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Wolf-guts - WHO'D WANT TO BE HUMAN ANYWAY? - Tumblr Blog

Stephan Vasement

Thermal imaging of captive wolves
Photos by USGS

“A Student’s Dream”: It was a common thing for medical students to reverse the ‘student/patient’ dynamic creatively (as though in a dream) where the corpses were opperating on the student.

Stefan Eggeler (1894-1969) - "Louis XV"
illustration from Hanns Heinz Ewers' Die Herzen der Könige (1922), a tale about a painter that uses the hearts of the kings of France in his paintings.
my friend’s dog just came in from the pasture begging me to come out with him so I thought maybe something was up and I followed him out and it turns out he just wants me to stand out there in the cold and watch him run in circles staring at me

Skeleton Dancing, 2021 - oil on canvas. — Miles Cleveland Goodwin (American, b.1980)

Maison Martin Margiela spring/summer 1992 Photography: Marina Faust

La Donna Scandalosa, a late-seventeenth-century memento-mori wax and cloth piece from Oratorio Compagnia dei Bianchi Della Giustizia, Naples. It was created to serve as a warning to women who have led a dissolute life.

Samantha Eggar in The Brood (1979)

Philippine Frogmouth (Batrachostomus septimus) parents with chick, family Podargidae, order Podargiformes, Sierra Madre, Rizal, Philippines
photograph by Mhark Gee
got called into the living room because "they're talking about something you'll like on tv" and it was a documentary about arsenic poisoning