RIP Dustin Henderson, You Would Have Loved Chatgpt
RIP Dustin Henderson, you would have loved Chatgpt
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This is S2 byler, if you even care

Mike in s4 makes me kinda sad honestly that boy was trying SO HARD to keep himself in check and pass as a normal straight guy in love with his girlfriend. He thought about everything, he put on clothes that he thought would make him look cool in her eyes, he brought flowers, gave her a kiss, tried to have fun with her and be a good boyfriend but none of this worked and now she's pushing him to say something that he feels for someone else. He's there trying so so hard to pretend he doesn't care about his best friend, that he's not jealous about the painting he made for someone else, he avoids touching him, avoids talking to him and looking at him but the feelings don't go away, he still loves him and not her and in the end he knows that there's nothing he could pretend to be that will ever change this part of himself
Petition for Byler to have a swingest scene in s5 (Reblog)
Will Byers ama a Mike Wheeler y Mike Wheeler ama a Will Byers y Will Byers hace sentir a Mike Wheeler que es el corazón y Mike Wheeler hace sentir a Will Byers que no es un error sino que es mejor por ser diferente y Will Byers siempre necesitará a Mike Wheeler y Mike Wheeler siempre necesitará a Will Byers y Will Byers no quiere perder a Mike Wheeler y Mike Wheeler siente que ha perdido a Will Byers y Will Byers ve a Mike Wheeler como el corazón del grupo que lo inspira y le da el valor para seguir adelante y Mike Wheeler siente que Hawkins no es lo mismo sin Will Byers y Will Byers se volvió loco con Mike Wheeler y Mike Wheeler se volvió loco con Will Byers y, y, y,

okay say queerbaiting or milkvan endgame all you want but i have yet to see any plausible heterosexual explanation for the following
- the airport hug
he was happy to hug will in season 3 and happy to hug lucas in season 4. when the entirety of the show has made it clear that mike and will share the more profound bond (destiel iykyk) out of the party it makes no sense for him to not want to hug him- unless it’s because of his queer realisations atm
- ‘we’re friends, WE’RE FRIENDS’
um it is simply not plausible that mike clocked wills feelings enough to say this yet didn’t pick up what he was putting down in the van speech. bffr mike was absolutely on the defensive here, mans was trying to convince himself
- mike looking at eddie
you’re telling me you watched the scene in episode one where eddie has his ‘if you’re inTo baNd’ speech and still think mike isn’t a homo? he has a lil fanboy crush on eddie and none shall convince me otherwise
- mikes reaction to el kissing him and i love you too
there is no heterosexual reason for him to look so taken aback and distressed after her kiss and her saying she loves him too. the music and els face all suggest a beautiful moment of love but mikes face looks shocked completely contrasting this. esp contrasted against his face at ‘what if you wanna join another party’ and considering his face when he hugs karen at the end of s3. up till then he had made no effort to try and rekindle their relationship but still wanted to see her and talk to her while she was away. ur gonna look at me and ur gonna tell me that i’m wrong
- ‘i care for you so much’
yes i understand that some people have trouble saying i love you- as we see with nancy and steve. bUt the way this is framed in this scene makes it feel queer. he is deflecting he says he cares for her but can’t say he loves her. this is why i’m a gay mike truther this feels like he’s trying so hard to be someone he’s not but he’s reached his limit. he can’t truly say he loves her until under so much duress and pressure. even when he first said ily in season 3 was just a slip up and significance was only given to the words through everyone else’s reactions, not mikes own reaction.
- ‘mrs byers has this new job, mikes always complaining about it’
im sure i butchered this quote but we KNOW him and el only talked on walkies because she couldn’t talk on the phone for dead of the government figuring out she was alive. this line proves mike called plenty and he can only have been calling to talk to will. while yes it is feasible that he was calling as friends, why wouldn’t he say something? leaving this revelation until the last season makes it significant, and therefore makes it romantic and queer.
- shared looks
do i even need to explain. their looks are just fucking gay. especially that one in season 3 where wills like he’s here and mike just keeps staring at him for a good while
- the emphasis on lucas and mikes friendship
they make clear in season 1 that lucas is mikes best friend by mikes convo with dustin. and in season three their status as best friends is made clear because they relate and complain to each other all the time. then WHY throughout the WHOLE show is mike and wills bond given the most focus??? season 1 will is mikes motivation, season 2 he is his priority, season 3 they have an important arc and season 4 they have ups and downs but ultimately their relationship is regarded as most important- they are the only two from the original party who have consistently been paired together. dustin and lucas were both in the hawkins crew but were always in separate groups. there is no heterosexual reason to make clear who mikes best friend js then spend 4 seasons focused on his relationship with will.
- framing
there is no heterosexual reason to frame him in a closet at the milkvan season 3 kiss. there is no heterosexual reason to put a one way sign pointing to his closet. there is no heterosexual reason to pair him and will in the closing shot alongside two other endgame couples. need i say more.
- blue and yellow
obviously this colour symbolism is undeniable at this point. whether or not ppl believe it symbolises their relationship or just their characters, it’s clear that will is yellow and mike is blue. there’s a reason we barely see green clothing or lighting. there’s a reason mikes bouquet to el had purple (her colour) but too much yellow (will). there’s a reason their flannels always have hints of the other persons colour.
- will as mikes priority
instead of coming crawling back to el for forgiveness in s3 he goes to will. he says his life started when he found el (a lie like the rest of that speech) yet when will went missing he only cared about him. all of season 2 showed that he loves will so much he wouldn’t leave his side ever.
i have many other opinions about why milkvan endgame would completely undermine so many messages of the show but yeah i’ll stop for now