Date Night - Tumblr Posts

Archetype LXVII: A leathered homage to Caravaggio
Posted @withregram • 🎃
Video by: @tiffloucks
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going on a date tomorrow with a guy. so nervous, send help.
CATFA Stark Expo Date

Image Credit: Marvel
This post piggybacks a bit off my last post about Brooklyn’s queer history.
Ok, so I’ve always had a head-cannon that this scene did have a double date its just not the one that everyone in the crowd would assume. I think the couples are Stucky and the two ladies. There are a few reasons I think this makes sense in canon.
Let’s start with the Ladies. They’re holding each others hands through most of the scene and they pretty much always stand closer to each other than to their “dates.”
Moving on to Steve and Bucky. I think the second image says it all. After he sees the flying Stark Car Bucky doesn’t look to the lady he’s supposedly on a date with he looks to Steve. He wants to see Steve’s reaction; and honestly, tell me that face he’s making isn’t full of love, really.
Also later on he has no qualms about ditching his “date” to go find Steve when he disappears. In fact when he sees Steve’s gone he looks down right scared for a moment!
And honestly, the best part of this head-canon is that its not even that far fetched! It was incredibly common for gay men and lesbians to “date” and even get married to avoid arousing suspicion and putting themselves in danger.
Steve and Bucky may have been at least semi open about their relationship when they were in Brooklyn surrounded by people like them but as soon as they left their borough they would have to hide again.

📍The Sorting Room, The Parkgate Hotel, Cardiff
Had a wonderful date night dinner at The Sorting Room tonight. The tarte tatin is to die for
Cute date idea: we go out someplace fun and you ruin me in the bathroom stall before our tab hits the table
my friend’s dog just came in from the pasture begging me to come out with him so I thought maybe something was up and I followed him out and it turns out he just wants me to stand out there in the cold and watch him run in circles staring at me

If we have a romantic date, either at a special restaurant or a beautifully dressed home. What guarantees sexy time afterwards?
She likes it when he takes her someplace fancy. It's fun to dress up and have him show her off on the dance floor. But she knows he isn't exactly comfortable in that scene and honestly neither is she. He indulges her though and it warms her heart.
Better is when he takes her off the grid. There are places he knows everywhere - hidden places only the locals know about. Those are her favorite dates. When he takes her along a washed out road to sit on someone's open air porch and wait for a family style dinner with some down to earth (or wherever) good people.
They eat with their hands and she always gets sauce on her face or on her clothes or both. She never even minds the stains she finds later. After food, they join their benefactors and clap for the musicians who appear in the street. Their music heralds the start of a night of boisterous activity and a whirlwind of adventure.
She'll lose her shoes or purse or something by the end of the night. He'll carry her or they'll stagger side by side. It isn't what most folk would consider romantic but Faye has never truly cared what other folk think anyway. It's his way of sharing the world he once knew with her - the parts safe to touch, still in existence - and she treasures these dates most of all.