I Like This One Best - Tumblr Posts

I MADE ANOTHER ONE. As you can see, it's for the Carlos Pena leaked song: My Song For You. So far, my favorite of all the leaks.
things that would have been a better ending to supernatural than the actual finale
- dean tells cas he’s not only straight but also homophobic and doesn’t want to be friends anymore
- dean IS bisexual but just not into cas
- a dramatic reenactment of a destiel abo fic
- a sixty minute special about the dog that weirdly disappeared in the last episode
- a sixty minute special about the rusty nail that killed dean
- a sixty minute special about sam’s party city wig
- an awful 70s style porno of cas and dean
- literally just a black screen
- dean realizes he’s gay but then cas comes back in a female vessel
- cas comes back and kisses sam instead
- dean spends the whole episode trying to find cas in ultramegaturbo gay hell just to hatecrime him at the end
- dean finds cas in heaven and tearfully tells him he loves him back but cas revokes his confession after watching dean get impaled by a rusty nail literal days after cas sacrificed everything to save dean’s life
- a youtuber style apology video from the writers for queerbaiting their audience for twelve years
- everything is the same but dean dies getting run over by the impala