My life has unfortunately been taken over by Homestuck. Knight/Sylph of Space/Heart.
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More Posts from Wyfy-meltdown
I'm thinking of making a discord server for PMMM and Magia Record general hangout-community-stuff, (maybe some general magical girl stuff or unrelated OC things too) would anyone be interested in having that and/or does anyone have any name suggestions?
UPDATE: Server's done, here's the link for anyone interested!:
I'm posting it anywhere people will see, because there's a lot of people who have expressed interest but don't seem to know the link is up!
"Angel Project Lore Dump" Won The Vote, So Lore Time!
Firstly: "Angel Project" takes heavy inspiration from PMMM/Magia Record world building (mainly in the way magical girls become witches), and it's very much a passion project stemming from "I love this world building and I'd like to do my own take on it".
Additionally, I will be referring to various characters within the project to provide examples and additional history-lore notes (as some characters greatly impact the lore).
Finally, Angel Project is meant to be in video game format containing multiple stories. Also, there is a mild bit of time loop shenanganery (backstory thing), and a mild bit of alternate timeline/universe stuff.
With that aside, here's the lore!:
Young people (between the ages of 10-19) with good natured hearts, strong desires, and tragic or violent deaths are given the chance to resurrect and become magical "Angels" fighting against the "Demons" born of human malice and mental strife. A human must qualify in all three of these categories, or excel in one, to be eligible to become an Angel. A person can become an Angel regardless of gender, but most Angels are female as young girls tend to die more tragic deaths.
Once a human has become an Angel they gain 3 things: a Halo, a Seraph, and Wings.
The Halo is the weapon an Angel uses to fight. The shape of the Halo is influenced by the Angel's cause of death; either what caused their death (Reika's steel pipe and brass knuckles), or something that could've prevented their death (Remiko's pool tube). Occasionally the Halo is influenced by the desire if the desire is powerful enough (Emaru's tarot cards), or is just cruel irony related to the Angel's first death (Tomoya's spindle, Kazane's fire poker).
The Seraph reflects the eventual Demon form of an Angel, and is influenced by the strongest desire of the Angel. If an Angel has more than one desire that qualifies them for becoming an Angel, they will have multiple potential Demon forms and Seraph forms with whichever desire is strongest at the time of second death becoming the final Demon form (Ex: Tomoya has Bruto (desire to be remembered), Viceroy (desire to be special), and Briar (desire to have friends).
The Seraph's dormant form takes the shape of a wing shaped crystal with a shape near the base of the wing that represents the Angel. The dormant Seraph is what is used for an Angel to transform into their Angel form, and is commonly worn as some form of accessory near an area related to their first death (Ex: Mimori wears it as a hair pin [broken skull]).
The active form of a Seraph resembles and shares the name of the Demon form, but looks smaller or bigger, and also the name is different sometimes (Ex: Akeno's Seraph is named "Tiffany" while her Demon is named "LC Tiffany", Awayuki's Seraph is named "Titania" while her Demon is named "Pelagic"). The Seraph name being different from the Demon's name is not indicative of multiple desires or potential Demon forms unless the appearance drastically differs.
Seraphs can also temporarily fuse with their Angel, however this increases the NEE of the Angel and each fusion brings them closer to max NEE capacity (aka Demonification). Angels will be able to use the abilities, weapons, and Imps of their Demon form, however the amount of control they have over their Seraph in the fused state differs; the control an Angel has is mostly dictated by the personality of the Seraph and the relationship a Seraph has with their Angel
Davidson gives Reika full control while fused as Davidson strongly wishes for Reika to have full control over her [Reika's] life.
Norocului doesn't allow Emaru any control but since the two have the same personality and moral code it doesn't affect them.
Titania is actively working against Awayuki and goes against her [Awayuki's] wishes by destroying the things she loves.
Nenocire and Kisbie are both so dedicated to protecting their Angels [Suzu and Remiko respectively] that they don't follow orders and only react defensively to threats.
Bruto and Tomoya are mutually embarrassed by eachother and interact and fuse as little as possible.
Seraph-Angel fusions can also fuse with eachother if they have a strong enough bond/connection (doesn't necessarily mean a positive one). Multi-fusions fuse the appearance of the Seraphs, and the closer the bond the more cohesive they look. Multi-fusions additionally fuse combine the outfits of the Angels, but does not fuse the bodies at all. Multi-fusions can use all abilities, weapons, Imps, and capabilities from each Angel and Seraph; control yet again varies based on the fused Seraphs and Angels.
Examples of Multi-Fusions:
Reika and Kazane are girlfriends, and so Davidson/Maleen blend together perfectly (Davidson getting kitted out with Maleen's phantom maid clothing). Davidson and Maleen are both very obedient to their respective Angels, and so Reika and Kazane can control the multi-fusion at will; however Kazane does prefer to let Reika take the lead. (Davidson/Maleen multi-fusion doesn't have a proper name yet, but I like to call her "Maidmobile")
Awayuki and Remiko have a close sisterly bond (Awayuki big sister, Remiko little sister) reflected in some of Kisbie's Imps resembling Awayuki. Awayuki and Remiko died together, and so have an understandably close relationship. Kisbie kind of just... sits on top of Titania while holding Remiko. Titania's membrane-bubble-thing also becomes a minty light blue, and she gains various beach themed accessories.
