Avowed asexual and wholesomeness merchant.Trans NB Social Justice Bard. They/them
468 posts
Brendanadkinsanswered Yourquestion:Performing Ridiculous Masculinity?
brendanadkins answered your question: Performing ridiculous masculinity?
Roll again and describe a flashback explaining your manpain!
Funny you should mention that. Instead of Spout Lore, female adventurers get the basic move Don't Worry Your Pretty Head. On a hit, a man tells you what you need to know.
More Posts from Wundergeek
Finally! A practical use for boobs-and-butt fighting!

Flawless Defense!

I love Anita Sarkeesian and Feminist Frequency. LOVE. So I get really upset at the bullshit that gets hurled her way for daring to be a woman with an opinion on the internet. THE HORROR.
So I thought I'd poke fun at the astonishing unoriginality of Anita Sarkeesian' critics with a sarcastic flow chart, because who doesn't love sarcastic flow charts?. (For a full explanation, check out my post here on Gaming as Women.)

(Pardon the terrible scan. This is just the rough pencil, anyway. I'll post better once these are finished.)
The character creation rules for SexyTime Adventures are intentionally sexist. When it comes to choosing your looks, you only get one choice: various flavors of boobular. And then I started thinking - oh god. What if character creation was putting together paper dolls where your only choices sexualized your character?
And then this happened.
I tried to draw her more broken, but this is as bad as I could make myself draw it. I also originally wanted to have every head have the exact same face, but then I decided that I could have my feminist satire and show some diversity too.

(Speaking of art...)
We went to the beach yesterday with my daughter, who is 11 months old. Afterwards we stopped at Crabby Joe's which has brown craft paper on the tables and free crayons, so I drew my daughter in her watermelon swimsuit. Yes, that's as cute as it sounds.

This is the same man.