wyrm137 - Wyrm

She/They Ace This is mostly just fandom stuff, sorry I guess?

54 posts

Things I Like About Canon (I Have Not Watched Internships Or Past That, But Have Read Fanfics That Include

Things I like about Canon (I have not watched internships or past that, but have read fanfics that include it):


The way the villains are portrayed- they aren't bad just because

All the female characters have plot and actual depth- Hatsume? Jirou?

Midoriya's mom acts realistically to the villain attack in USJAll Might apologizes to his mom

All Might takes care of Midoriya/tries to take care of him

Aizawa defends his students

They all have backstories that fit their characters

What I don't like about Canon:

No effect of backstory on Izuku?

Endeavor and Bakugo redemption is through silence and neither apologize

None of the teachers do anything about Bakugo

Aizawa is/was discriminatory towards Izuku at the Quirk Test and did not try to fix any of these assumptions later

Bakugo never gets in trouble?

The teachers keep putting Bakugo and Izuku together?

No one notices anything about Todoroki?

I'm quite sure that if there is quirk discrimination in the school because Shinsou, but never portrayed realistically/dealt with?

No trauma?

The Deku thing

Mirio telling Izuku to give Eri back to Overhaul

Nedzu not addressing anything in the school really besides that one media conference. No upped security- The Forest attack thing

Recovery Girl refusing to treat injuries from quirk & not telling Izuku's mom about the injuries

All Might telling Izuku he can't be a hero without a quirk and then later telling him, at his lowest point in life, that he can become a hero if he takes his quirk. And doesn't try to teach him really, nor tell him his real name. Or tell him about the Immortal supervillain that tries to kill all holders, even if believed dead. Doesn't even try to change his bias. Did Bakugo even change his bias, or did he just accept Izuku because Izuku is strong now. Did he mindset really change from look down on the weak and beat them up to don't look down on them and help them, or did it just become tolerate the weak to make yourself better and they may become strong if you wait long enough. All they really even got close to addressing was his ego regarding Izuku/sometimes other people not the discrimination.

Izuku's mom not noticing anything about Izuku being off - never noticed injuries, bullying? Did she notice and not care? Notice and do something and things became worse?

No other Quirkless people who had always been Quirkless/(like a mutation, whether from getting a quirk or from having had a quirk?)

Izuku never gets real emotions really? Did he even get to deal with his trauma?

All Might seems to want another self, not Izuku's own brand of heroism

Izuku and Sir Nighteye -Mirio doesn't say anything either about it

Mirio was kinda groomed by Sir Nighteye to be the perfect successor- did Mirio even get a choice?

Why did they give Eri to Aizawa, like he doesn't know how to deal with children and has already misses signs of abuse with Izuku and Todoroki at least, he's not going to give Eri a childhood without compounding on at least one of those (He seems like he likes quiet, and Eri will then grow up quiet) (He also doesn't really seem to know how to deal with others emotions or even his own)

Nothing really happens with the Hero Commission either?

Izuku never does anything about discrimination

Or tries to be proactive about it either

Mineta- his whole existence

No one helps Kaminari and his brain damage/ overuse and tries to help him?

Hagakure's need to be seen/ insecurity?

Some plot threads are just kinda dropped

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More Posts from Wyrm137

3 years ago

Writing Prompt:

Didn't you know? Monsters like us don't get a happy end"


"Haven't you read the fairytales? You know monsters like you and I never get happy endings"

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3 years ago

Consider that most would use Izuku as the personification of Light and Life, and Shinsou as the personification of Darkness and Death. Then flip.

Izuku being a kind death, welcoming darkness that takes the suffering souls, the hurt souls, and wraps them in his cloak of only black.

Shinsou being a tired life, with light more akin to moonlight than to sunlight. Shinsou giving karma to those that hurt others, and using his light to reveal the talents of those previously forgotten.

Izuku coming to gently lift a soul from a body, and Shinsou being that instinct in your head that refuses to let oneself give up on living.

