writetillibleed - Write Till I Bleed
Write Till I Bleed

I'm never good at writing stuff in the about section. It's like having to explain your life story to a stranger. So I'm an avid Kogan writer. I don't know all those fanfiction terms like OTP and stuff like that. Been on there for five months and still feel like a newb. Other than writing Kogan I make wallpapers. Usually only for me, and they're nice pictures. I like them a lot. That's all I can think of so...

98 posts

I MADE ANOTHER ONE. As You Can See, It's For The Carlos Pena Leaked Song: My Song For You. So Far, My

I MADE ANOTHER ONE. As You Can See, It's For The Carlos Pena Leaked Song: My Song For You. So Far, My

I MADE ANOTHER ONE. As you can see, it's for the Carlos Pena leaked song: My Song For You. So far, my favorite of all the leaks.

  • bheidenreich2014
    bheidenreich2014 liked this · 11 years ago

More Posts from Writetillibleed

11 years ago
Don't Be Angry With Me. I've Been A Secret Destiel Shipper For The Past Two Months. No Need To Worry

Don't be angry with me. I've been a secret destiel shipper for the past two months. No need to worry though. I am still one hundred percent invested in my Kogan. I just wish I didn't have so much college because I know I've been neglecting my stories.It's just all this work for school won't give me anytime to write, and when I do have time my brain is just too exhausted to get my writing juices flowing. Making cover art is far less taxing and takes less time. That's mostly because I've known how to use Photoshop extensively for the past two/three years after I taught myself one summer.

Anyways, I'm a destiel shipper, but Kogan is my otp thing, yeah, still not used to the shipper terminology and stuff.

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11 years ago
I Got Bored Again. This Time It Isn't Something Kogan Specific. It's More Of An Alteration. A Major Alternation
I Got Bored Again. This Time It Isn't Something Kogan Specific. It's More Of An Alteration. A Major Alternation

I got bored again. This time it isn't something Kogan specific. It's more of an alteration. A major alternation might I say. Made the first image on top into the one on the bottom.

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11 years ago


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11 years ago
I Would Like To Say Sorry. I Know I Keep Promising To Post/update More. I Mean That, I Really Do. It's

I would like to say sorry. I know I keep promising to post/update more. I mean that, I really do. It's just. College. Not anywhere as laid back as high school. SO MUCH WORK. And when I don't have work I'm too drained to do much of anything else.

If only to make the matter worse my computer broke. Just going like "nope." when I tried to install Windows 8 on it. And I don't have anytime except for this weekend to fix it, and then I'll be stuck this weekend on updating that hopefully and transferring everything onto there.

After that I have to work on all these stories I'm working on that seem liked I've abandoned cause I haven't updated in like forever. I'm not abandoning them, I just don't have as much time as I did before to work on them. Then I'm working with someone on here for one of there stories to create a cover art for it. Not saying who it is or what the story is about. Just that knowing the tid-bits of info of it that it's going to be awesome.

As an apology I would like all of you to look at the very first attempt at cover art I've ever made. This was for something for my english class my senior year. As you can see it's surrounding Adventure Time. I didn't know what the show was when I made it, cause this was a group project and everyone outvoted me. My friend drew the really rough outline of this and then I cartooned the crap out of it for two hours straight. SO yeah, sorry and enjoy the eye candy.

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