Suzu, Emaru, and Tomoya have a very complicated "bound together by fate and time and that asshole Emaru's bullshit" relationship. Together they form a grandfather clock (Norocului is the clockface, Nenocire is the clock body, Bruto is the clock hands). Typical to how they normally are, Norocului is the main one in charge, Nenocire works on defense and stabilization, and Bruto just gets bossed around by Norocului. Only other thing of note is that by "fused outfits" Tomoya literally just makes them hooded blankets with animal ears and friendship bracelets.
Seraphs are functionally mascot creatures in their active forms, however the amount of intelligence and speech capability they have differs (Viceroy directly speaks to Tomoya throughout his alt-universe insanity arc, but Bruto is incapable of doing anything but rolling around despite them coming from the same Angel). Seraphs think independently from their Angels, but reflect their desires in some way.
Wings are the magical powers an Angel has: usually taking after the personality and cause of death of the Angel. Wings are numbered from 1-6 based on how powerful or otherwise useful they are; and one Angel can have multiple Wings. A rating of 1-2 is a weak wing, a rating of 3-4 is an average Wing, a rating of 5-6 is a strong Wing.
Here's a list of what Wing power level combinations would be considered:
One weak Wing, one strong Wing (Average)
One strong Wing (Average)
Three weak Wings (Average)
One weak Wing (Weak)
Two weak Wings (Weak)
Two strong Wings (Strong)
Three strong Wings (Strong)
*Emaru is the Spiders Georg because he has 12 Wings of mostly high power and thus has not been counted
Although reflective of the personality, not all Angels like or know how to use their Wings (Reika is disgusted by her "Goon Instinct" and "Total Pummeling" Wings, Remiko doesn't understand how to use her "Color Banners" Wing and uncontrollably shoots out banners)
Wings that connect to an Angel's first death:
Reika's "Goon Instinct" allows her to control the actions of a target for an amount of time (like how she was controlled), and her "Total Pummeling" allows her to unleash devastating physical attacks very quickly (much like how she was beaten to death).
Mimori's "Rooting" Wing allows her to control tree roots (because she had her unfortunate fall from a tall tree onto some thick roots).
Awayuki's "Bubble Shield" Wing allows her to protect others and herself with bubbles (much like how she wanted to save Remiko in her final moments), and her "Bubble Float" Wing allows her to create strong bubbles of various sizes that can float people upwards (like how she tried to swim up to save herself and Remiko, to no avail).
Tomoya's "Air Threads" Wing allows him to manipulate and create threads which he can use to sew things at will. The reason for this ability? He caught a cold from not wearing proper rain attire and had an allergic reaction to cold medicine, killing him. He now has an infinite supply of scarfs and jackets, and will never catch a cold again.
Wings that connect to an Angel's personality:
Akeno's "Shadow Pluck" Wing allows her to pull items of significance from a person's shadow (Akeno being very distrustful and wanting to quickly understand a person's nature), and her "Tinted Glass" Wing allows her to become completely invisible except for her eyes (as she tends to hide away from others while watching from a distance).
Kazane's "Soot Sweep" allows her to control dust, reflecting both how she worked as a house cleaner and her life of poverty.
Both Remiko's "Color Banners" and "Pool Animals" are indicative of her young age (10) and her love of colorful and fun things.
Angels will become Demons for one of these reasons:
They have their second death
Their NEE capacity becomes full
An Angel's second death is anything that kills them. For an example, Emaru shoots Tomoya, Tomoya dies, Seraph-Bruto becomes Demon-Bruto.
An Angel's NEE capacity (or "Negative Emotion Energy" capacity) is how much negative emotions and how many Demons they can defeat before becoming Demons themselves. Everytime an Angel defeats a Demon, the Demon's NEE is absorbed by the Angel's Seraph which gradually fills the Angel's NEE capacity. When an Angel experiences their second death, they become instantly overwhelmed by NEE and turn into Demons. Angels all have varying NEE capacities: so while one Angel would be able to survive as an Angel for years, another would succumb to Demonification after a month or so of fighting Demons.
Demons have "Nests" and "Imps":
Nests are the places Demons reside in. A Demon's nest is representative of the mental state of the former Angel
Le Fey's Nest is incredibly claustrophobic and devoid of life (the loneliness, longing, and abandonment Kirara felt before she became Le Fey)
Satin's Nest is a bottomless pit surrounded by white pillars and sculptures of a ballerina (the jealous spiral Akira went through and their desperation to prove how "elegant" and perfect they are).
Bruto's nest is relatively empty, with various reminders of Emaru. (It's a little hard to not have your final thoughts be about someone who, y'know, shot you.)
Imps are the creatures that inhabit the Nests of Demons. Imps can quite literally be anything, but tend to match the theme of the Demon and the mental state of the Angel.
Bruto has various sentient stuffed animals roaming Nest; none of which who want to be around him (because Tomoya was lonely and utterly convinced no one would ever want to be around him at his time of second death).
Le Fey has the Coinfaces (they exist to hide her, reflecting Kirara's desire to hide behind others), Pestleings (sparkly creatures that roam and collect shiny things, like Kirara), and the Hatcrabs (cowardly creatures, like Kirara).
Satin has Pillarina, which don't do anything but decorate the walls behind Satin (like Akira wished their friend would do).
I think that about covers it for now, but if you have any questions feel free to ask! I might edit or reblog this later with any additional information, but for now, thank you for taking time to read this!
*Parasite Wardrobe and Angel Project are personal stories and projects I've been working on, sorry for not mentioning it sooner!
(this is just a reminder to myself to reblog this again later with more thoughts: but for now I must sleep)
Original designs for the cast

