This Scene!! MY GOD IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Like The Fact That He Looks Like Hes Rising Instead Of Falling!
This scene!! MY GOD IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL! Like the fact that he looks like he’s rising instead of falling! The glass shattering when he jumps. The music. That little smile at the end! Mannn this movie is a masterpiece! But this scene?! CHILLS literal chills!
Leap of faith
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More Posts from Wilthing-rose13
Some more BNHA student enforced dorm rules (pt3)
61. 3am is a dangerous time. Going anywhere near Denki, Todoroki or Midoriya’s room during this time will almost always result in witnessing something extremely confusing.
62. Toasters scare the crap out of Todoroki. We don’t know why and we don’t ask, but they just do. Don’t make toast when he’s in the room.
63. It has come to our attention that everyone has been playing a “game” where when Todoroki has his right hand occupied, someone shouts “think fast!” and throws him a popsicle and he’s forced to catch it with his “hot” ( or left ) hand. The mess gets all over the floor afterwards, and Bakugo is clearly getting sick of cleaning it up, as well as everyone who keeps stepping in it.
64. If anyone is ever feeling down, please report to Iida, Midoriya, Mina, Tsuyu or Ochako’s room as they are happy to shower you with unlimited amounts of hugs and affection.
65. There is a Class 1-A groupchat, as everyone knows, policed by Iida. Both Midoriya and Denki have both been put on temporary suspension. Sending everyone a link to a bass-boosted version of the Ponyo theme song at 2:36AM is not allowed.
66. Every time someone catches Midoriya accidentally calling All Might “dad”, please report to the common room and place a tally mark on the board under “All Might’s secret love child”( submitted by Todoroki ).
67. Tag is no longer allowed in the dorms.
68. Games that are in any way similar to tag but are called a different name by Sero or Tokoyami because “it’s not technically tag” are still not allowed in the dorms.
69. Kirishima is on cat poop duty for the next three weeks. This is his punishment for replacing everyone’s shoes with multicolored crocs.
70. The saying “women and children first” does not apply to bomb-simulation exercises. We’re looking at you, Bakugo.
71. Bakugo is infamously bad at playing Mario Cart. Do not let him play. He will want to, simply because he doesn’t like the thought of a little toad defeating him. Do not let him, though, as the damage repair needed afterward far outweighs the laughter that ensues as you watch him play.
72. If the bento boxes in the refrigerator have a name on them, do not take them. Mineta, this is specifically aimed at you.
73. We have a “bring your dad to school day” so that Todoroki can receive hugs and affection from dads that aren’t messy garbage fires.
74. If Midoriya is up to something that needs to be stopped, Todoroki must also be found immediately. Those two are almost always on the same crap.
75. Mispronouncing words on purpose in front of Momo is most likely one of the worst possible things you could do.
76. It may have been funny on “The Office”, but encasing Bakugo’s belongings in jello will inevitably end with a severely broken limb.
77. Denki is the official Class 1-A nail painter
78. Bakugo is the the official Class 1-A hair stylist. You have to ask extremely politely, but he is surprisingly good at working with hair. May that be short or long hair.
79. Momo and Jirou host study sessions every Sunday night before school starts up after the weekend. It’s not technically mandatory, but Jirou has now deemed it mandatory.
80. Every time someone makes a self deprecating comment about themselves, Iida is allowed to shoot them with a nerf gun. We’re trying out positive punishment.
81. We didn’t know this rule would ever have a need to be made, but please do not bite the decorative cacti.
82. You cannot replace the school uniform shoes with jocs. To clarify, this is a type of croc that Kirishima crafted completely out of jean material and passed around to every student of Class 1 A and B.
83. Die Hard and Inception are no longer options for movie night.
84. We have deemed Aoyama’s room a official hazard zone. Please wear some sort of protective glasses before entering. We do not know how he handles it himself.
85. The app Tiktok has now been banned from the dorms. Further explanation can be provided by Denki.
86. Endeavor merch is banned from the dorms
87. Todoroki has a nasty habit of guessing what’s going to happen next in the movie during movie night out loud. When he does this, everyone is then allowed to throw popcorn at him.
88. Bakugo sleep-vacuums. When this happens, Kirishima is needed to get him back to bed.
89. Denki has claimed a specific spot on the couch in the common room, and if anyone else sits in that spot, he will scream like a pterodactyl until you get up. So please do not sit in his spot.
90. Addressing rule 30 and 40, we have deemed it unsafe to except any food item at all that Sero offers you.
(Pt 1 is here)
(Pt 2 is here)

— That is our goal.
30 more student enforced dorm rules (pt2)
( technically it’s 29 but that doesn’t look as pleasing as 30 )
31. Jirou is not allowed to have her speakers during school nights, as last time we allowed her to keep them in her room she started blasting “gravy train” at one in the morning.
32. There is always one person on Bakugo duty when it gets chilly outside. He won’t admit it, but he is cold, and needs a jacket.
