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Boyfriends: You Steer Towards The Calm Water

Boyfriends: You Steer Towards the Calm Water

Warning: Violence

“We won’t survive the rapids.” You tell Jungkook. “Let’s go to the right.” 

You have no trouble navigating the canoe on the straightaway, but it only takes a minute before the robbers catch up to you. In a race on calm water against a boat with an engine, you really didn’t have a chance. 

One of the robbers aims his gun at Jungkook.

“This is like shooting fish in a barrel.” He grins maliciously. 

“Not here on the river.” The leader tells him. “Let’s bring them back to the cabin, so no one else will hear.” 

The robbers agree, and they pull both of you into their motorboat before heading back towards the cabin. And since the remaining four minutes and eighteen seconds of your life are rather unpleasant, it’s probably best if the story just stops here...

The End 

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More Posts from Woodstockbtswriter

4 years ago

Boyfriends: You Make a Break for the Kitchen

You jump up and bolt for the kitchen - and run smack into another large man holding a gun.

“Not so fast.” He growls.

Jungkook must have seen this man coming from his position at the bar, and now you wish you’d listened to his advice. 

The man grabs your wrists, drags you over to the kitchen’s industrial-sized freezer, shoves you inside, and locks the door. After fumbling around for a minute, you manage to find a light switch. You’re surrounded by dozens of boxes of ribs, roasts, tenderloin, chicken, and chops - all of it frozen solid. 

Crossing your arms over your chest, you shiver and wonder how long it will take before someone comes looking for you. Hopefully before you freeze to death.

Too bad you didn’t wear a warmer outfit.  

The End

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3 years ago


14. Fall asleep next to Jimin OR wake up next to Jungkook

Sooo hard to choose! 😭 But I have to pick waking up next to this floofy bunny. I mean, can you imagine getting tangled up together as you groggily wrestle each other for the covers before finally giving up and just snuggling until you both fall back asleep? Yeah, me too. 🥺


Ask me a BTS Would You Rather question!

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3 years ago

BTS Would You Rather

Send me an ask (anonymous or not) with a number from the list below and I’ll answer!

Options with links have been answered previously.

BTS Would You Rather


Build a snowman with Taehyung OR have a water balloon fight with Jin

Get coffee with Yoongi OR get ice cream with Yoongi

Go to the movies with Jimin OR to an amusement park with Jungkook

Record a dance cover with Hoseok OR a duet with Jin

Kiss Namjoon OR cuddle Yoongi

Babysit with Jimin OR dogsit with Taehyung

Meet Hoseok’s family OR have Namjoon meet your family

Film a commercial with Yoongi OR a sketch with Taehyung

Hug Jimin OR hold hands with Jungkook

Go to Malta with Jin OR to Hawaii with Yoongi

Film a drama with Jin OR do a photo shoot with Namjoon

Attend an award show with Namjoon OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with Jungkook

Spend a lazy day with Yoongi OR explore a city with Hoseok

Fall asleep next to Jimin OR wake up next to Jungkook

Make up a silly rap with Taehyung OR a silly dance with Jin

Have a fun picnic with Hoseok OR a fancy date with Namjoon

Have Jungkook serenade you OR have Taehyung sing you to sleep

Have a dance party with Hoseok OR sing karaoke with Yoongi

Cook with Jin OR bake with Jimin

Play tennis with Hoseok OR table tennis (ping pong) with Jin

Dye your hair matching colors with Jimin OR get matching tattoos with Jungkook

Play basketball with Yoongi OR video games with Jungkook

Take photographs with Taehyung OR go to a museum with Namjoon

Make bracelets with Hoseok OR decorate a cake with Yoongi

Go camping with Jimin and Taehyung OR go to the beach with Namjoon and Yoongi

Have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line

Celebrate Halloween with Jungkook, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Hoseok OR Christmas with Namjoon, Jimin, and Jin

Date your bias but never meet the other members OR be just friends with all the members

Kiss your bias OR hug all the members

Hook-up with your bias OR kiss all the members

Be dominated by Hoseok OR dominate Jungkook

Wear lingerie for Namjoon OR have Jimin model his underwear for you

Pull Jungkook’s hair OR have your hair pulled by Yoongi

Shower with Hoseok OR skinny-dip with Jimin

Be soft and romantic with Jin OR rough and passionate with Taehyung

Make Yoongi jealous OR be made jealous by Namjoon

Give Jungkook a hickey OR get a hickey from Yoongi

Blindfold Jimin OR be blindfolded by Taehyung

Have a late-night phone call with Namjoon OR a late-night video call with Hoseok

Be called “jagi” by Jin OR be called “baby girl” by Namjoon

Beg for Yoongi OR make Jungkook beg for you

Hook-up with Hoseok backstage OR with Jin in the kitchen

Be teased by Namjoon OR tease Jimin

Play Never Have I Ever with Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook OR Truth or Dare with Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin

Wild (Ask your own WYR question!) One Two

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4 years ago

Boyfriends: You Jump Out of the Car

You open the door and dive away from the vehicle, falling and rolling over several times, just like the stuntmen you’ve seen in movies. The car screeches to a halt, but you’re already scrambling into the surrounding forest. By the time the robbers pile out of the car, you already have a considerable head start. They quickly lose sight of you as you race deeper into the woods.

Eventually, you realize you’re not being followed and slow your pace. You walk for several hours, hoping you’re headed in the direction of civilization, and when you finally arrive at a small town, you nearly cry in relief. You locate the police department and explain everything to the local sheriff. He gets the chief of police in Seoul on the phone so you can tell your story. 

“They were taking Jungkook to a cabin in Chuncheon - you have to hurry!” You urge. 

“We’ve already been there,” The chief explains, his voice grave, “and we were too late. Your friend Jungkook tried escaping in a canoe, but with his injury, he didn’t have a chance. Maybe if he’d had someone to help him...” He trails off, and as his words sink in, you feel a crushing weight settling onto your heart.

The End

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