wooseoks-smile - Mint Yoongi 🌱
Mint Yoongi 🌱


94 posts

A Poem By My Sister

A poem by my sister

Alright before I tell you the poem I gotta give you the backstory in my house there are 6 of us my mom and dad then me and my 3 other sisters( my parents are in the middle of a divorce process) my dad was at work today and so the rest of us 4 leave to run some errands with my mom when we come back and there is a single red rose at the door with no note and no idea who it’s for or where it came from obiviously not my dad cuz my parents don’t love each other anymore but whatever so my one of my sisters came up with this poem :

“ Roses are red Violets are blue This rose symbolizes That I want to stab you”

….Lovely don’t you think

  • lurkirnogshen-blog
    lurkirnogshen-blog liked this · 7 years ago

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