Raccoon Izuku AU
Raccoon Izuku AU
When you found a thing and it is cursed and terrifying, but your brain goes... What if.. and now it is a Thing.
Prompt comes from https://archiveofourown.org/works/25455724/chapters/61756255#workskin by Teobot, check it out please because credit.
Anyway, Raccoon Izuku
Izuku is heading home after a long day, shoulders still smarting from school when he hears something in an alleyway. A clang and a couple loud voices. He knows he shouldn't look, or intervene at all, but Izuku has always been bad at listening to reason. He peeks into the alleyway, and then immediately hides behind the corner, chest heaving. Five guys, all surrounding someone on the ground. He's pretty sure he saw something metal flash, and oh my god they are going to kill someone. He chances another glance. He was right, the leader is holding a knife. He leans back trying to catch his breath. If he leaves, they are going to kill that person! But, if he stays, they might kill him! Or worse, recognize his uniform, trackhimdownfindouthe'squirklessandandattackhismomandthenshemightdieandtheyhewouldbetotallyaloneandohmygodhewasnotpreparedtodealwiththistoday.
Something catches his eye from the dumpster. A horridly bright neon pink stuffed raccoon head. Will it work as a distraction? The voices grow louder. He makes his choice and opens the dumpster to get it. And immediately regrets his decision because this isn't a stuffed animal head to throw, this is a fursuit. He almost laughs, because what is his life now. Then he slips the mangled but untorn suit on. It smells awful, but, if this works, the shock factor will be enough to scare them away. Or at least give him enough time to get the victim to run away. Hopefully. Maybe. He sends a brief thanks to his mom, just in case, and gets out of the dumpster. And almost immediately falls on his face. Then he is up and running but it's the wrong direction, it's towards the thugs not the victim and he's pretty sure he's some sort of noise but he's not sure what.
The first thug turns, sees him, drops the gun and bolts. The other four share confused looks before bolting too, directly into the wall, where they collapse, unconscious. Izuku stumbles to a shock, trips again and catches himself on his hands. He did not expect that to work at all. He's pretty sure his life passed before his eyes and Jesus he needs to spend less time watching All Might documentaries. There is a rustle on the right and a soft 'what the fuck?' and Izuku snaps his head over, neck cracking. The victim visibly bluescreens. Izuku makes direct eye contact, and then it hits him. He just saved someone. While dressed in a suit. A raccoon suit. What the heck. Relief and adrenaline bubble up in him, and Izuku's shoulders start shaking, trying to keep the laughter in. He fails. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the person back out of the alley, but he is too busy trying to catch his breath. When he finally stops, he realizes that he can hear the distant sound of police sirens. And Izuku has another realization. He really doesn't want to explain this. Ever. To anyone. So he stands up, finds the right alleyway home and starts running.
"Final question," Naomasa says, pad and paper in hand. "Who was it that caught you?"
The criminal changes from quiet to terrified and he abruptly starts blubbering. "I-I dont know man- it came from the dumpster and it was bright pink, oh God why was it pink and it was screeching and running at us and please please please can you put me in jail I don't ever want to see it again. It was big, why was it so big, I'm never going down an alley ever again just take me away please."
Naomasa writes the words down, then slowly blinks and looks back up. "What?"
The criminal leans forward, eyes flicking about nervously "Please get me out of here, I don't want it to come back, last month my brother lost his eye to a territorial raccoon over a piece of chicken and that one was normal sized. You gotta get me out of here before it comes back. I don't wanna be raccoon food man. Please."
Naomasa gestures for the policemen to take him away, bewildered because his quirk listed all of that as true. None of them had been lying. He had thought it a fluke, but no, even the victim had said something about a "deranged pink raccoon that stared into the soul and then started chittering/laughing." How is he going to explain any of this to the police chief? Or file paperwork? Does this count as an animal attack? He genuinely doesn't want to know.
Notes: In this story his laughter is now high pitched and quick, so yes, he did sound similar to a chittering raccoon. And yes, I can't spell Naomasa's last name for the life of me, so he stays Naomasa.
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Imagine if Naruto, the anime/manga, actually wrote Sakura right
For those not in the know
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Consider that most would use Izuku as the personification of Light and Life, and Shinsou as the personification of Darkness and Death. Then flip.
