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I went through my second fight with Dagan…I’m going through my replay with Jedi Survivor…and I’m sitting here trying not to let Dagan beat my ass…but I’m being my giddy self, fangirling, and I SWEAR he read my mind!!! His little dialogue lines had fit into what I was thinking…If you don’t believe me, just read what I put:
(It’s what he REALLY said!)
Me: Dagan PLEASE DON’T read my mind!
Dagan: Amusing…
Me: Ugh…noooooo!!!
Dagan: Hehehe…
Me: I SAID NO!!!
Dagan: Hehehehe…
Dagan: Does it hurt?
Me: YES! PLEASE! I’m innocent!
Dagan: Really…?
Me: YOU MONSTER, I TOLD YOU NOT TO READ MY MIND!!! *Proceeds to strike him with lightsaber*
Dagan: Gah!

and yes I’m back! ❤️
bro I finished the 3rd final fight with Dagan Gera…and I tried fighting him on Jedi grand master difficulty…it did not go well!
I’m in the 2nd round with him and halfway through he wants to do a special move with a slash of his saber and LAUGH as I fall to the ground! What the hell??? This man KNEW I was gonna die and laugh his ass off just because lol…
I just wanted a taste of how he fights in Jedi grand master so I changed it back to Jedi master feeling like a complete idiot…I think he read my mind again, knowing every move I make…
curse you Dagan! I will have my revenge!

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Outer Wilds with two siblings (intro to the game 1)
Warning!!!! Outer Wilds spoilers!!!
(please do not spoil me/us the game, I would like to discover it on my own with my brother)
(The Masterpost explain a bit, go read it please)
The game starts like this: we wake up in a clairing to a huge green planet above us, an object in its orbit exploding.
We quickly learn by talking to the alien (a blue guy with 4 eyes, like us apparently?) close to us that we are the new astronaut, ready to go exploring space now, but before doing that, we need to get the launch codes from someone else, in the observatory.
We then enter the little village where we meet friends and maybe family who will then teach and explain to us multiple interesting information... Well mostly, because I don't know if knowing that this guy hates this tree will be interesting…
But anyway, here are the things we learned I bothered noting:
- We need to fear the moment we get our own spaceship. There is that small model of a spaceship for us to learn how to drive the real one... Yeah, it's a miracle someone's not dead or that this thing survived.
But wait! While me and my brother were being dumbasses, I saw that big ass blue planet passing above, the Giant's Deep. So, like any dumb teen, I launched the model up, until it became quite obvious I couldn't reach it. But then, here's the interesting thing: the ship didn't come down on its own. And seeing how much time it took us to be able to see its propulsors again, it might have as well continued on its merry way.
- So we will visit only one star system during this game. The others are like, too far.
- We heard a lot about this Feldspar guy, a hero of the space program and the first Hearthian (our specie's name) to leave our planet's atmosphere willingly. But they disappeared during a space travel, with no news since.
- There is a nice old Hearthian telling us about how they were the one to make all the instruments for the other astronautes, like Chert's drums, Gabbro's flute, Riebeck's banjo and Feldspar's harmonica. Now the question remains: where's mine?
- We learned how to use this thing called an ondoscope during a game of hide and seek. It allows us to hear a sound far away (I don't know how to explain it better). Anyway, it must work quite well since we can hear the music of the instruments on all the other planets.
What's really cool and I learned by accident is that you can listen to the music of multiple astronauts when their planets are close enough in the visor of your ondoscope. And the tunes complete each other? Like the harmonica and whistling we heard?
Oh, and you can listen through the planet you're standing on ....
- There is this cave that can simulate space's lack of gravity, and I would advise switching your lamp off at one point. Just to see the breathtaking simulation of the space's black and starry sky the weird rock of our planet make.
Oh, and moving in space? Not fun. At least my theory with the mini spaceship was right about going on your merry way when launched out of gravity's reach. It means you have to fight to slow down and/or stop tho.
- If we are to believe some guy named Gabbro who visited Giant's Deep, you apparently can't access the center of that ocean planet. And there might be a kraken or something but they might have been drinking before telling that but you'll never know.
- Phantom matter... I am scared to death to be taken by surprise by something that can make someone walking on it by accident lose a leg. Since it can only be seen in photos, let's take a lot of those! Think they'll give me that probe that can photograph everything around?
- Talking about Probes, the observatory's one, made for seeing around the planet, seems to indicate a lot of interesting things on the surface.
Okay it's starting to get long, I'm separating it in two..
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Outer Wilds with two siblings (intro to the game 11)
Warning!!!! Outer Wilds spoilers!!!
(please do not spoil me/us the game, I would like to discover it on my own with my brother)
(Please start at the beginning, it'll be easier to understand. Plus the Masterpost explain a bit, go read it please)
Now here comes the museum of the observatory where you learn a lot about the planets around without having to leave Timber Hearth (our planet's name).
For example, there is:
- A weird Nomaï statue that someone from the space program named Gabbro brought back from Giant's Deep (I heard a few tales he told about that planet too)
- A freaky dark stone that moves when you turn around, like some horror movie vibe. Gabbro (them again) said it was from a quantum origin. Seems important to note.
- Some stones that are attracted by the moon's (Attlerock) gravity. To which my brother said "so it explains why it seemed like we moved on our own sometimes." which was promptly confirmed when we left the text window and got dragged in the same direction as the rocks.
- A fish from a far away planet, Dark Bramble, that hitched a ride on one of our ships once. It's apparently used to its surroundings being dark or something? Not sure it'll be useful.
- An exposition on the life of a star maybe made by a class of kindergartners... Oookay?
- So there is a stone that can make you walk on walls now cool!
- So apparently we reverse engineered the Nomaï's tech to improve our probes so there was no chance to lose them? What's all this thing about a warp?
- So the Nomaïs and the Hearthians have nothing in common and we are in no way their descendants, so why and how did they all disappear?
- The Nomaï's way of writing is really interesting, there is a loop written on a surface telling one thing and another on the side answering. It's so much easier to understand than our own I think. Plus it looks like the writing is different between two Nomaï? In this one they speak about building something on Attlerock. Noted, we will investigate. Just what's that drawing next that discussion on the wall? It's like an explosion or a star?
Anyway, museum finished, we now go up to the observatory where we find our civilization seems to have reached some theory of the Big Bang. Not sure if this is going to be important but heh, writing it there just in case.
Now, we meet Hornfels who gives us the launching codes and tells us where every other astronautes are (except Feldspar of course): Chert on the Hourglass Twins, Riebeck on Brittle Hollow and Gabbro on, we could have guessed, Giant's Deep.
Edit : I forgot the map showing us our System next to them at the center of the room! There is some kind of white sphere with a structure next to it at the border of the system so what’s with that? Oh, and some Sun station too! So noted I guess?
Now that we have everything, time to get to space!
Okay, what is wrong with that Nomaï statue now? I thought I was going to die with that sudden flashback of all the things that happened! And now it's eyes are open... Creepy... (The fact that it couldn't go through everything we did makes me think we messed around a bit too much XD)
Great, now my friend thinks I'm crazy... Yay!
Anyway, to adventure and beyond!
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Newest episode of my I am Bread playthrough.
New episode of Fallout 3. Hope no one minds that I die a lot.
New episode of Fallout 3 is up. I’m trying to sort out some audio issues.
New episode of Ico is up! Please watch and comment! :)
Nearing the end of Ico! Check out the whole series if you haven’t! :)