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Rampant Systematic +5 - SoundCloud
Listen to Rampant Systematic +5, a playlist by Mateo on #SoundCloud

Also there's this. I will play a show eventually but I don't like crowds and I don't want fame or money so my lo-fi approach is philosophically sound for me.
Couldn’t resist this old school song that is about 88 years old now. #flatfootfloogie by #slimandslam that I decided to on the spot. I arranged my vocals and it didn’t take very long. My bass notes could be more clear and in tune and a few other details but wow, for once I think I can say I’m happy with how this came out. #jazz #baritone #bass #harmony #quarantinegotmelike #imall #singing #notatenor (at Apache Junction, Arizona)
Did a little cover of @princeroyce #LasCosasPequeñas for my 3rd attempt of sharing my voice. Just trying out this #voiseyapp for the first time. It makes it easier to post because I can alter my voice a little bit, I’ll be trying some things out as time goes by. Also, my Spanish is not perfect, I said all the right words but no the right way. #quarantinegotmelike #imall #hits #spanish #nananana #singing #baritone #idkwhatimdoingwithmylife
Trying some @janetjackson Can’t B Good harmonies. One of my favorite Janet songs and been listening to the harmonies all week. Put my own twist on it however. Hope it sounds decent. I think the real reason I’ve been making these videos is because it’s been a therapeutic release for me to create some kind of music. And also squeezing out those top notes are extremely difficult for me. If my range were higher, I’d probably sing a little bit more. #harmonies #acapella #cantbgood #janetjackson #discipline #quarantinegotmelike #music #baritone #noteasyforme
Covering the harmony break that @boyziimen did with @michaelbuble for When I Fall In Love on the #love album. I hope I did it justice as I arranged it slightly different. I wonder if they’ll see my post. #harmonies #quarantinegotmelike #2020 #randbflavor #baritone #notaleadsinger #whenifallinlove #oohsandahhs
It’s been a few weeks but here we go. Why by 3T featuring Michael Jackson #michaeljackson #why #3t #3partharmony #baritone #unedited #quarantinegotmelike
All nations sing, lets harmonize all across the world. Everyday create your history... I made this specific video to create some inspiration and hope that we as a world can do better for ourselves and our neighbors! I’m not the greatest singer and I don’t have the type of tone that a lot of outstanding singers have but I can at least sing the harmonies and create my own as well. A year ago today I would barely let any vocals out to be heard and now here I am posting videos. So, if I can do better you all can. We all can do better! #history #harmonies #michaeljackson #baritone #creative #quarantinegotmelike The song is History by Michael Jackson I added a little @tamarbraxton near the end of my lead vocal, won’t he do it in these streets!!!!!!!!!
One of my middle notes is too loud but I’m got gonna redo it’s, hey! A little bit of #feel by @jacobcollier because this is my favorite part of the song. I hope I did it justice!!!!! #harmonies #inthesestreets #quarantinegotmelike #baritone #jacobcollier #soul #imnotatenorbutimtrying
My mood with the current events of the country is inspiring my post today. #ohmygodcantbelievewhatisawwheniturnedonthetvthisevening #scream #jacksons #michaeljackson #janetjackson #harmonies #baritone #reachingforthetopnotes #quarantinegotmelike
I gueeesssss I’ll try some Disney today. #aladdin #awholenewworld #acapella #harmony #baritone #quarantinegotmelike #disney
Giving you a little @keke_wyatt tonight. #lieunderyou #baritone #quarantinegotmelike #voisey
A little more @jacobcollier and @danielcaesar for y’all. It’s not perfect but I wanted to do another video for today. I swear it’s hard to sing those higher notes. It never sounds pretty so I just stack it. #timealonewithyou #baritone #quarantinegotmelike #acapella #lovethissong
Taking my chance at #thebrandychallenge as her new album #B7 is on its way. This is #whenyoutouchme thank you @theyhavetherange for giving me something to do. I love @brandy and support everything she does. Plus I love this song. I wanted to do a different one but the songs I feel better about myself singing weren’t on the list. #baritone #quarantinegotmelike #acapella #fullmoonalbum #brandy #inthesestreets #brocka #vocalarrangements
A little jazz for y’all, Put The Blame On Mame by Rita Hayworth #puttheblameonmame #ritahayworth #jazz #baritone #acapella #quarantinegotmelike #vocalarrangements #thisisit
Before you, my whole life was acapella. #quarantinegotmelike @kelis #acapella #kelis #baritone #harmonies
I got my first request to do a song. Thank you @rbyadigit for the suggestion. It a simple 4 part (interweaving 4 part stacked) harmony. Hopefully I did @bsladenow justice. Thanks for this incredible song, Make Me Over. #harmonies #baritone #quarantinegotmelike #gospel #makemeover #lordmakemeover
Two for one today. Been trying to get this right and it’s still not perfect but neither am I. Here is Frank Sinatra’s It Was A Very Good Year. #acapella #jazz #franksinatra #baritone #quarantinegotmelike
Is it too late to still put in for the #b7challange or nah? I absolutely love #Iammore by @brandy and I hope I did the harmonies justice. Doing runs out of my range is not really a thing for me but hopefully it worked out. Tried messing with the audio a bit so hopefully it came out at least decent to y’all. If not, oh well, I’m working on my craft everyday. #inthesestreets #quarantinegotmelike #iloveyou #b7 #brandy #brocka #baritone #acapella #acapellaapp
It’s really hard to balance out all parts on Acapella when you have to switch from highs to lows and then you can’t auto tune the pitchiness. It’s hard to keep singing high for so long, so when my highs sound like they do on this, just know that I really tried. Lol. @omarion put this masterpiece out years ago and it’s still a good one today!!! #acapella #baritone #quarantinegotmelike #icebox #hardtobalancethevocalstoday
Wasn’t perfect but I did my best to do @jacobcollier justice and that’s really hard to do because he’s one of the most amazing musical genius’s on this planet and I strive to be that great. This is Do You Feel The Love #doyoufeelthelove #jacobcollier #volume2 #acapella #vocals #arrangements #baritone #quarantinegotmelike #wrongwords