willowtreebee - Losing By Snoozing
Losing By Snoozing

He/TheyKeep things chill fellas!!If you don’t like, don’t interact, that simple!!

92 posts



ur art is so scruptious bae keep it up

Thank you @flummii , you’re too kind!! 🥰

Keep being yourself, my lovely!! 🤭

  • frostyblustar
    frostyblustar liked this · 10 months ago

More Posts from Willowtreebee

11 months ago

So, I read @leenfiend ‘s comic: What’s ur Type.

And I was thinking a little too hard about the part where they found out Alteans have Marco-Polo too.

A thought dump (and spoilers) 👇

Like, why is that what’s crazy? If I went to space and there were humans with pointed ears, glowy things under their eyes, and magical powers, THATS what would shock me.

How is it that a whole other part of the universe has a planet with similar beings existing on it, and they aren’t related at all?

Also they speak a dialect of English??? HOW DO THEY SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE-

I know it’s just a show, and it’s made for kids, but THIS IS A BRAIN TWISTER FOR ME.

Another thing, how tf did the patriarchy also exist on another part of the universe???

This might be a stretch but-

It’s kinda crazy that the patriarchy also occurred for the Galra, like even though Honerva’s Altean, SHES the one who discovered Quintessence, not Zarkon. (I think)

Maybe it’s because he was a paladin of Voltron and he’s Galran? But even so, Honerva killed the other paladins from what I remember, did she not? (So she asserted dominance LOL)

Also Lotor and most of the Galra called Honerva “The Witch”, they didn’t even call her Haggar, but hey called her a WITCH.

Yes, she does magic, and she’s Altean, but we’re there not other druids too alongside her? They never called them witches.

And even the claim that she’s Altean, I know this is a fault of character, but she’s literally proven her loyalty to Zarkon. She works under him, has been with the Galra for numerous years, hell, SHE EVEN HAD A KID WITH HIM. But I guess they’re so corrupt by the Quintessence that they just forgor!!

Another thing is, there’s mostly men in the Galran army, why is that?

I can count on my hands how many (full) Galran women I’ve seen throughout the show.

This is either that the people behind the scenes didn’t bother to draw women, or that Zarkon purposely chose men to fight for him.

Basically what I’m trying to say is, we don’t pay enough attention to how wild the concept of this show is.

Four random ass teenagers and some dude who got abducted were chosen to be in control of this space super weapon that is supposed to defend the universe from this race of aliens that are all chasing after some sort of a space drug that is essentially made up of LIFE FORCE.


Thank you for reading!! 😽

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11 months ago

Thanks for the tag @ashippingpotato !!

Thanks For The Tag @ashippingpotato !!

tagged by @nightfuryqueen to this picrew yay <3

Tagged By @nightfuryqueen To This Picrew Yay

i tag uhhh whover wants to do it tbh

10 months ago
The Fact That Im Also Always So Lazy To Look Up Reference Photos /pos

The fact that I’m also always so lazy to look up reference photos 😭😭 /pos

Here ya go!!



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11 months ago

Meow :3<3

Mrah Mew Meow!! 😸<33333

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11 months ago

Lance “I’m a stupid thing?!” McClain

Sorry, this was so wholesome- 😭

keith “i miss stupid things on earth” kogane

lance “like what?” mcclain

keith “the color orange and 7/11 and my bedsheets and you” kogane

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