33. We don’t know how or why Denki got TikTok famous, but that app is not good for his health. He’s on it constantly. If you see him on it, slap his phone from his hands.
34. Just because Tsuyu can regurgitate her stomach does not mean you should ask her to. We’re looking at you, Mineta.
35. Attempting to scare Koda by placing fake plastic centipedes around the dorms is not wise. He has a surprisingly high pitched scream and Uraraka had ringing in her right ear for two weeks after someone did it to him the first time.
36. Organizing another “sit on your desktop” protest to combat Iida’s swatting might actually give him a literal heart attack. Please be courteous to our class president and sit in your darn chairs before he spontaneously combusts.
37. Trying to translate anything Aoyama says is a bad idea. We don’t know why he chooses to only say certain sentences in French, but most of the time they’re just weird.
38. We don’t know who keeps doing it, but the name plate on Sero’s room door is constantly being changed to “sticky daddy” and the staff of Heights Alliance are not happy about it. We advise against continuing this.
39. Todoroki is unbeatable in Mario cart. Not even Shoji has been able to take him down. For the safety of all, do not let Bakugo and Todoroki play against each other. Those consoles are expensive to replace.
40. Addressing rule 30, Sero has started making cookies. Do not be fooled, they are baked with the same ingredients as the brownies. Todoroki made the mistake of eating one and was found in his dorm room trying to act out Elsa’s “Let It Go”. That was a lot of damage to repair.
41. Todoroki and Deku adopted a pet cat named Cheese. We’ve agreed to keep Cheese a secret. He’s part of the family now. If anyone rats Cheese out, I ( Ochako Uraraka, hmu @ room 113 ) will fight you in a Calvary battle.
42. Yelling “sneeze” over and over until Todoroki sneezes has proven to be a bad idea. Last time that happened Todoroki froze Aizawa to his desk.
43. Deku will start crying if you play the ASPCA commercial. He won’t stop for hours and Todoroki has to handle it. If it turns on, immediately turn it off. Those tears could bring down the building.
44. Mineta has a specialty mandated school computer. If anyone sees him using his personal one outside of his room, please inform Aizawa. He uses the voice option of google translate to interrupt class with inappropriate words and pulls up restricted content.
45. If Jirou approaches you holding a pair of earbuds, telling you to “check this out” do not take her up on the offer. Denki was temporarily hearing impaired for a month until he recovered.
46. Asking Sero to use his tape as spider webs like spider man is a horrible idea, and does not have the same strength as the real thing.
47. Someone needs to remind Iida to sleep if he’s been studying. He starts to hyper-focus and doesn’t realize 8 hours have passed. The boy needs rest.
48. Denki is not allowed in the communal bath when he’s sick. If he sneezes, everyone in that bathroom will die.
49. Bakugo will act like his hearing aids are off when he’s pissed at you. There’s no use trying to talk to him then, even if he can actually hear you.
50. Touching Deku’s hero notebooks is one of the worst ideas you could possible have. Do not.
51. Saying “wanna fight” as a joke around Todoroki and Bakugo is quite possibly the worst thing you could ever do. They’re not good with social cues, and will take you up on the offer. We advise against it.
52. Todoroki is too stubborn to admit when he’s sick. He will walk around as if nothings wrong with a 105 degree temp in the name of not showing weakness. When this happens, please immediately contact Midoriya.
53. Kirishima will shout “dibs” whenever Bakugo enters the room. Let this happen. It’s cute.
54. Do not hand Bakugo a Snickers and say “you’re not yourself when you’re hungry”. Denki has attempted this and he ended up with half the bar stuck down his trachea. Ergo rule 54.
55. Truth or dare, more specifically the dare, is no longer allowed in the dorms.
56. Mineta is required at least one person to keep him in check on Valentine’s Day. There’s too much opportunity to be nasty, do not be afraid to hit him.
57. We have a special “Shouto Squad” for whenever Endeavor makes trips to the school for hero lectures. Midoriya and Iida lead the squad. Contact Midoriya for more information.
58. Bakugo, Jirou, and Denki are no longer allowed in the dorm kitchen.
59. Just because Midoriya hugs Todoroki does not mean just anyone can. That is a exclusive privilege, and attempting to do this could end in sudden life threatening injuries.
60. Absolutely do not wake Momo up before 11 on the weekend.
(Pt 1 is here)
(Pt3 is here)
Spiderverse Headcanons
Miles asking Liv questions from his physics homework mid-battle because he's a multitasking genius.
Gwen referring to her main arm as her "dab dominant arm".
Noir stealing guns from goons when nobody's watching because he's not passing up on a futuristic military-grade SIG Sauer M11-A1 when he can't afford a new revolver.
Miles takes up yoga after losing another game of twister to Gwen except she's started to join him and he's since lost all concentration.
Miles no longer willing to do 'interrogations' after he got braces because the last guy laughed at his lisp.

– I thought I was alone.
– You’re not alone. Erik, you’re not alone.
X-Men: First Class (2011) dir. Matthew Vaughn