780 posts
Taking My Chance At #thebrandychallenge As Her New Album #B7 Is On Its Way. This Is #whenyoutouchme Thank
Taking my chance at #thebrandychallenge as her new album #B7 is on its way. This is #whenyoutouchme thank you @theyhavetherange for giving me something to do. I love @brandy and support everything she does. Plus I love this song. I wanted to do a different one but the songs I feel better about myself singing weren’t on the list. #baritone #quarantinegotmelike #acapella #fullmoonalbum #brandy #inthesestreets #brocka #vocalarrangements https://www.instagram.com/p/CDQO8G0j7E0/?igshid=tcj0niuem2ug
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A little jazz for y’all, Put The Blame On Mame by Rita Hayworth #puttheblameonmame #ritahayworth #jazz #baritone #acapella #quarantinegotmelike #vocalarrangements #thisisit https://www.instagram.com/p/CDnle5XDeXf/?igshid=17dc6mc2hg739
This flower almost fell apart when I brought it home, now look at it. I’m naming this rose Ti Moune!!!! https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMZl0kjlog/?igshid=z89xdm4xkpsq

You may see a naked good looking black man on this post but I see that beautiful dancers pointe!!!!! That is a beautiful foot!