why-raven - the blackest night.
the blackest night.

— raven | he/they | ko-fi —main blog. multi-fandom. see pinned for info.[ writing | writblr || muses | gpose ]

496 posts

You Dont Have To Feel AshamedThis Form Hurts You Inside Out, I Know

You Dont Have To Feel AshamedThis Form Hurts You Inside Out, I Know

You don’t have to feel ashamed This form hurts you inside out, I know

You Dont Have To Feel AshamedThis Form Hurts You Inside Out, I Know

You entrusted me with this secret And I have sworn my devotion to you

You Dont Have To Feel AshamedThis Form Hurts You Inside Out, I Know

I’d be lying if I say I wasn’t jealous But only because you’re my equal

You Dont Have To Feel AshamedThis Form Hurts You Inside Out, I Know

Man or woman, it doesn’t matter to me Why choose, when I can have both?

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More Posts from Why-raven

6 months ago
YIUNO REINEThe Hopeless RomanticThe Quest GiverThe Final Boss
YIUNO REINEThe Hopeless RomanticThe Quest GiverThe Final Boss
YIUNO REINEThe Hopeless RomanticThe Quest GiverThe Final Boss

YIUNO REINE The Hopeless Romantic・The Quest Giver・The Final Boss

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6 months ago
Men Knew Peace And Contentment, And With Our Adamant Souls, We Could Live For An Age.
Men Knew Peace And Contentment, And With Our Adamant Souls, We Could Live For An Age.
Men Knew Peace And Contentment, And With Our Adamant Souls, We Could Live For An Age.

Men knew peace and contentment, and with our adamant souls, we could live for an age.

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6 months ago



She can be so fierce...and yet...

“I will not leave, Safianne. Not unless you wish me to.” Silver eyes turned to him in surprise. Then her expression grew conflicted, words unable to come forth no matter how hard she tried. Eventually, step by hesitant step, she walked toward him. When she was close enough, her head dropped until her forehead rested against his chest. Estinien could see her shoulders trembling with each shaky breath that escaped her. Even if he didn’t know exactly what to say, she could hear his steady heartbeat. That was enough.

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6 months ago

tag game — three-act screenshots.

yiuno // him / her

sora // yorha / vanilla

SORA AMARIYOThe Hopeless RomanticThe Quest GiverThe Final Boss
SORA AMARIYOThe Hopeless RomanticThe Quest GiverThe Final Boss
SORA AMARIYOThe Hopeless RomanticThe Quest GiverThe Final Boss

SORA AMARIYO The Hopeless Romantic・The Quest Giver・The Final Boss

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6 months ago

tag games — dark academia.

art history // yiuno / sora

book genres // yiuno / sora

classical literature // yiuno / sora

art history aesthetics — sora.

Art History Aesthetics Sora.

Bold what applies to your character!


tired eyes / coffee stains on the table / listening to the bustle of the city / unmade beds / ponytails / sunlight seeping through the curtains / chapped lips / walking barefoot across floorboards / dusty dictionaries / black and white reruns / huge sweaters / ticking of the clock / hearing birds in the morning / fireplaces / falling asleep during class


freckles / the sun rising / watching the sea / taking shots of the city / historical museums / bright eyes / looking up at the clouds / walls covered in artwork / drawing in the middle of lessons / tracing your fingers on the sand / painting for hours / staying in uncrowded coffee shops / worn paperbacks / messy braids / going to bed with your knee socks on


dark hair / a little sophisticated / always observing the world around you / intricate designs / high ceilings / extravagant musical pieces / dim lights / colorless photographs / fancy furniture / pale skin / hearing soft footfalls coming from outside your room / mischievous looks / bitten nails / candlelight dinners / dark shades of lipstick


chandeliers / the clinking of a teacup / laced clothing / modern architecture / light hair / watching the view from the terrace / hidden birthmarks / drinking tea in the morning / wandering about in an empty building / botanical gardens / old films / ancient marble sculptures / expensive perfume / breakfast in bed / reading stories about mythology


compassion / short writings on scraps of paper / blushed cheeks / a bouquet of roses / reading collections of poetry late at night / loose hair / carpeted floors / attending operas / faint music playing in the background / staying under the covers until midday / the night sky / streetlights / picking flowers / dancing around in silk dresses / scented candles

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