writetillibleed - Write Till I Bleed
Write Till I Bleed

I'm never good at writing stuff in the about section. It's like having to explain your life story to a stranger. So I'm an avid Kogan writer. I don't know all those fanfiction terms like OTP and stuff like that. Been on there for five months and still feel like a newb. Other than writing Kogan I make wallpapers. Usually only for me, and they're nice pictures. I like them a lot. That's all I can think of so...

98 posts

The One Day, One Day! I Decide Not To Be A Social Hermit And Go Out With My Friend The Universe Suddenly

The One Day, One Day! I Decide Not To Be A Social Hermit And Go Out With My Friend The Universe Suddenly

The one day, one day! I decide not to be a social hermit and go out with my friend the universe suddenly decides to leak a btr song. I feel like the universe likes screwing with me. Yeah, anyways, my cover art for Featuring You. I've seen some on here that are good, most weren't, yeah, hope you like.

More Posts from Writetillibleed

11 years ago
UPDATES! After A Month I've Finished Chapters For These Two Stories.
UPDATES! After A Month I've Finished Chapters For These Two Stories.

UPDATES! After a month I've finished chapters for these two stories.

At the End of Ch. 17.

The Snicker Bar Lover Ch. 5.

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11 years ago


I haven't been on here in a while and I'm dissapointed in myself for my lack of posting/writing/random Photoshop pictures that might or might not be Kogan, but school started and haven't had much time to write in a general sense or even play with Photoshop. If I could I would just be a bum and mooch off people for money so all I would do every day is read, write, and make random artwork.


That is not why I wanted to post right now. It is because I was mentioned twice! TWICE! In other people's posts.I feel so honored! I don't know what to say but thank you! Gosh, I was smiling such a huge smile when I logged on and saw those people mention me even if it was remotely. GAH, I think I even blushes which has never happened to me before except for that time me and my friends older sister pretend to be together and her kid be my kid.

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11 years ago

OTP: *Does something adorable*

Me: *wails*

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11 years ago

I don’t write to makie a point, or change the world. I don’t write to explain anything to anyone, or gain riches for myself.

I write, to put it in Tumblr terms, to give people feels. All I want to accomplish through my writing is the telling of a story and the emotional...

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11 years ago
I Think I Have A Thing For Landscapes Or Something Right Now. But Yeah, Cover Art For Anything. Yup,

I think I have a thing for landscapes or something right now. But yeah, cover art for Anything. Yup, enjoy.

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