Aizawa who thought he would get a mini-him and is now stuck with this super kind soft child that for all intents and purposes looks like a Sunshine Child.

Yamada thinking that he would get someone bubbly and talkative like him, and instead getting this lazy snarky child that would fit in better with the Abyss Children.

And of course, Nemuri and Oboro were the Dawn and the Dusk Mentors, though better known as Twilight children.

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3 years ago

Quirk Rambles/Thoughts Part 2

Hagakure: Her quirk involves reflecting light around her, but what if it is less of her reflecting light by relaying it to the other side (because then there would be a time delay on the passing light waves unless of course she has another level between her cell walls that speeds up the light waves by a level appropriate to where it is and how far it has to travel She would also need to have more radiation protection for her DNA then). A theory is that her mutant quirk is that she is transparent. However, the closest thing to a non-scientific/ no prior knowledge answer is the below. And my current understanding of the quote below makes me believe that in order for her to be transparent, her atoms/cells would have to be dense. Like superdense. And also that she would have to have lots of similar cells. So ignoring the dense cell part, her cells being similar could work if she was made of mostly Stem cells. Or if her cells revert to stem cells and or close equivalents when not being used for bodily functions. However, we could also go the route of chameleon based, but that would require, again, faster time so there isn't a time delay, and coloring that can quickly be made to reflect the environment. All in all, it is interesting to theorize about, even if my current theories are mostly unusable.

"A material that appears homogeneous to the human eye is really made up of minute crystals--regions in which the atoms or molecules follow a regular order. The boundaries between these regions are called grain boundaries. If the distance between boundaries is smaller than the shortest wavelength of visible light (in other words, if the refractive index of the material is uniform with respect to the light passing through it), then the material will appear transparent. Each boundary tends to diffuse the light that passes through; if the regions are small enough, however, the light waves essentially 'jump' right over them."https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-determines-whether-a/

(Look, science!)

Mina: Her quirk involves acid, with differing levels of pH. However, does acid include the acids and bases, or just acids? I would assume bases are in the skin cells so that she can neutralize the acid before it reaches her organs. And that the skin cells regenerate faster, especially in her hands. However, this leads to another question; would she be able to survive for an extended amount of time in more acidic or basic environments? And, if her entire body was full of acids or bases, is her stomach more or less digestive.

Yaoyaruzo: Yaoyaruzo's quirk says it uses lipids to create things. However, I have reason to believe that these are not your normal run of the mill lipids. Yaoyaruzo can build anything. And that means that her body is able to either change protons and electrons and nuetrons on a atomical level (like a supercollider) without ripping apart or that her body stores everything. I also believe that the reason it states lipids is her bodies own defense mechanism preventing it from stealing any carbon from her actual cells. Because almost everything is made out of carbon. However, if her body stores everything, she probably gets really weird food cravings.

Tokoyami: Personally, I've seen a bunch of these different ones, such as being a combined twin with a shadow quirk and Tokoyami has a touchbased telepath quirk, or Dark Shadow being a physical representation of his emotions, but delayed, or even one where Dark Shadow is a demon that Tokoyami chained to himself and controls (mostly). I see them all and I raise you Dark Shadow is actually Tokoyam's Shadow. Not just physically, but also emotionally. So Dark Shadow speaks the thoughts and words Tokoyami is too afraid/embarrassed to say, or rather, the feelings, which would allow for the different personality (Tokoyami being happy makes Dark Shadow happier and more pliant but acts differently because people respond to emotions in different ways.) This would also explain why he gets bigger in the night; because Tokoyami believes that Dark Shadow gets more volitile and is scared, and so Dark Shadow is scared and reacts more volitile.

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4 years ago

Bnha/Mha Fusion AU

Okay, so I recently found the fusion artworks for bnha (or mha) and I love the idea. However, I got this new headcannon about for Izuku. So in my headcannon, for the fusion to be stable, it has to be 50/50, right? And the 50/50 is the physical aspect and the mental aspect.

