Yiune Rei - Tumblr Posts

“The story of her life etched on her skin… She’s like a walking book. Patterns and portraits and words. Mantras of love and power. I wonder how much of it is fiction.”
— Sulari Gentill, The Woman in the Library

“True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.”
— Saul Alinsky

“Play is the mediator of the invisible and visible.”
— Dora M. Kalff
character associations — yiuno.

Tagged by @miqojak. Combined from 5 Things, and Character Features.

emotions & feelings.
apathy. / bloodlust. / cynical. / inquisitive. / melancholic.
curt nod. / offhand wave. / raised eyebrows. / sideways glance. / tight-lipped smile.
body language.
crossed arms or legs. / finger on lips. / hands in pockets. / pinch nose. / rest chin on hands.
as yiuno — high necks. / hoodies. / three-piece suits. / trench coats.
as yiune — far eastern. / high-cut silt dresses. / over-the-knee boots. / stockings.
monochrome. / neutral palette. / dark and cool themes.
a curious deck of tarot cards. Can be used both defensively (as shields) and offensively (as throwing blades).
flip cards with binder ring. For summoning familiars (in the form of black owls) to do scout work for him.
leather-bound necklace with a wind-aspected crystal. Used as a voice changer for some of his disguises.
freshly-brewed coffee or tea.
rain-scented air after a drizzle or shower.
smell of battlefield; of blood and gunpowder.
chaotic alignment. Only motivated by his own goals and agendas, he has no qualms to switch allegiance or betray people according to his own needs and wants.
manipulative liar. He’s highly mistrustful towards people and fairly unwilling to open up to others, preferring to conceal his real self behind multiple layers of deception. He also charms or tricks them into getting his own way or to do his bidding.
mercenary. If you want his assistance, he expects reasonable payments for his troubles. He doesn’t operate on benevolence.
sadistic. He enjoys watching people being punished; occasionally he may take a more active role and torment others instead.
blood splatters on snow-covered fields.
dusty tomes and abandoned libraries.
heavy fog over mountainous landscapes.
secret hallways and hidden alleys.
whiskey on the rock, served in lowball.
over the clouds — alan.
The moon that quietly soaked in sadness Paints the land red and disappears Can you hear my voice? In this bloodthirsty era Can I continue to be myself?
rapport — tatsuya kitani.
In the tranquil solitude I wished for a quiet end I felt sad for something inside me that was slowly going cold But it didn’t matter To love someone and to want to be loved It means that there is an equal amount of pain involved That’s why I kept my heart closed But now you have entered deep into it
song of lamentation — kokia.
Every time I tried to protect something Someone was sacrificed Wondering what we’ve been fighting for My heart lamented in silence
I thought that as long as I live, I’d be fine Until something I treasure was taken away from me I felt like I could hear the sound of my heart breaking Is it okay to go on like this?
truth — arashi.
I can’t return (after the tears that fell) Memories swirling (the colors of freezing tears) At the end of this world where everything was taken away
No matter what kind of ending I create, my heart remains a mystery Like the darkness that approaches the truth No matter what kind of world I create, I can’t see tomorrow Like a lily, pure and untainted My wishes remain transparent
weight of the world (japanese) — keiichi okabe ft. marina kawano.
This is my curse The depth of the sins I’ve committed Even with my corrupted soul I’ll still redeem your wish
This is my curse The pain of killing a promise With the final dream I threw away I’ll still atone for your wish
All lyrics translations (except “rapport”) are by @why-raven. Please credit if use. Do not claim as your own.

Sun’s sweet smile and wind’s cool breath, Both of these I send thee, To ripe thy fruit and spread thy seed, And nourish those that tend thee.
— Nophica’s Hymn, Final Fantasy XIV: Legacy

可信的不华美﹐ 华美的不可信。
The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.
― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching: Chapter 81
smash or pass? — yiuno.

