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11 months ago
 Emma Felt Bad Looking At The Young Women , Neal Hadnt Said Anything About Running Into The Younger Blonde
 Emma Felt Bad Looking At The Young Women , Neal Hadnt Said Anything About Running Into The Younger Blonde

            emma  felt  bad  looking  at  the  young  women  ,  neal  hadnt  said  anything  about  running  into  the  younger  blonde  but  the  younger  women  was  clearly  telling  emma  the  truth.  it  was  clear  the  girl  believed  what  she  was  saying  was  true  ,  but  the  more  she  talked  the  more  it  didnt  sound  right.  emma  married  and  had  a  kid  with  captain  hook  as  well  as  her  parents  being  snow  white  &  prince  charming?  none  of  that  made  sense  ,  also  a  son  with  her  husband  but  no  sign  of  him?  emma  had  a  lot  of  questions  floating  around  her  head  but  before  she  could  form  a  question  a  book  popped  up  in  the  girls  hand.  it  took  everything  in  emma  not  to  take  a  step  back  out  of  shock  because  things  had  been  weird  since  the  mayors  death  but  not  books  appearing  out  of  thin  air.  ‘  i  can  tell  you  arent  lying  but  all  of  that  is  just  really  unbelievable.  especially  the  fact  i  have  two  kids  that  i  dont  remember  giving  birth  too  or  the  fact  that  one  of  those  kids  is  supposed  to  be  with  my  husband.  ‘

Opening And Closing Her Mouth, Hope Actually Smiles, Shaking Her Head. "Hold That Thought, Mom, I Think

Opening and closing her mouth, Hope actually smiles, shaking her head. "Hold that thought, mom, I think I'm about to go crazy out of frustration." She says, hiding her face in her hands for a moment before taking in a deep breath and putting her hands back down, a look of pleading in her bright blue eyes. "I don't know how else to explain this without sounding insane, because Neal thinks I'm crazy and papa threatened to kill me, which was new and more terrifying than I'd like to admit, but my name is Hope, I'm your daughter with Killian Jones aka Captain Hook, I have a half-brother named Henry, he's your son with Neal, you were born in a land called the Enchanted Forest, your parents are Snow White and Prince Charming, but there was a curse incoming and you became the Savior, helping break a curse set upon all the fairytale characters who had lost their memories. Um, you have magic due to true love, I have magic as well because of you and papa." She holds out a hand and a book pops up in a puff of smoke. "You can see that if you'd like, you also have an ability to tell when someone is lying so you can use that on me."

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10 months ago

@hcpefuldreaming  asked  :  “  im  a  nice  person  but  im  about  to  start  throwing  rocks  at  people.  “  thalia  &  evangeline. 

@hcpefuldreaming Asked : Im A Nice Person But Im About To Start Throwing Rocks At People. Thalia & Evangeline.

                       thalia  couldnt  help  the  laugh  that  slipped  throw  her  lips  at  the  comment  about  the  rocks.  she  had  always  been  one  who  was  always  up  for  a  fight  ,  so  she  was  always  ready  to  resort  to  violence  if  need  be.  ‘  im  not  the  one  to  say  that  too  ,  id  probably  encourage  it.  ‘  thalia  joked  lightly.

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10 months ago

continued  from  here! @hcpefuldreaming

Continued From Here! @hcpefuldreaming

              katara  gave  ariel  a  supportive  smile  and  nod  of  her  head.  katara  would  didnt  care  how  busy  she  was  ,  she  would  always  be  around  for  the  people  who  needed  her.  ‘  of  course  ,  you  can  always  count  on  me.  ‘  katara  promised.  ‘  hows  work  been  going?  Its  been  a  while  since  ive  seen  you  which  is  mostly  my  fault  admittedly.  ‘

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10 months ago
Misaki Waved Off The Worry She Could Tell The Other Had With A Small Smile. I Can Teach You How To Do
Misaki Waved Off The Worry She Could Tell The Other Had With A Small Smile. I Can Teach You How To Do

             misaki  waved  off  the  worry  she  could  tell  the  other  had  with  a  small  smile.  ‘  i  can  teach  you  how  to  do  a  ladder  stitch  ,  its  very  simple  and  it  hides  itself.  ‘  misaki  assured  as  she  pulled  out  a  little  sewing  kit  from  her  pocket  since  she  kept  one  on  hand  around  the  shop  for  things  like  this.  ‘  im  misaki  by  the  way.  ‘   

"It's Not Actually My Shirt, It's My Son's. I Got It So It Would Fit Him A Little Loose As He Grew, But

"It's not actually my shirt, it's my son's. I got it so it would fit him a little loose as he grew, but yeah, it's ripped on these seams." She explains quickly, trying to hide her panic and that feeling of failure as she unfolds the shirt and hands it over. "That's good to hear, I never got a chance to learn any of this and don't know how to start."

