Blog Positivity Ask Game!)

A blog that people might not know about, but that I want to recommend. Hmmm hard to choose. But someone who I have been mutuals with for a very long time - and who I definitely recommend - is @confusedau-ra.

2. Highlight A FFXIV Blog That People Might Not Know About, But That You Would Like To Recommend To Others;

As well as the adventures of Clara Lara (the titular confused Au Ra herself), this blog also posts many inspiring aesthetic pictures, reblogged FFXIV art and does a great job of celebrating the screenshots and gposes of others. A blog that I think might fly under the radar for a lot of people, but a real joy to follow and one of my favourite mutuals!

2. A blog who I wish posted more often - at least on Tumblr, as I think they are more active on the site formerly known as Twitter - would definitely be @phoebe-of-ivalice.

2. Highlight A FFXIV Blog That People Might Not Know About, But That You Would Like To Recommend To Others;

An incredibly talented writer and gposer, I am always very excited to see a new post from them. And despite being such an accomplished creator, they have always been very kind and friendly in every interaction I've ever had with them. Whilst I can fully understand that it's hard to spread yourself over multiple platforms, I can only hope those Twitter-types appreciate how lucky they are to have @phoebe-of-ivalice so active on their site!

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More Posts from Why-raven

7 months ago
Harley Quinn In Episode 03 Suicide Squad Isekai
Harley Quinn In Episode 03 Suicide Squad Isekai
Harley Quinn In Episode 03 Suicide Squad Isekai
Harley Quinn In Episode 03 Suicide Squad Isekai
Harley Quinn In Episode 03 Suicide Squad Isekai

Harley Quinn in Episode 03 Suicide Squad Isekai

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7 months ago

Japanese only. I tried English at least once every expansion, but their voices just didn't click with me.

To be fair, Thancred and the twins sound okay in English, but overall the Japanese casting and direction are far superior.

(JP Y'shtola and JP Erenville all the way for me.)

I'm really not sure this poll will find its target audience bc I'm a small blog BUT I really really got curious lately so here we go.

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7 months ago

Highlight a FFXIV blog with a variety of compelling OCs - perhaps so many that you're impressed they can keep track of them all.


Highlight a FFXIV blog that has made you think about a character or setting in a different way.

FFXIV Blog Positivity Ask Game. — OPEN

Thank you for the ask, @mimble-sparklepudding! Now, to answer them in order:

When it comes to variety, @yloiseconeillants's blog is the first one that comes to mind. The sheer amount of headcanons that go into every single one of her OCs, including their Ancient selves, are really something! They are witty and fun, and they sure keep things fresh, throwing my expectations out of the window every single time.

I'm sure everyone does shed a different light to their character or setting in their own ways, but @archaiclumina's Ren is one I'm still in awe. This intricate archival system that Ren uses is very very impressive, going beyond anything we can find in the canon. She really embodies the saying, "you do not want to mess with a librarian," in all aspects—her meticulous perfectionism is truly a force to be reckoned with.

Aside from their characters, the muns themselves are also cool and amazing people! I do recommend checking out their content to learn more about their blorbos. Let's support each other in this community and foster a positive, healthy relationship with everyone!

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7 months ago

Art History Aesthetics - Lidell Locke

Art History Aesthetics - Lidell Locke

Bold what applies to your character!


tired eyes / coffee stains on the table / listening to the bustle of the city / unmade beds / ponytails / sunlight seeping through the curtains / chapped lips / walking barefoot across floorboards / dusty dictionaries / black and white reruns / huge sweaters / ticking of the clock / hearing birds in the morning / fireplaces / falling asleep during class


freckles / the sun rising / watching the sea / taking shots of the city / historical museums / bright eyes / looking up at the clouds / walls covered in artwork / drawing in the middle of lessons / tracing your fingers on the sand / painting for hours / staying in uncrowded coffee shops / worn paperbacks / messy braids / going to bed with your knee socks on


dark hair / a little sophisticated / always observing the world around you / intricate designs / high ceilings / extravagant musical pieces / dim lights / colorless photographs / fancy furniture / pale skin / hearing soft footfalls coming from outside your room / mischievous looks / bitten nails / candlelight dinners / dark shades of lipstick


chandeliers / the clinking of a teacup / laced clothing / modern architecture / light hair / watching the view from the terrace / hidden birthmarks / drinking tea in the morning / wandering about in an empty building / botanical gardens / old films / ancient marble sculptures / expensive perfume / breakfast in bed / reading stories about mythology


compassion / short writings on scraps of paper / blushed cheeks / a bouquet of roses / reading collections of poetry late at night / loose hair / carpeted floors / attending operas / faint music playing in the background / staying under the covers until midday / the night sky / streetlights / picking flowers / dancing around in silk dresses / scented candles

Thank you @why-raven for the tag!

Did this for Lidell since he's so new and needs to be fleshed out. Tagging @avaritia-ffxiv @justalittleraven @disaster-husbun @mist-touched and @zylphiacrowley! If you've already done it feel free to ignore or do for a different OC

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