— quick facts.
HEIGHT. 6' 1" / 186.5 cm
AGE. Unknown (immortal, appears 20+)
GENDER. Male / "Female" (as Yiune)
SEXUALITY. Demiromantic Asexual
— the pros.
ASTUTE. Yiuno is highly intelligent and perceptive; coupled with his resourcefulness, he is an asset you'd definitely want as a partner, whether it's on the battlefield... or even for the long trip ahead across the realm. A protector who's got your back, always. ENIGMATIC. Yiuno is a (wo)man of mystery; his broad knowledge of the world, particularly in ancient history and arcane arts, is extremely valuable. His secretive nature will also keep you on your toes... and yearning for more. There's never a dull day for as long as you're with him. REFINED. While Yiuno is a practical person at heart, he also understands the importance to be presentable for various situations. Perhaps it's due to his educational background, or his rich life experience—regardless of reasons, Yiuno certainly makes a great first impression, and continues to uphold that in the long run.
— the cons.
CHAOTIC NEUTRAL. Yiuno operates only by his personal code, his own rules—he doesn't bend his will to others. He can save lives as much as he takes them away; he has no qualms to lie or hurt people. A morally gray person through and through, he simply does whatever it takes to complete his own objectives, to fulfill his personal agendas. It's either his way, or no way. MANIPULATIVE. While Yiuno's secretive nature would excite those who seek the thrill of suspense and mystery trying to crack into his inner world, he's not going to let you in so easily. Sending you on a wild goose chase is what he does best (and enjoys most), and you're in for hell of a ride trying to navigate through his multi-layered masks and labyrinthine mind. SOLITARY. Yiuno often comes and goes like the wind—any attempt to seek a co-dependent relationship with him will only earn you a cold shoulder at best. He doesn't reject human interactions per se: he recognizes the necessity to blend into the society for a life of normalcy. A loner at heart, he needs lots of space for himself and his personal pursuits. He has little to no interest to indulge in the whims of others, unless it aligns with his own goals.
— more info.
WIT. While Yiuno doesn't demand his potential partner to possess the same level of intelligence as him, it'd certainly be easier to build rapport and gain his favor if you're able to communicate with him on equal footing. Otherwise, don't be dismayed at his superficial reactions, a facade maintained out of politeness. Or he'd simply ignore you and walk away once his attention span for you has dried up. SLOW BURN. Yiuno is no stranger to one-night stands or sexual interactions; however, these are often associated with the darker side of his job, hence he's not particularly keen to go there if you're looking to develop a more genuine connection with him. Coupled with his mysterious and callous nature, gaining his trust will be an uphill battle. If you don't have the patience to peel off his tough defenses one layer at a time, then you don't deserve to know him, to be with him, period. BEST OF BOTH WORLDS? Yiuno becomes a shifter due to an incident that involves the aetherial sea (it's a long story); he eventually comes to terms with his duality. Prior to this, "Yiune" was merely a feminine disguise that he used for jobs dealing with the underworld of Eorzea. Once seen as separate identities, now he accepts both egos as two halves that make him whole. Gender and sexuality be damned—man, woman or other, Yiuno frankly doesn't care. Satisfying the sensual needs of both ends of the spectrum isn't a problem for him, but the inverse is a different story altogether.

“I feel confined, only free to expand myself within boundaries.”
— Motoko Kusanagi, Ghost in the Shell (1995)

You don’t have to feel ashamed This form hurts you inside out, I know

You entrusted me with this secret And I have sworn my devotion to you

I’d be lying if I say I wasn’t jealous But only because you’re my equal

Man or woman, it doesn’t matter to me Why choose, when I can have both?

YIUNE REI (YIUNO ALTER) The Hopeless Romantic・The Quest Giver・The Final Boss

A sequel to this photostory, written from Yiuno’s perspective.
TAGS: [ isorawrites. » FFXIVwrite » 2024 ]
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XIV.
VERSE: Event » Moonfire Faire (2024).
STATUS: Submitted; 1 poem.
GENRES: Draft, Poetry.
SHIPS: Bibliomantiques.
MUSES: Yiuno Reine (Yiune Rei).
NPC: Y’shtola Rhul.
horizon /həˈrʌɪz(ə)n/ noun the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet.
Like oil and water, we seem incompatible Like sky and ocean, we’re from worlds apart
Near yet far, our fates entwine Through the knowledge we seek Yearning for more beyond pages
The bonds we make The promises we keep Changes challenging to break us
Like the sunset on the horizon In that moment, looking out of the inn You curl up next to me The sky and ocean finally kiss.

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