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Shinsou being a tired life, with light more akin to moonlight than to sunlight. Shinsou giving karma to those that hurt others, and using his light to reveal the talents of those previously forgotten.
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And of course, Nemuri and Oboro were the Dawn and the Dusk Mentors, though better known as Twilight children.
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I have decided to join the burning hellscape that is BNHA fandom with prompts and stuff, so as a little warning, I do not support
Teacher/Student relationships,
Non-con relationships
Bakugo/Midoriya in canon (AUs are sometimes okay)
Original Character/Everyone
Y/N (The trope)/Fav. Character (By this I mean overpowered quirk, never loses a fight, the fav. character simps the moment they meet them (unless that is a canon thing, like if Mineta was a wholesome character) only issue is that their backstory is sad, and yet it only affects them like twice.
I do support Original Character/Fav. Character if the original character is like an actual character with thoughts and feelings outside of just oh we see each other and immediately want to kiss.
Quirk Rambles/Thoughts Part 2
Hagakure: Her quirk involves reflecting light around her, but what if it is less of her reflecting light by relaying it to the other side (because then there would be a time delay on the passing light waves unless of course she has another level between her cell walls that speeds up the light waves by a level appropriate to where it is and how far it has to travel She would also need to have more radiation protection for her DNA then). A theory is that her mutant quirk is that she is transparent. However, the closest thing to a non-scientific/ no prior knowledge answer is the below. And my current understanding of the quote below makes me believe that in order for her to be transparent, her atoms/cells would have to be dense. Like superdense. And also that she would have to have lots of similar cells. So ignoring the dense cell part, her cells being similar could work if she was made of mostly Stem cells. Or if her cells revert to stem cells and or close equivalents when not being used for bodily functions. However, we could also go the route of chameleon based, but that would require, again, faster time so there isn't a time delay, and coloring that can quickly be made to reflect the environment. All in all, it is interesting to theorize about, even if my current theories are mostly unusable.
"A material that appears homogeneous to the human eye is really made up of minute crystals--regions in which the atoms or molecules follow a regular order. The boundaries between these regions are called grain boundaries. If the distance between boundaries is smaller than the shortest wavelength of visible light (in other words, if the refractive index of the material is uniform with respect to the light passing through it), then the material will appear transparent. Each boundary tends to diffuse the light that passes through; if the regions are small enough, however, the light waves essentially 'jump' right over them."https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-determines-whether-a/
(Look, science!)
Mina: Her quirk involves acid, with differing levels of pH. However, does acid include the acids and bases, or just acids? I would assume bases are in the skin cells so that she can neutralize the acid before it reaches her organs. And that the skin cells regenerate faster, especially in her hands. However, this leads to another question; would she be able to survive for an extended amount of time in more acidic or basic environments? And, if her entire body was full of acids or bases, is her stomach more or less digestive.
Yaoyaruzo: Yaoyaruzo's quirk says it uses lipids to create things. However, I have reason to believe that these are not your normal run of the mill lipids. Yaoyaruzo can build anything. And that means that her body is able to either change protons and electrons and nuetrons on a atomical level (like a supercollider) without ripping apart or that her body stores everything. I also believe that the reason it states lipids is her bodies own defense mechanism preventing it from stealing any carbon from her actual cells. Because almost everything is made out of carbon. However, if her body stores everything, she probably gets really weird food cravings.
Tokoyami: Personally, I've seen a bunch of these different ones, such as being a combined twin with a shadow quirk and Tokoyami has a touchbased telepath quirk, or Dark Shadow being a physical representation of his emotions, but delayed, or even one where Dark Shadow is a demon that Tokoyami chained to himself and controls (mostly). I see them all and I raise you Dark Shadow is actually Tokoyam's Shadow. Not just physically, but also emotionally. So Dark Shadow speaks the thoughts and words Tokoyami is too afraid/embarrassed to say, or rather, the feelings, which would allow for the different personality (Tokoyami being happy makes Dark Shadow happier and more pliant but acts differently because people respond to emotions in different ways.) This would also explain why he gets bigger in the night; because Tokoyami believes that Dark Shadow gets more volitile and is scared, and so Dark Shadow is scared and reacts more volitile.