Will Byers - Tumblr Posts
« He likes it cold. » Okay ? Me too ?? My guy acting like he’s so special for that. Acting all dramatic and for what.

Like I said in a recent post I have been reading lots of humans are deathworlders, humans are space orcs, and humans are space Australians but for MHA. However, I had an idea for Stranger Things!

The Party and Co. (mostly) Are Human Space Orcs
PLEASE look at my other post that's similar to this that has some tips and reminders for writing fics like this!!! ↓↓↓

Maybe not deathworlders or maybe Eleven and those from the upside down are also from a deathworld?
Yes, Eleven, the other numbered children, and those of the upside down are the aliens!
Eleven was abducted by humans– how the turn tables– Why does One/Vecna hate her tho???
This also means Will was abducted by aliens.
Anyway, Steve Harrington is so perfect for this trope or whatever– he is the ultimate choice imo lmao
The government I feel would be exactly how it is in the show.
Eleven could look like a human or be a shapeshifter. Idk I think people would be more likely to help her if she looked or appeared human.
Eddie can join earlier on (Robin too) and I feel like he would so be a conspiracy theorist and so would Dustin.
Omg the Russians– it'd be like the space race!
I don't have anything else rn but if I do I will put it after this lol
What if the upside down aliens did experimentation on Eddie (kinda like Will but not really) and brings him back to life???
Imagine them ever going to space, they would traumatize so many aliens lmao
Omg Argyle would have always believed aliens are real and he's really bummed that this is the kind of experience (close encounter lol) he has with them.
Joyce would be fucking up the aliens just as much as Steve. The moms are killing it, slay those aliens lmao
Maybe the government not only was trying to like make the numbered children into super soldiers but like indoctrinating them to act like humans, abide by human customs only, believe in what they do, etc (just generally horrible things)
in my native language there is a word комфортыши (comfortable people), this is them to me

Mike and Will’s first shared apartment lease - 1995
I don't know if I want Jim hopper to fuck me or adopt me and this is a problem
My main thoughts during Stranger Things 2
Omg Dustin NO
Yessss El, you magnificent badass
Can one nice thing happen to Will? SERIOUSLY!!!
Oh look, they do have parents who vaguely care! I'm shocked.
Bob is either evil or a nice guy, either way he's probably gonna die
My Heart: if you start binging Stranger things 2 again you could be finished by 6am
Me: sounds like a plan
My Brain: But you have school-
Me: I've already started
Brain and Heart: *screaming simultaneously*

earths mightiest heroes part one- part 2
(inspired by @bi-max-mayfield miles morales + gwen stacy moodboard <3)

Fancasting Stranger Things kids as adults part 5/6
Will Byers: Daniel Radcliffe
I second that
I think that for season 5, the duffer brothers just shouldn't bother with a script and just let the actors loose on set and let them improvise the whole thing
: ̗̀➛ ᴿⁱⁿᵍ ᴿⁱⁿᵍ ... ★

Helloo, loves! This is my non-ask blog based account! If you wanna check them out I'll tag them. This account is also, of course, for rps! I'll give some info and stuff :3 I go by she/her tho idrm they/them!
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fandoms I'll do for rps :
TOH / THE OWL HOUSE | char pref : Amity, Luz, Emira, Hunter | ships : huntlow, lumity
TDI / TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND | char pref : Gwen, Courtney | ships: Duncney, Gwourtney
RTC / RIDE THE CYCLONE | char pref : Penny/Jane Doe, Ocean | ships : Spacedolls, perfectdolls
EAH / EVER AFTER HIGH | char pref : Darling, Raven, Apple, Lizzie | Darling x Apple, Raven x Apple, Raven x Dexter, Apple x Briar, Lizzie x Chase, Lizzie x Kitty
SPIDER-STUFF | char pref : Tom's MJ | ships : MJ x Peter
ST | char pref : Nancy, Max, Mike, Will, Robin | ships: Lumax, Byler, Robin x Vickie
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If I follow you it's prob cause I think you're rlly cool!!!
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@courtneysatella101 - Courtney (tdi) ask blog
@ask-emirablight - Emira (Toh) ask blog
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my rps <3

