780 posts
Anything You Could Ever Need Baby I Promise You Can Find In Me It Dont Matter If Its A Hope Or Dream
Anything you could ever need baby I promise you can find in me it don’t matter if it’s a hope or dream I promise I can make it a reality. Never ever too much for you anything that’s possible I will do to make it al so clear to you that my love for you is more than true. @bravebrandy @brandy @4everbrandy101 @brandylegion @justbrandyofficial @brandycharts Brandy I hope I did you some justice. It was hard to get the right notes in fast. Can you tell which take that I used to just go down the scale? #allinme #cover #voisey #brandy #fullmoonalbum #baritone #arrangements #vocals #tryinghard #2020 #4parts https://www.instagram.com/p/CIby9hsBQgB/?igshid=dkw3i4nmh47v
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