I'm never good at writing stuff in the about section. It's like having to explain your life story to a stranger. So I'm an avid Kogan writer. I don't know all those fanfiction terms like OTP and stuff like that. Been on there for five months and still feel like a newb. Other than writing Kogan I make wallpapers. Usually only for me, and they're nice pictures. I like them a lot. That's all I can think of so...
98 posts
Text Me Better Update - We Talk Like Bones And Kirk
Text me Better Update - We Talk like Bones and Kirk
(Mon. 10:08 a.m.)
Lucy jus talked 2 me.
(Mon. 10:10 a.m.)
Is she angry about you not going on the date and ignoring her since?
(Mon. 10:13 a.m.)
How'd ya know dat?
(Mon. 10:15 a.m.)
(Mon. 10:18 a.m.)
(Mon. 10:19 a.m.)
N yes.
(Mon. 10:20 a.m.)
I thought she was gonna punch me.
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ieeerr liked this · 11 years ago
magentalicous liked this · 11 years ago
candidcanoe liked this · 11 years ago
More Posts from Writetillibleed
Oh! Almost forgot. YAY! I have 44 followers! That's the most I've ever had! YAy! Thank y'all for putting up with my sporadic updating from before.
Text me Better Update! - 14 My Foam Finger is still Cool
"Heh, alright Bones. Where are you so I know to look at you when I make the winning point?"
"I shouldn't be that hard to find. I'm waving my foam finger in the air."
"You still have that thing?"
"Don't mock the foam finger. My foam finger is still cool."
"Sure it is, Logie."
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I love Text me Better. Do you only update on Fridays?
I love that you love it! And yeah, only Fridays. Life gets in the way and doesn't give me more time to update. I would like to update all my stories but, yeah, life, in the way.
Text Me Better Update! - 13 James Needs an Intervention
(Mon. 7:45 p.m.)
You have to make him stop.
(Mon. 7:49 p.m.)
(Mon. 7:50 p.m.)
Stop what?
(Mon. 7:52 p.m.)
Kendall! He won't stop texting me everything like I'm his personal diary!
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Update Text Me Better - 10 Foam Fingers are Cool
Sorry for the delay! Here it is though!
(Tues. 10:26 a.m.)
Logie Bear sweared.
(Tues. 10:27 a.m.)
Such a turn on
(Tues. 10:29 a.m.)
Stop being weird Kendall.
(Tues. 10:31 a.m.)
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