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10 months ago
Thalia Had Always Had A Bit Of A Temper On Her , She Blamed It On The Fact Not Only Was Her Father Zeus
Thalia Had Always Had A Bit Of A Temper On Her , She Blamed It On The Fact Not Only Was Her Father Zeus

                 thalia  had  always  had  a  bit  of  a  temper  on  her  ,  she  blamed  it  on  the  fact  not  only  was  her  father  zeus  the  most  irrational  male  there  was  but  also  her  mother.  demigods  were  also  not  really  known  for  their  anger  as  well.  ‘  i  dont  understand  why  people  go  into  stores  and  are  rude  to  employees  ,  like  they  have  any  control  over  anything  that  goes  on  there.  ‘

Smiling At The Fact That She Was Able To Make The Other Laugh, She Lays Back In Her Chair And Sighs.

Smiling at the fact that she was able to make the other laugh, she lays back in her chair and sighs. "It's just been a rough day with some rude customers, but ultimately, I wouldn't actually resort to violence." She admits with a shrug.

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9 months ago
Clary Smiled At The Others Words , Great! I Always Feel Like A Fish Out Of Water Trying To Buy Clothes
Clary Smiled At The Others Words , Great! I Always Feel Like A Fish Out Of Water Trying To Buy Clothes

                clary  smiled  at  the  others  words  ,  ‘  great!  I  always  feel  like  a  fish  out  of  water  trying  to  buy  clothes  for  myself.  ‘  clary  admitted  ,  izzy  used  to  be  a  big  help  in  that  department  but  now  she  was  on  her  own.  it  made  clary  feel  a  bit  sad  as  well  if  she  was  honest.  ‘  did  you  pick  anything  out?  ‘

Looking Up From Where She Had Been Checking Out The Photos That She Had Taken Earlier In The Day, Aurelia

Looking up from where she had been checking out the photos that she had taken earlier in the day, Aurelia presses her lips together in thought and nods. "Those are perfect!" She muses with a small, but genuine smile.

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9 months ago

@hcpefuldreaming  asked  :  “  i  may  have  insulted  the  wrong  person.  “  jester  &  keyleth. 

@hcpefuldreaming Asked : I May Have Insulted The Wrong Person. Jester & Keyleth.

                       ‘  what  happened?  ‘  jester  asked  curiously  ,  though  she  didnt  really  think  it  was  a  big  deal.  People  make  mistakes  all  the  time  so  if  it  was  really  bugging  the  other  women  than  jester  would  try  and  help  her  make  amends.  ‘  if  its  really  bad  you  could  just  apologize  but  im  in  the  boat  of  fuck  it.  ‘ 

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9 months ago
 My Best Friend Back Home Used To Help Me But Around Here Im On My Own For It. Clary Sighed Lightly Before
 My Best Friend Back Home Used To Help Me But Around Here Im On My Own For It. Clary Sighed Lightly Before

                ‘  my  best  friend  back  home  used  to  help  me  but  around  here  im  on  my  own  for  it.  ‘  clary  sighed  lightly  before  turning  back  to  the  rack  she  needed  a  dress  for  a  showing  soon.  ‘  try  the  dresses  first  then  the  shirts  and  i  can  give  you  opinions  if  you  want.  ‘ 

"I'm The Same Way, I See All These Other People With Insanely Creative Styles And I Never Quite Know

"I'm the same way, I see all these other people with insanely creative styles and I never quite know how to make it fit for me." She admits and nods, gesturing over to the small pile that she had of clothes. "I can never quite choose just one thing to grab, what should I try on first? The dresses or tops?"

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9 months ago

@hcpefuldreaming  asked  :  “  am  i  that  easy  to  forget?  “  emma  &  hope. 

@hcpefuldreaming Asked : Am I That Easy To Forget? Emma & Hope.

                     emma  felt  really  guilty  about  not  remembering  either  of  her  children  ,  once  the  show  appeared  in  her  house.  emma  had  been  hesitate  at  first  to  watch  it  ,  but  she  desperately  needed  answers  to  what  was  going  on.  the  first  people  emma  needed  to  see  were  her  children  and  then  her  father  and  husband.  ‘  no  of  course  not  ,  im  sorry  you  have  had  to  go  through  it.  ‘  emma  apologized  ,  guilt  clear  in  her  voice.  ‘  things  are  kinda  fucked  up  right  now  but  i  really  am  sorry  that  you  had  to  get  caught  up  in  it  by  yourself.  ‘

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8 months ago

@hcpefuldreaming  asked  :  “  how  do  you  like  your  coffee?  “  nancy  &  ariel. 

