Gamer, Otaku, Really Lonely
56 posts
Wingcap0 - WingCap/Lunar - Tumblr Blog
Lol. This is so true.
welcome to video game!!!!!! customize your character; but first, choose your gender:

The main protag of an Earthbound fanfic I'm writing. His name is Leif. Struggled a bit to get this one looking okay.
I tried sending you a pic, but my messages won't send.
y'all send me pics of gems and i'll designs a gemsona based on it
And this is why I don't watch the news. That and it's boring.

Alternate universe pikachu that didn't lose weight.


This is the best rectangle wingull, reblog for all the rectangles in your life to become the best they can be
Try playing Dark Souls. S E E W H A T H A P P E N S
me playing any video game: *does not touch the block button at all throughout the game*
Omg this is me to the nth degree!

If you can relate to an Introvert, Join the Introvert Nation
At least you try talking to the girl. I'm afraid of being seen as a creeper, so I tend to leave girls alone. Even if they work there and will be there at least half the day.
Well, he does have a good defense.

Freaking. Me.

If you can relate to an Introvert, Join the Introvert Nation
Me sometimes lol.

Bullet. Dodged.
I’m crying. I went to an eye doctor for a routine checkup to get new glasses and the doctor said I have retinal detachment. And that I need to see a retina specialist and get eye surgery. I’m so scared and I don’t really know anything about retinal detachment. Does anyone know anything about it?
Is this a chibi of the original BB or the go version? Because if it's the go version, then ditto should be scared.

Don’t be scared. I’m a shapeshifter too!
Literally me. I am not even kidding.

10 years improvement… I’ve learned a lot! just goes to show anything is possible w/ hard work :) follow your dreams!
Night crow. Nice.

what’s your bird sign?
Reblog if you’re older than the Nintendo GameCube

Too bad a gun that can stop someone talking already exists. Unfortunately, the effects of that one are permanent. jk

If you’re an introvert, follow @introvertunites.
by LunarSnow7
Name: Mentor
Sex: male
Age: 13
Species: human/ghost hybrid
Alignment: chaotic good
Appearance: He is a rather pale-skinned boy with short black hair and yellow eyes. His outfit a loose-fitting tan sweater with matching shoes and cap and black pants, and he is of average weight and height with a thin build.
Personality: Mentor is rather mischievious, and often comes off with a generally carefree attitude. He can sometimes be wreckless, and it takes a lot to genuinely frighten him. He also has little patience for people with no respect for the dead, and although he is a good person, he can be rather vengeful at times.
Bio: His father was
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War, war never changes.

Reblog with your 4-word story.
We need a show with these kids

Next Gen kids for my ships cuz I’m garbage