Since Izuku is nice (fuses really easily) Bakugo practiced fusing with him a lot. Since their personalities are basically opposites, they were really unstable though. And Bakugo would get really mad when they unfused. So Izuku learned how to split differently. (90% physical and 10% mental) to stay stable and let Bakugo take the reins. (He mentally hides so Bakugo can't verbally bully him in his head) And since he fused with Bakugo the most, even after getting into UA with AFO and taking Fusion Classes, it remains this way.

So the majority of his fusions are basically someone else in (mostly) his body using their quirk. Aizawa is confused/worried. Izuku thinks he's doing great because fusions are always meant to be stable and his fusions are always stable! (he also does this kinda as a mental safety feature because they share thoughts and he doesn want them listening to his muttering or depressing thoughts)

Aizawa is all like "kid that isn't how fusions are supposed to work. It's supposed to be 50/50"

Izuku: "It is 50/50, though, see?"

Aizawa: *knows Izuku is technically correct, but is inherently wrong* "50/50 on both mental and physical aspects"

Izuku: "But then I like it better this way"

Aizawa: "kid..."

(When working with his friends, it ends up increasing more towards 20-25%)

And since the Sports Festival, let's say Shinsou joins "for practice" So imagine Aizawa's surprise when Shinsou and Izuku merge, and they end up a good 35-65% physical aspect (Izuku obviously being more) and instead of getting more positivity as Aizawa expected, they get more determination, better quirk use and somehow more dark jokes and sarcasm. And then afterwards Shinsou just stares at Izuku before they are assigned to move. (Because Izuku mutters some helpers and lets Shinsou hear him because he knows how it is to be in Shinsou's place and wants to help/inspire)

And then Shinsou skips practice with Aizawa the same day (Aizawa is totally not concerned/upset... not at all...) (During which, Shinsou is like "how do you understand me? You're just another person with a flashy quirk whose been told all their life that they'd be a great hero!" And Izuku is like "My quirk came in during the Sports Festival" and Shinsou is like "oh." and then Izuku gives him more pointers on his quirk, lets him practice on him, and hugs him when Shinsou just stares at him, shocked that he didn't get scared away) And then when Izuku and Shinsou do it again, it is 50/50 and Aizawa is impressed... and then concerned again. Because even though it is 50/50 the personality is still double sarcasm and dark jokes and determination. Although now they smile a bit more and help others. And now Aizawa is wondering how much of the cinnamon roll is actually positivity and not a mask. And also why the heck they are still scared of teachers or mistrust other students.


•Still sarcasm and dark jokes

•more determined

•smarter quirk use for Shinsou

•good tactics

•likes helping others

•has nice smiles like Izuku, just harder to get

•excellent poker face/acting skills

•almost godlike reflexes

•more confident, (Izuku building up Shinsou) but still insecure (More Shinsou, some Izuku)

•Less likely to take words to heart than Shinsou

Quirks: Brainwashing and AFO (enhances Brainwashing too by upping victims pain threshold to snap out of quirk)

Extra Ability: Charisma

When used, can effectively inspire audiences, as well as cause people to trust them, and make people 25-50% more likely to answer.

(I feel like Im required to make a fanart now, so ta da?) (I couldn't figure out the hair so it's stripes now I guess)

Bnha/Mha Fusion AU

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3 years ago

Imagine if Naruto, the anime/manga, actually wrote Sakura right

For those not in the know

Examples of her character not being given the chance to grow:

just becomes a medic after Naruto - no super strength she worked so hard for I guess

marries sasuke - apparently he and Naruto are just Really Good Friends, and she loves him despite all the things he did against her

after time skip, she gets stronger but literally nothing else changes

still has a crush on Sasuke after Konoha crush/actually wants to go with him? Dude he helped the guy who murdered hundreds? You think she likes him after that?

Consider that she wouldn’t be so forward with Sasuke if she had realized the first episode was Naruto flirting and not Sasuke?

Never touched on the genjutsu thing?

Tsunade is the only Sannin with real backlash to using her gift?

Sakura forgives him right away? Even though he tried to murder her? Literally on the sidelines for almost everything?

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