he/she - 20COMMS OPEN!!My blog is +18 please respect thatIf you'd like another way to arrange a commission: https://artistree.io/helleborus
60 posts
Twitter Just Got Blocked Here In Brazil So Y'all Better Get Used To Seeing Me Post Some More Bullshit
twitter just got blocked here in Brazil so y'all better get used to seeing me post some more bullshit here
vampiricfemmex liked this · 6 months ago
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More Posts from Xhelleborus
So... i am apparently being *FIRED* and yeah if there was a time to commission me it would be now LOL (also i don't know if these prices are unreasonable please do tell me if they are)




Thank you for the attention!!! and note that every commission i do has a deadline of 2~5 weeks since i'm normally very busy!!

"Sit down at my table and put your mind at ease."
(lost a lot of detail cuz tumblr can't handle the full size of this drawing)
Idea: Gideon's jaw dropping after seeing Kremy in a short dress and heels to match

Not QUITE what you asked for, but hopefully you'll forgive me...

Just a couple of guys
hooked on icebound you say??? oohh u wanna draw my wife taishen so bad ooohhh

You seriously put a request for Taishen in my box and think I'm not going to put my whole body into drawing him? The lil guy man???

I've been sitting here for 6 hours trying to make look right and I can't do it, I have about 20 layers of just sketches of the same thing over and over and I almost cried of joy when his face looked somewhat worthy of keeping it that way (I love him dearly but I can't for the love of me drawing him) (also that's maybe why the lineart looks a bit wonky in some places, I don't have the energy to redo the whole thing, I haven't eaten all day and it's midnight and I have to get up at 5 for work and I wanna go to sleep, but I'll power through for request and for Taishen😔🫰)
(Also I just found out by drawing him that he doesn't have a tail, and now I'm somewhat hurt)