Definitely not a game dev pretending to be a writer. Aro/Ace
163 posts
It Has Come To My Attention That Almost Everyone On Tumblr Has Some Form Of Adhd.
It has come to my attention that almost everyone on tumblr has some form of adhd.
I conclude that tumblr fully embracing it’s a hellsite as targeted advertising towards people with adhd who just can’t help themselves and join out of morbid curiosity.
Evidence; me, anyone who isn’t an artist, and about 10% of the artists
More Posts from Writingalterras
I dox her address, drive her home, break into her house, place her on the couch, leave, and pretend it never happened. It would be highly dishonorable to attempt to kill her while she’s defenseless, you think I get paid to kill heroes? Being a villain is a hobby, and it’s no fun if it’s easy.
As a Villain, one night, someone knocks on your door, you open it and there she is, the most famous invulnerable heroine of the city, completely drunk and with many bruises, as soon as you realize who she is, she passes out into you arms.
This is true to an extent, this will not work for every writer. Depending on the complexity or length of the first draft, it might be easier or faster to rewrite only certain parts. When you make it to the end of that draft with changes, wait a few days and read through it again. Each time you revise your story, it will get closer and closer to a finished story and greatly decreases the chances of inconsistencies. The more time you spend revising the same draft, the more you will understand the characters you created. Note that this is in no way the best to write, everyone has their own methods, I’m just saying that there are other options out there, and you should spend the time finding out which one works with you the best. :)
The Truth About First Drafts
First drafts are not great quality. Some lines might be fantastic, but overall, it probably won’t be amazing. And that’s totally fine, it’s normal, it’s exactly what you want.
Our silly writer brains expect perfection on the first go for some reason?? Which makes no sense.
They’re meant to be terrible, just thoughts spewing onto paper, really. Just get the dialogue out, get the story into a tangible, clear sequence of events that’s actually a readable story, not just an outline. You can fix it later <3
Think of it as the “zero draft” instead of the first draft. “Garbage draft” works too.
Write it out on paper with pen, or add messy notes to your documents everywhere to really reinforce the idea that there’s no pressure or expectation for perfection.
Don’t look at any of the draft as you write it until you’re done the draft. Looking back at bad writing while working on the same project can be really discouraging, so just don’t look.
Once you finish the draft, wait a couple weeks. Long enough to distance yourself from it, so you can come back to fix it with a clear head.
Don’t compare your first draft to published books. Ever. Those books might be on their tenth, twentieth, thirtieth draft. It’s unfair. Don’t bully yourself or your project.
Set yourself a goal, x words per day, x minutes spent writing, whatever you want. Just make sure it’s achievable. Don’t set yourself up for failure unless you’re asking for discouragement.
You got this <33 Just get that draft down.
When you finish the draft, rewrite the whole thing, using the original draft as a reference if you like. There will almost certainly be countless details you want to change, so rewriting the story will be easier than fixing the original.
Farewell online privacy
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You have the ability to project a super realistic hologram of yourself anywhere on the planet, but instead of using it for good like the other heroes, or bad like the villains, you use it for a bit of trolling.
Random person, “Because I love you.”
You, “Sorry, but…” (dematerializes)