Avowed asexual and wholesomeness merchant.Trans NB Social Justice Bard. They/them
468 posts

Vince submitted:
Lightning from the Final Fantasy series has always been a female character I liked in video games. Good news is she is returning in a third game featuring her. That is awesome! It looks like you play dress up with her for combat, that could be cool, I guess - kinda weird, but I’ll go with it. Also weird is that the game director and character modeling designer wanted to ‘enhance’ her appeal. AND YES! THEY WILL JIGGLE!
Q: Is it true you said you wanted Lightning-san’s size from a C cup to a D cup?
Nobuhiro Goto (Character Modeling Designer): Toriyama-san said “I want it bigger” so…
Motomu Toriyama (Director): [What a] cop-out! (laughs)
Goto: Yes, it was enlarged.
Q: Was it a C cup until now? Does it even jiggle this time?
Goto: Yes!
Toriyama: It’s determined by clothing, like the so-called corrective underwear. (laughs)
Dengeki Online‘s report of the Q&A provides further details:
Q: I heard that the chest Jiggles?
Goto: Yes, her chest jiggles. Since everyone can decide what costume she’ll wear, you can make sure it does (laughs). By the way, since Lightning swings her arm when you change her weapon in the menu screen, that’s a recommended action for sure-fire jiggling! To see it even better it could be useful to equip a small shield. Look forward to it!
I’m super upset by this.
Nice to know where their priorities are for re-designing her, and that they’re really excited about how you can dress her in specific clothing to watch her boobs jiggle when she fights.
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More Posts from Wundergeek
On aliases you can trust
Amusingly, I've gotten some pretty waaangsty asks in response to my Trolls versus TVW flowchart. My favorite? From a guy called "DickButt McGee".
Sure, dude. I'm totally going to listen to what you're going to say. How could I not listen to anyone namedDickbutt McGee??
I swear, sometimes they make it too easy.
Performing ridiculous masculinity?
I threw out this question on Google+, but I thought I'd post here too. So in STA, all female adventurers have the following special moves: Sexy Fu Once per combat, you may choose to re-roll any die by choosing to do one of the following: Narrate how your character is attacking the enemy from a boobs-and-butt stance while making your best attempt to demonstrate that pose. (No cheating now. Make an honest effort.) Or: Narrate how your character is attacking the enemy while you, the player, make Inappropriate Pornface. (Again, no cheating.) Too Hot to Fail Once per session, you may choose to re-roll any die rolled as part of a social interaction with NPCs. Make your best case for why they should do what you want, then describe how circumstances are contriving to make your character look particularly sexy. (No “my boobs are big” or “my hair looks great”. Try for descriptions that might be found in a romance novel or slashfic.) ---- In the current version, The Dude (because there is only one male adventurer per campaign) does not have an equivalent special move. I am, however, re-thinking that. So what can I have The Dude's player do that would play up ridiculous performance of masculinity? Junk thrusting? Ridiculous flexing? Help me out! The more over-the-top, the better!
Flow-chart feedback (last one, I promise)
So I'll get back to posting actual art here after one more post.
Amusing responses and reblogs continue to pop up. My favorites so far (I'm not going to quote users, because frankly I don't want to validate these people):
1) Referring to me as "Herr Wundergeek". Yes. I am an evil nazi for pointing out that critics of TVW are all reading from the same script. Making fun of people who hate Anita Sarkeesian is the same as HATING FREEDOM. Or something.
2) ANITA SARKEESIAN IS A FRAUD. ...yeah, okay. Way to completely validate my flow chart, guys. Also, she's actually honoring her end of the deal and making videos. How's that Tropes Versus Men Kickstarter working out? ...yeah. That's what I thought.
3) ANITA IS A STRAW FEMINIST. ...uh, no. I do not think that word means what you think it means.
(image taken from Hark A Vagrant's comic about Straw Feminists)
4) IF U NEED A FLOW CHART TO DISPROVE PEOPLE, YOU ARE WRONG. ...yeah, that would imply that I'm taking your arguments at all seriously. I'm just laughing at you.
Lastly, let it be noted for the record that I'm a woman.
After this we will be returning to more normal updates about art and game design. Thanks, folks. You're beautiful.
God dammit. I've already hacked Polaris once. Do I need to hack my hack now to write a Silver Millenium version?
This has generally been a non-professional tumblr but … how to say it? Maybe I’m reconsidering that.
Anyway I write tabletop role-playing games. This is my company site. My games are designed to be simple and easy for beginners to get into. Some of them (Beatrice, SKEW, Clover) support internet play very well and some of them (Beloved) you can play by yourself.
You can buy the games in eBook form for any price, even zero, through a handy instant-gratification delivery system.
Here is a handy guide to games you might be interested in.
I am on tumblr for: Politics. The Drifter’s Escape, a game about America, homelessness, and the Devil.
I am on tumblr for: Slash. Hot Guys Making Out, because that’s what it’s for.
I am on tumblr for: Adorable Animal Pictures. Clover, because it is adorable.
I am on tumblr for: mental health blogging. SKEW is a game written by a crazy person (me!) about crazy author science fiction (ala PKD). See also: Beloved, Witch House. Both games I wrote as healing mechanisms. See also: my entire corpus.
I am on tumblr for: Homestuck. Try Bliss Stage. It draws on a lot of the same source material, and the player/server dynamic has an interesting mirror. Also, if you like “people struggling to save a doomed world:" Polaris.
I am on tumblr for: Homestuck, but really just the porn. Hot Guys Making Out. Does what it says on the tin. It has guidelines for hacking it so you can Solkat to your heart’s content. Also has characters who might reasonably be construed as Morail / Auspisitice / Kismesis.
I am on tumblr for: Steampunk. Being a role-playing game on the topic of the High-Flying adventures of Beatrice Henrietta Bristol-Smythe, DBE, daring Aviatrix and accomplished Exploratrix, and her Gentleman Companion, who for a Modest Fee, accompanies Beatrice Henrietta Bristol- Smythe, DBE, when the Occasion warrants her an Escort.
I am on tumblr for: Anime. Bliss Stage is in many ways Gunbuster the RPG. Clover is in many ways Yotsuba& the RPG. Hot Guys Making Out is in every way a yaoi manga RPG.
I am on tumblr for: fame and followers and fortune. XXXXtreme STREET luge.
Ah! Didn't realise you had a tumblr! It's your fault (via GoMakeMeASandwich) that I really started to understand the problems games have with representation etc :)
Yeah, I suppose I should link the two. This is more meant to be an art/game design blog. But it's kind of inevitable that feminism is going to spill over here.
I'm really glad that GMMaS made a difference for you.