WILL BYERS IN EVERY EPISODE Episode #401: The Hellfire Club
I'm ending it all....look at them 🥹 😭
Will having the kind of relationship with his dad that makes him feel neglected and abused, and having the kind of relationship with Mike that protects him and makes him feel safe. Mike having the kind of relationship with his dad that makes him feel the need to conform and deny his true self, and having the kind of relationship with Will that affirms his identity and allows him to unashamedly and unapologetically be the person he really is. Mike being Will’s shelter and Will being Mike’s ultimate self-acceptance.

stranger gays, you will always be famous
guys he's so in love with him 😞😞😞😞

i wanna jump off a cliff
Holy shit idk if anyone has pointed this out yet but-
Okay so in season one its established through Joyce that Will has a fear of clowns. Clown imagery is reinforced in season 2 when someone dressed as one on Halloween triggers Will’s episode and Bob mentions having nightmares about Baldo the clown.
In season one it’s also established that Lonnie will sometimes bring Will to baseball games (which Will does not actually enjoy)
What was a baseball team operating out of Indiana in the 70’s and 80’s? The Indianapolis Clowns

Will’s fear of clowns has to be intrinsically tied to his dad
will byers is just so selfless. he's been like this since the beginning. when he wakes up in the hospital in the last episode of season 1, one of the first things he notices is that jonathan is hurt and he immediately asks if he's okay, despite everything that happened to him. in season 2, he doesn't want to hurt dart, even though it's a creature from the place that terrorizes him the most. also in season 2, we learn that will gave his toy truck to a girl because she was sad, even when he knew joyce couldn't afford to buy another one. in season 3, even though he was deeply hurt by how mike and lucas treated him, he doesn't really care about them apologizing, when he should have, because he says there are more important things happening. in season 4, he secretly gives away his feelings so he can help mike feel better, so he can help mike and el be okay. also in season 4, after jonathan starts that conversation so maybe he will open up and talk about himself, and despite not feeling ready, he could've made that moment about receiving and accepting the reassurance he needed, but he doesn't, not entirely, he makes sure that jonathan knows he's there for him too. i don't understand how there are people who dislike him. how could you not love him?
gm byler nation!
just dropping in with a reminder for if you're ever having byler doubt!
just think about this for a second:
the duffer brothers would have had no reason to acknowledge/confirm or even establish will's love for mike (and therefore byler, by extension) if not to have a confession/confrontation included in the next season of the show.
if they had pretended the romantic tension between mike and will hadn't existed in the first place then yes, it would be queerbating, but they might have been able to slip away with it (legally, maybe not emotionally) whilst still maintaining a shred of plausible deniability.
but now seeing as they have acknowledged will's sexuality and the object of his affections (😏) and managed to boost byler to be equally, if not more popular than the "true" canon ship, they now are obligated to acknowledge it in the show, especially as they talk about season 5 focusing on will coming into himself more.
now if we put two and two together, we will remember milkvan's . umm. ?issues, and the amount of season 5 bts we've got of each pair respectively up to this point, with mike and will seeming to almost always be together, as well as their promises of being a "team" this season, and realise that if a confrontation has/is going to happen, wouldn't the bts we're getting look a little bit. idk. different??
i, for one, highly doubt that the duffer brothers would have will confess and then be turned down by mike (because come on.
a) what type of representation is that even &
b) why would they even include that? it would just be useless and take away from the mainplot of the story &
c) not acknowledging byler at this point would be blatant queer-bating. as was touched on before.
d) mike is also in love with will, they just can't come out and say it as not to spoil the ?surprise? and spark any controversy before the release of the new season.)
and seriously.
the history that would be made with such an iconic romantic subplot?? hello??????. they can't let all of their plotting and parallels and hints and hard work go to waste. they wouldnt.
therefore, the confrontation must have gone.. *shocked, stunned gasping* .. well???? for byler????
byler doubt? don't know her 💗🌈
byler endgame!!