I was going for as boring as possible

Accidental design, started out as a drawing base

Was actually the first design that came to mind, although it didn’t look quite like that up in the brain

Another accident design, I was messing around with liquid graphite and ended up with this
Since these designs, Ash has gone through six redesigns, Smiley has gone through seven, Clover eleven and Camilla eight. I also learned how to draw, at least slightly better. The story has also changed so much. And to think I started this in like march is wild how much it’s changed in just a few months. I thought that was kinda neat

Once it's reposted to Pinterest, someone please find it, and repost it back to Tumblr, then back to Pinterest, then back here and so on and so forth!
Ash: I love her expression. I can't really describe it, but it's really cute!!! I love her freckles and short hair (looks so fluffy!!!). Her overall light color palette is nice (and contrasts well with the other characters who have mostly dark or super colorful palettes, making her more of a stranger to the dreamworld). I'd love to see a full body design at some point!!!
Smiley: I really love the the silhouette broken up by a toothy smile!!!
Clover: My favorite design you've shown here! I love the card symbol shaped eyes, the sewn mouth with an "X" in the middle is super cool, AND TOPHAT I LOVE TOPHAT!!! (His suit is also really fun and funky!)
Carmilla: I like the cut of her dress, and the ruffle collar and sleeves! Her hat is also really nice!!! Her expression and single earring makes me thing she's a stylish person.
Original designs for the cast

I was going for as boring as possible

Accidental design, started out as a drawing base

Was actually the first design that came to mind, although it didn’t look quite like that up in the brain

Another accident design, I was messing around with liquid graphite and ended up with this
Since these designs, Ash has gone through six redesigns, Smiley has gone through seven, Clover eleven and Camilla eight. I also learned how to draw, at least slightly better. The story has also changed so much. And to think I started this in like march is wild how much it’s changed in just a few months. I thought that was kinda neat