@hcpefuldreaming Asked : How Do You Like Your Coffee? Nancy & Ariel.

                       ‘  just  some  milk  and  sugar  ,  thank  you.  ‘  nancy  didnt  get  much  free  time  especially  time  with  her  friends  these  days  so  it  was  nice  to  just  get  to  sit  and  talk  with  ariel.  ‘  how  have  you  been  doing?  sorry  i  havent  been  around  much.  ‘

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7 months ago

continued  from  here! @hcpefuldreaming

Continued From Here!@hcpefuldreaming

                  vex   had  been  happy  to  find  keyleth  again  ,  even  if  she  didnt  totally  remember  just  yet.  she  helped  percy  with  it  and  she  would  help  keyleth  too  if  she  wanted  her  to.  ‘  its  not  you  ,  i  had  like  six  i  had  to  decorate  and  one  of  them  complained  even  though  it  was  done  how  it  was  requested  so  i  had  to  scrape  it  and  start  over.  ‘  vex  explained  since  she  didnt  want  keyleth  to  think   otherwise.  but  she  did  perk  up  when  at  the  mention  of  a  spa.  ‘  a  spa  sounds  amazing  actually.  ‘

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7 months ago

@hcpefuldreaming  asked  :  “  books  mean  more  to  me  than  people  anyway.  “  katniss  &  bowie. 

@hcpefuldreaming Asked : Books Mean More To Me Than People Anyway. Katniss & Bowie.

                        katniss  wasnt  much  of  a  reader  if  she  was  honest  ,  her  happiness  had  always  been  in  the  woods  hunting.  after  the  games  ,  it  had  been  tainted  for  her  for  a  while.  but  this  place  had  allowed  her  to  find  that  a  peace  in  the  woods  again  with  running.  so  when  the  place  had  become  too  much  for  her  ,  katniss  would  escape  into  the  forest.  ‘  i  feel  that  way  about  hiking.  ‘ 

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6 months ago
It Took Everything In Emma To Hold It Together Looking At Hope , Emma Knew That Feeling. Watching Her
It Took Everything In Emma To Hold It Together Looking At Hope , Emma Knew That Feeling. Watching Her

                it  took  everything  in  emma  to  hold  it  together  looking  at  hope  ,  emma  knew  that  feeling.  watching  her  life  from  the  outside  had  reopened  feelings  that  she  still  didnt  know  how  to  handle  because  as  hard  as  she  tried  her  memories  still  felt  hazy  and  unsteady  despite  having  watched  it  with  her  own  eyes.  emma  moved  forward  to  hug  the  younger  blonde  but  didnt  want  to  overstep  so  she  stopped  and  opened  her  arms  to  offer  the  hug.  ‘  you  have  me  now  ,  im  so  sorry  hope.  ‘

Frowning At Her Mom, She Listens To Her And Clears Her Throat A Couple Of Times To Try And Get Rid Of

Frowning at her mom, she listens to her and clears her throat a couple of times to try and get rid of that lump in her throat feeling, but she knew it wouldn't go away until she cried, and it was unbelievably difficult not to as she finally spoke. "I just really wanted my parents." Hope says through a broken sob, her tears finally falling.

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5 months ago
Vi Was Pissed To Be Honest , She Had Finally Gotten Her Memories Back And Found Caitlyn Only To Be Tossed

                   vi  was  pissed  to  be  honest  ,  she  had  finally  gotten  her  memories  back  and  found  caitlyn  only  to  be  tossed  into  some  new  world  again.  she  was  starting  to  believe  that  someone  was  fucking  with  her  and  having  fun  at  her  expense.  vi  had  been  sitting  outside  of  their  tent  trying  to  process  what  was  going  on  when  she  heard  her  roommate  coming  outside.  ‘  did  i  wake  you  up?  ‘  /  vi  &  feyre  : @hcpefuldreaming

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Brandy Cocktails

Brandy Cocktails

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4 years ago

She looks absolutely gorgeous. The gems, the hair, the dress!

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ʙʀᴀɴᴅʏ ᴀꜱ 𝒞𝒾𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒶 (𝟣𝟫𝟫𝟩) // (𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣)

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1 year ago
Pear, Brandy And Chocolate Torte

Pear, Brandy and Chocolate Torte

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